Hallie & Wyatt!

Sometimes, you gotta bring some good ol’ fashioned country music to the FunCenter. Now, I’m not talking ‘new country’…no…none of that. I’m talking about the giants of country. Willie. Hank. Johnny. People so great they just need one name. On a day this past week, we had a need for one of these giants. Johnny.

You see, we were visited by a couple of fine youngsters that went by the name of Hallie & Wyatt! They ventured into the realm of the FunCenter to get some totally and completely awesome bro & sis pics taken, and – as it turned out – the young man that called himself Wyatt happened to be a huge fan of the one and only Man in Black.

So, knowing this, we filled the FunCenter with the sweet songs of Mr. Cash, and let the magic unfold! We had a wonderful time working with this dynamic duo, and we would like to thank them for coming down and giving us a little bit of their sweet and prescious time…not to mention for rocking it up too! Oh, and a big thanks to Mom & Dad for assisting with the shoot!

Well, the time has come again for us to put all of these words behind us and look at the part of your monitor that contains the picto-snaps that I am referencing. And for those of you that would like a less scientific explanation of what it is we are about to do, I offer this – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. We may be a bit bias but they are the most beautiful kids in the world. Great pictures! Hope you were given the opportunity to here Wyatt sing ‘Folson Prison Blues’.
    Wonderful pictures of “Our Little Princess, and Little Man”.


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