Rebecca & Kyle

Oh hello there.  I bet you think we had forgotten about this thing called blog, huh?!  Well, I’m here to assure you that we have not – in fact we’ve been busy beavers working day & night to ensure that the shiny happy pictures that make up the pantheon of images that is the thing called FunCenter is stronger, smarter & healthier than ever!  Morning, noon & night, my dear friends – that’s practically all the hours of the day!

But instead of me telling you about how the gears of the machine turn ’round & ’round, how ’bout we just jump right in with a lovely wedding couple that we like to call Rebecca & Kyle!  In fact, I can think of no better way to jump back into this crazy little thing called bliggity blogville than with shiny happy sample snaps from this most wonderful couple!  I’ll weave the yarn now.

My friends, it was on a day not all that long ago when we had the goodlygreat pleasure of working with this wondrous couple on their wedding day.  It was a perfect day for this perfect couple.  Like, duh.  Would there be any other way?  I think not.  Everything was gorgeous – from the couple, the wedding party, their families – everything, I tell you!  Really, I could go on & on & on about just how wonderful everything was, but there are only so many words in my thesaurus for the word ‘perfect’, so instead I’m just going to offer a huge MuchLove & ManyThanks to everyone that made our day so great, and to you – the faithful citizens of Blogville – Enjoy!

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Categorized as Weddings

Party On…It’s Taylor!

Check this noise out.  Just because we’re getting all ready for the big superexplosion filled weekend, that doesn’t mean we’re still not at the FunCenter working on all sorts of lovely pics for you to see up in Land of Blog.  Oh no, my dear friends.  In fact, I’m about to hit you over the head with an explosion of pictographic goodness from the always lovely Taylor!

Let me weave you some yarn.  Taylor, you see, walked through the doors of the FunCenter and into our lives just a little bit ago, and our lives – quite frankly – have not been the same since then.  She was so totally and completely awesome in so many ways that since our all to brief time together, we have found it hard to carry on in the o&j world without her there.

Somehow, my deer peeps, we have managed to soldier on.  And, we’ve got these totally awesome samplesnaps to keep us happy until she strolls into our lives again.  So, I invite you now to sit back, relax…but wait!  Before we do that, I need to give a ginormous MuchLove to Taylor for giving us some of her sweet & precious time!  Now you can sit back, relax and – Enjoy!

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Categorized as Seniors

Dig Now, It’s Laci!

Super Wednesday afternoon to all you good people of blog out there!  We’ve got the 4th of July right around the corner, but before you run around trying to blow things up and what not, we need to kick back, take a minute and get ready to enjoy some totally awesome supersamplesnaps of the always fabulous Laci!

Shoot, now.  Let me tell you how this thing went down.  See, there is this lady, and her name is Laci, and she needed some senior snaps taken because her Senior year has come all up in her face and has all been, ‘Here I am.  What you gonna do about it?’ and then Laci was all ‘Pshhhht – I got it taken care of.  Don’t worry ’bout it.’  And then, next thing you know, Laci is strolling through the doors of the FunCenter, ready to rock it up.

Rock it up, my friends, she most definately did.  Even though the term ‘rock it up’ isn’t widely used in the common vernacular of the new urban hipster, I’m still doing my part to keep the late 1980’s alive – whether it be through awful power-ballads of hair-metal bands, or through outdated terminology.  Either way, I’m giving you the straight story.  She came through the doors, she was awesome.

Do we have a need to continue with all of this silly words?  No.  All we gotta do now is give MuchLove to Laci for giving us a little bit of her sweet & precious time, and to all my good people of Blog getting ready to dress themselves in red/white/blue shirts with airbrushed eagles on them – Enjoy!

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Categorized as Seniors