A Senior Quick Teaser || The Megan Edition!


As if the awesome couldn’t get any more awesomer (it’s a word, kind of) we have some more awesome headed right for you.  And it’s some totally rad awesome.  The kind of awesome that you might only read about or might have heard about via stories told around a campfire late at night when people are trying to out awesome one another.  It’s a wonderful awesome.  A powerful awesome.  What kind of awesome is it, you might be asking?  Others of you may be asking ‘did he take his meds today’ or ‘what in the flip is he talking about?’ – but none of that is important.  The only thing that matters is that we have gathered here today at this moment to partake in the quick teaser superseniorsamplesnap from the lovely Megan!

And that’s the answer to what kind of awesome you are experiencing.  As far as the other questions, I have no answers, and if I did would it really matter?  No.  But now, these words I am typing are growing weary.  We need to put them to rest.  So before you feast your eyes on the happy image below, let us send MuchLove to Megan for being so wonderful to work with, and let us also remind all of our good peeps out there on Electric Avenue in the Land of Blog to – Enjoy!


By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.

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