Dig Now, For It’s Darla & Lance. Yesssssss!

We have this little tradition, and it’s been going on for the past two years or so.  You see, my faithful readers of blog, every year around this time the Otis & James Caravan of Love pulls out of the Minot station and ambles on over to a land to the East…a mystical land that is either a place called ‘Grand Forks’, and this year became a place called ‘Fargo’ (I know, you’re thinking that I’m making this up, that there are no places such as this out there, and if they were to really exist they surely must be filled with magical elves that live in trees making those totally sweet fudge stripe cookies, but my dudes, those elves live in the Keebler Forest, you’re head is all messed up, and you just gotta relax now), and the reason why we travel to these magicalfantastical places is to work with (if you want to call it work) the superawesome couple that we like to call, and many other people out there like to call Lance & Darla!

That, my friends, was a paragraph.  A rambling paragraph.  As usual, we got the call, the flares went up in the night time sky, and we knew it was time for our yearly gathering to capture snaps so sweet.  I wish I could give you some sort of a story about how this time it wasn’t as sweet as the other times, but I’m going to have to dash your hopes.  For this time was not only as good as any of the other times we have had the great pleasure of working with this fabulous couple…this time was even better.

You heard me.  Even better.

But I’m not just going to sit here at my digital workspace and push these keys around until you get the picture (truly, no pun intended), I’m just going to stop with all of this craziness and get to the goods you’ve been waiting for.  To our friends, Darla & Lance, we offer a big ol’ sloppy MuchLove to once again being such great hosts, and to all of the happy little people out there in your happy little blog homes on a night so fine – Enjoy!

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All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Holy Sweetness. Once Again…The Family Aannerud!

Ahh yeah now, my good Peeps of Blog, I’m gonna lay down a groove that’s gonna blow your minds.  You ready for this?  Because here goes.  A long long long long (that’s four, btw) time ago, when myself and my lovely partner Queen James were just getting going in this rockemsockem world of pictography, one of our first superwonderful clients was the one and only, the always lovely Family Aannerud!

They have been superwonderful friends to the Otis & The James for a long time now, and no holiday season would be complete without working with this totally awesome family.  I know, it seems like I’m hyping it up too much, and you may be sitting there wondering if there is any way that their samplesnaps can live up to the hype, but I’m here to tell you that…well…I don’t have to tell you anything.  Yeah.  All you’re gonna have to do is just look at the samplesnaps and you’ll see that I’m not talking trash, I’m giving you the straight dope.  Yep.  Straight dope.

But before you go all crazy like with clicking on any of those sweetlysweet pics, we want to again offer up our heartfelt thank you to this family for being a part of our o&j family though the years – you guys are the best!  OK.  We gotta quit all this mush now and get to the goods.  Oh, and to all my faithful of the blog just waiting for new goodness to go up on blog – Enjoy!

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All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Laurie & Scott!

Yo ho ho, my good peeps of Blog!  It’s me, again.  It’s always me though, isn’t it.  I guess I could cut that part out and just get to the goods, but I feel like kind of a weirdo just jumping in, so I guess I will always feel compelled to introduce myself, otherwise it just seems kind of rude.  Then again, it’s kind of like I’m on an Island of Blog, and I’m the only inhabitant, because these words are just going on out into the cyperspace, so it would be like introducing myself to the air every time that I start speaking, which too would be weird.  But living alone on an Island makes you crazy after a while.  Either way, it’s me again.

I’m coming to you on this fine night of election with some sweetlysamplesnaps, and to be more accurate some totally righteous e.pics (and, that not ‘epic pics’, even though they are epic, the ‘e’ stands for something else) of the one and only, the supercouple that goes by the name of Laurie & Scott!

They sauntered into our lives on a day so fine not all that long ago (and, time is a loose concept in my world…I almost voted for Ross Perot again today), and made our lives all the brighter with their wondrous ways!

Wondrous Ways, incidentally, is the title of my self-help book coming out in the Spring of ’09.  But enough about me, I would now like to say that Laurie & Scott were totally awesome to work with, and we would like to give them a box full of MuchLove & ManyThanks, send the box to them via FedEx Priority Overnight.  Yeah, so we pretty much dig them.

We need to stop these words now and get to the goods, which are the samplesnaps.  To all my good peeps out there in Land of Blog getting ready to hear the election results – Enjoy!

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All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement


Life is beautiful!

Categorized as Musings

Sunday Night…Fargo Style!

The Otis & James Caravan of Love pulled into the Fargo station, and it just wasn’t to eat cheese in a rooftop hot-tub.  No no!  This weekend we had the goodly pleasure of getting some sweetlysweet snaps of the brand new Urban Plains Center (UP Center, for those in the know), and we had a wonderful time doing so!

We’d like to thank Lance & Darla for being such wonderful hosts (as usual, you two are awesome to the power of ten…and that’s a lot of awesome.)  Well, it’s late, but before we shut it down, we thought we’d share a couple of pics from the Jewel concert from tonight.  OK.  Beddy-by time now.  MuchLove and – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Halloween Wrap-Up!

Oh hello my good friends of bliggityblog!  I am coming to you on this lazy lazy Sunday to give you the Halloween wrap up report.  So, are you ready?  Good.  Well, I’m here to tell you that Halloween at the FunCenter was totally and completey 100% awesome!  Did you hear that??!!  100% AWESOME!

Dear friends of Blogville, I want to let you know something.  The reason for all of this awesomeosity had nothing to do with us, but instead had everything to do with every single person that stopped on by on this lovely Friday!  We would like to thank all of you for taking time out from your tricking and treating and showing off your supersweet costumes!  All of you, dudes and dudettes, rocked.  Straight up.  Rocked.

For anybody that hasn’t seen it, here is a link to access all of the galleries and info you will need from here on out.  We’ve also picked out a couple of samplesnaps from the day to put at the end of this post. There were so so so many awesome pics to choose from, so we just threw a darts at the computer until we got these.  Our computer is sad, but you won’t be upon seeing them!

Again, MuchLove & ManyThanks to everyone for stopping by, and to all my good peeps out there in Land of Blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography