The Beautiful Family Holwegner!

Just a couple of quick snaps from a wonderful time we had with The Family Holwegner last night…so MuchLove! [nggallery id=831]

Categorized as Portraits

Start Your Day With Maura!

For those of you that aren’t reading this post first thing in the morning as they sit there with their coffee and newspaper as the sun is rising over another beautiful later summer/early fall morning as you’re getting ready for what is sure to be another wonderful day at work/school/prison/whatever, the title of this post… Continue reading Start Your Day With Maura!

Categorized as Seniors

Would You Please Welcome Alison!

Just because it’s Sunday doesn’t mean that I can’t sequester myself in a constant climate controlled basement and tippytappytype up a new blog for you!  Actually, I just type up the words.  I don’t actually sit in front of the computer and put together a series of ones and zeroes in order to create a… Continue reading Would You Please Welcome Alison!

Categorized as Portraits

Local Boy Makes Good

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do…   –Edward Everett Hale Image ©Otis & James Photography, LLC and may not be used without permission.

So This Happened Last Night.

It was a beautiful night, and we were so lucky to be a part of it!   Image ©Minot Area Community Foundation/Otis & James Photography and may not be used without permission.