
Next up on the Otis & James Cavalcade of Good Times and Friendly Faces Tour 2007 (O&JCOGTAFFT2K7) was none other than our main man Neil!

I’m sure that you, out there in the land of blog might be asking yourselves what it is about Neil that allows him to have the classification of being a ‘main man’ of Otis & James, and I completely understand this wondering. I will now explain. You see, many years ago, Neil signed up for the Main Man Club at o&j. It was only $19.95 to join, and not only did you receive ‘Main Man’ status, but you also got (yes, I’m aware this is a bad sentence) yourself a subscription to Cat-Fancy Magazine and a complimentary dinner at Mr. Steak. All of that, and only $19.95! Amazing!

So, uhhhhhh…I don’t know what I was saying there. I’m assuming that like all things I have written, it was incredibly important and probly changed your life. Taking this point into consideration, let us now take some SweetSeconds to ponder that which was and is none other than Neil.


Alright. We are done pondering, now we shall express thanks with a jubilant heart (does it sooud like I should be standing in a pulpit as I say that sentence?) to Neil for giving us some of his prescious time, and let us also give thanks for all the people of blog out there waiting ever so patiently to see more of the colorful pictosnaps they enjoy so much! We are surrounded by good peeps, good fortune, and good pizza! I love cats too! Without any further delay, I present…Neil – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.



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