Technology…We’re Not Afraid Of It.

Even if we’re not in the office, we’re always in constant communication with the office.  Because we use fancy interweb technology.  You know, the kind from the 21st century.  Come with me now, as we pull back the curtain and show you a little bit about how we harness this awesome technology (and let you in behind the scenes, backstage, or whatever else you would like to call it) – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Musings

BITTE v.15 :: The Brittany & Brandon Edition!

Dear Brittany & Brandon,

Ummm, well…I don’t know how to say this, other than to just say it.  You guys were awesome.  Really.  I’m not making this one up.  Totally and completly.  You were meant to take pictosnaps together.  And really, what else is there?

That’s all.  Give our best to…well…anybody you want to, I guess.

With MuchLove & ManyThanks

P.S. – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

BITTE v.14 :: The (Soon To Be) Family Lien Edition!

Oh hi.  It’s me again.  You know what that means, right?  It’s time for more totally sweet pictographic madness, and this time it’s with a lovely group of people that I am going to call The (Soon To Be) Family Lien!  We had the goodly great pleasure of welcoming them to our studio not all that long ago for some family/ (and, for those of you that still don’t get it, are ‘engagement’ pics.  Got it?  Great.)

We had a simply smashing time during our time together, and they couldn’t have been any more friendly or easier to work with!  As usual, however, we had to eventually stop taking pictographs and say our goodbye’s.  Even though this is sad, we’ll always have our sweet sample snaps to be our memories of a time gone by [ed.  Should I cue the sad music here?].

ManyThanks & MuchLove to this wonderful group for giving us a bit of their time, and to all my good peeps out there in land of blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

BITTE v.13 :: The Allison & Patrick Edition!

Hey all you kids out there in the Land of Blog (we’ll call you LOB’s…for short!), do you know what time it is??!!  It’s time again for another edition of The Otis & James FUNfact!


Allison & Patrick, which are the two wonderfully lovely people pictured in the wonderfully lovely pictosnaps just a little bit down this page, well, here’s something I bet you didn’t know about them:  For fun, they like to restore combines from the 1960’s, and sell them on eBay under the username of ‘NDcombineluvr08’…look for them there!  They don’t like to brag about it, as it’s just more of a hobby than anything.  Last year, they restored over 62.  They don’t sleep much.

And that concludes FUNfact!!!!

MuchLove & ManyThanks to this lovely couple for giving us some of their sweet & precious time, and to all my good lasses & lads out there in Land of Blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

BITTE v.12 :: The Brooke Edition!

Brooke, sometimes you gotta say it with totally awesome 80’s metal hair ballads.

And by the way, you rocked. We’ll always hold your close to our o&j hearts! MuchLove, and – Enjoy!

All Images ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

BITTE v.11 :: The Family Krumwiede!


The Family Krumwiede once built a life size replica of the Statue of Liberty in their backyard out of milk cartons for the Fourth of July, and then disassembled it on the fifth of July, and recycled it on the sixth of July.  It was awesome.  It really was.

That concludes FUNfact!!!!

Peeps, you gotta give the love to this wonderful fam (that’s short for ‘family’ in case you were wondering) for making a little time in their lives to visit the FunCenter, and you also gotta give yourself some love for being such wonderful Keepers of The Blog!  Oh, and by the way – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

BITTE v.10 :: The Drew Edition!

You want to know something?  Well, I don’t really even care if you do.  Because I’m going to tell you something.  Well, I mean, I don’t want to be rude by saying that, but sometimes you just gotta say what you gotta say and not think twice about it.

So, here’s what I gotta say.  There’s this dude (and, for any of you that know me, dude is the common denominator of my vernacular, so I mean no disrespect by saying that, as it is truly a sign of solidarity), and his name is Drew.

And Drew, you see, needed to have some SweetlyRocking SeniorSnaps taken, and we were the people so chosen to take said snaps.  The results, well – my dudes – you can be the judge of that, but I’m gonna give you a clue…rhymes with ‘schmotally lahhsum.’

Let’s get rid of all these words, and let’s get down to business.  MuchLove to Drew for making time for FunCenter, and to all my good citizens of Blogville keeping any eye on the streets tonight – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

BITTE v.9 :: The Family Berentson!

KooKoo Kachoo, my dear Children of Blog!  I’m giving you the straight dope on this one.  Yes sir/ma’am, there’s no need for all sorts of crazy words or explanations or anything else that you may or may have not seen around this place before, ahhhh heck nahhh, I’m coming to you straight now with the story of a fine group of peeps that shall forever be known at the Otis & James Center For The Study of Fun and Other Things That Rhyme With Fun [ed.  Rum?] (O&JCFTSOFAOTTRWF) as the Family Berentson!

You know the story.  Guy meets girl.  Guy falls in love with Girl.  Girl is in tragic blimp accident over the Rose Bowl….wait…that’s a different story, but still, I think you know the story.  And it goes a little something like this [ed.  Should I cue the banjo music whilst you spin your yarn?].  They came into FunCenter, they tore the place up with their awesomeness, and they breezed right on out again.

And that’s a fact jack.

MuchLove & ManyThanks to this wondrous family for being so totally and completely awesome, and to the rest of my good peeps out there in the Land of Blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

BITTE v.8 :: The Family Welstad!

Our journey through time and space continues with a visit from a group of people that are called The Family Welstad!  Now, you may be sitting there in your blog houses with your windows open, letting the cool late spring breeze ease your minds (poetry here folks, poetry), wondering why it is that a family so lovely as this would grace the FunCenter with its’ presence, and I’m here to tell you that it was for some superfantical wonderfulmagical family pics!

You see, they could have gone to another studio and had something like this done:

But they didn’t.  They came to the FunCenter instead, and we would like to take the next ten to fifteen words expressing our thanks for leaving the wagon wheel behind (people still ask us whey we don’t have a bunch of props), and for giving us some of their valuable time instead.

MuchLove & ManyThanks to this wonderful family, and to my good Peeps of Blog listening to their relaxing music, with the window open, drinking their tea – Enjoy!

All Content (With The Exception of Awful Old Photo) ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

BITTE :: The Next Wednesday Update

Uhhh…yeah, so, it’s not really Thursday anymore, but I’m still determined to get everything up that needs to go up.  We will continue this adventure of the BITTE series of blog posts momentarily, and we will not rest until all that (and I say we, but I’m really refering to ‘me’, but it’s more of a multiple personality thing, and I’m gonna stick with it, no matter what anybody says, even the other part of ‘we’.  Got that?  Even I’m confused) is good to go up has gone up.

Anything for you, my dear friends of blog, whom I hold so dear to my heart.

So with that, onwar and upwar (see my business card to understand that), and continue to – Enjoy!

Categorized as Musings