A Senior Quick Teaser || And This Time It’s Branden

Once again, I’m writing this from the depths of morning.  The time of day when people across this great land wonder what on Earth it is that we are doing awake.  Have we gone to bed from the night before?  Are we trying to wake up and face the day ahead?  Is the sunrise going to be a brutal reminder that we should’ve been asleep hours ago or is it going to shine a light on a fresh new day?

Nobody has the answers.  The only thing that I know for sure is that I’m about to hit you over the head with some blog goodness from the one & only Branden!

You see, my dear people of Blog, there was this time and this place that wasn’t all that long ago, but may seem like a long time ago, but in the conventions of time it really wasn’t all that long ago when Branden came to the o and the j to have some senior pictosnaps taken. And have some senior pictosnaps taken indeed he did.  I’m pretty sure Yoda wrote that last sentence.

Either way, it is time for us to give MuchLove to Branden for stopping by and giving us some of his sweet & precious time, and to all my other good people out there in Land of Blog trying to figure which end of the morning spectrum it is they are in – Enjoy!


By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.

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