It’s time for us to break it down. It’s time for us to get back to what it is that keeps us real. Now, I know that you are probably sitting out there in your papason chairs (really, I don’t like those kind of chairs, as I always feel like a turtle on my back when I’m trying to get out of one, so I’m not going to waste my time on some internet search trying to figure out the correct spelling of the word, just take it for what it is, and if you feel so compelled, you can take a little bit of your sweet and prescious time looking up such things, and you can leave a comment with the proper spelling, and a short description of what the chair is as well as two paragraphs of the history of the chair, starting with its inception, and concluding with the current state of the chairs) wondering what it is that keeps us real.
It it Marshmallow Matey’s?
Is it heavy doses of Sunshine?
Is it LoveLoveLove, Sweet Love?
Now, all of those things that I listed are beautiful things, and they may cause you to keep it real, but what keeps it real for us is our SeniorPeeps. Ahh yeah. Now, when I first got into the pictographic game, when I heard the term ‘Senior Portraits’, I thought it was something relating to Senior Citizens. I wondered why it was that there was such a need for extensive pictographs of our elderly, but I did not question. I wondered if it was a North Dakota thing. Honestly, I did.
This was not in the days of Otis & James, mind you, it was in the Pre-Otis (PO’d) age, as historians are sure to refer to it as, and once the Otis age began, I finally had it drilled into my head that it was not the old aged that needed the photographs, it was instead the youth, the future, the hope of mankind that need these sweet pictosnaps.
Which brings us to Graham. He came in to the FunCenter, and he reminded us of the future, of the hope, and what it is to take SweetBippySeniorSnaps! MuchLove to Graham & his entourage for stopping down to the FunCenter and giving us a little bit of their time, and to all of you out there in your mansions on Big Blog Hill – Enjoy!
All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography
nice pics… handsome guy you!!!!
Your pictures are so stinkin awesome! Sarah and I had to show all our friends, and man were they jealous that we knew you! Well, Graham, you are the coolest guy in these pictures, and well you ROCK! So, yes, we do love the pictures! 🙂 But, we also love the guy in them too!
WOW!!! you heart throb! : ) I love your pictures.
DUD!, yeah man these are some great pics. haha YOU ROCK DUD. keep that smile for JC!
Graham Cracker, you look FABULOUS! Twoo Twoo!
Cool pics! They’re so YOU! Can’t wait to see the rest. Love ya bro!
graham you make my heart throb