BLC v.5 :: The Family Fockler!

Our run of luck with superloverlygorgeous families continued, as we welcomed the one and only (well, the only at our studio this past Wednesday night) Family Fockler to the FunCenter for some goodoldtimey (and no, calling them old-timey does not mean that they dressed up in old outfits and all had guns and they got back a sepia-toned print that we would look back upon and chuckle at, although there may be a sepia print, it’s küül sepia, not lame sepia – got it?) family snaps!

We have worked with the ladies of this family many times before, so we knew that they were going to be rockstars of the highest order, but what we didn’t know was that if you put daddio in the mix, it only increased their powers of awesomeosity by the power of sixteen or so. Yeah. You heard me. Sixteen.

Well, I’m not just going to stand over here in the corner and blather on and on about these snaps like some sort of a madman, oh no. I’m gonna just give some love to this wonderful family for making a little time for o&j, and to all you all you all you all out there in blog land – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Jess! These are so cute! I love the one of monkey upside down, true to the name that she looks like a monkey in this picture. Cute Cute Hope I get to see the rest!


  2. ohhh focklers!!! these are great i love them all!!! the middle one is so funny yu are all laughing so i can about imagine what aaron had just said!! the outside one is saaaweet if i do say so myself and the top on is cute..


  3. Niiiiiiice!!!!!

    Next time bring in a tape recorder. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall during that one.



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