Tyler & Valerie

This weekend past (and for those of you playing the home edition of the FunCenter, that means not this current weekend, but the weekend that happened last weekend…ummm…yeah), the Otis & James Caravan of Love was packed up, and headed west…to a land called Ray!

We did not do this just so we could say that we spent the day in Ray…oh no…we did this so that we could be the official photo-graphers of Tyler & Valerie, and on their wedding day! How Grand! The caravan, (sans Otis – who wants to let the happy couple know that he really really wanted to be there, but he is sure that you are probably happier that he did not come and get anybody else sick!), pulled into Ray, and the rest – as they say, was absolutely fab!

Jamie submitted her report on the days festivities to me (four pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12pt), and from her I have come to understand that she had a wonderful time working with this beautiful group, and she was very proud of how brave they were in order to find the perfect picto-graph!

It’s not every couple that will brave the November North Dakotan elements for the sake of a picture, so we (and again, I say we because I was there in spirit…looming over the event like a flu-riddled phantasm) were highly appreciative that they were so easy to work with! We had a wonderful time, and we would like to thank them again for allowing us to be a part of their day!

Well, before I go and get too sentimental on y’all, me thinks it best to stop this rambling and get to the part where you click on the smaller pictures to make the bigger pictures, which, in turn, will make your feel all warm inside! MuchLove and many thanks to Tyler & Valerie, and to all of my children out there in the land of blog – Enjoy!

:: click images for larger ::

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Tyler and Valerie,

    I cannot believe how amazing these pictures are. Actually I can, they were taken of two very beautiful people. Thank you so much for making me apart of your special day. I would not have missed it for the world. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Woeste!

    Love you guys,

  2. Thank you Matt and Jamie,
    We had a great time with you and everyone has been commenting on how awesome the pictures look. I can’t wait to see the rest of them. You guys are great!

  3. Wow, these pictures take my breath away. I am glad Valerie and Tyler chose you to preserve their special day…Thanks Charla

  4. You guys look so great! I can see so much happiness when I look at these pictures, it is amazing!

  5. Tyler and Valerie,

    Your pictures turned very well. What an adorable couple. Can’t wait to see the rest. Can we order any that we may want?



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