Holiday Portrait Madness Week II (HPMWII)!

Yo Yo Yo!

Check it out. This past weekend we had a bunch of supersweet families stop down to the o&j FunCenter for some supersweet Holiday Portraits, and I’m gonna witness to y’all now that every single one of these lovely peeps that came down were absolutely wonderful, perfect, loverly, fantabulous, and totallyfreakingamazing in a billion different ways! And, if you do the math on that, that’s like, a bunch of billions…and that’s pretty crazy.

But I find myself in a bit of a predicament. Again, I could spend hours and hours of time crafting a bunch of words to put at the beginning of every single post, thus extending the waiting period even longer for other peeps to see all the wonderful Holiday Portraits…or…I could do something a little more crafty and put a secret message into each one of the posts, that when put together contains a special message for you – our faithful bloggers!

Seeing as how most of you think of the words as just being a bunch of space with characters that occupies space before the sweet colorful pictures, and you’re actually not really sure what it is that I am rambling on about anyways, this method will probably wind up being the most appealing to you, my faithful of the blog.

Everything I do, I do it for you (no offense Trinity, but I’m pretty sure that Bryan Adams came up with that one first). So, it is without any further delay that I present Holiday Portrait Madness Week II – Enjoy!

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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