SVAS Pet Pics! Now Online!

Attention all peeps that came down to the studio to support the Souris Valley Animal Shelter – the pics are done and you will either be receiving an e.mail link to download your images or a CD (depending on what you specified.)  

Categorized as The News

Darling Hope!

I don’t think I’ve ever used the word ‘darling’ in the title of one of these things, but there always has to be a first for something, I guess. Some words are buzz words that go in and out with the years.  For example, I believe the smart people at Oxford Dictionaries have declared ‘selfie’… Continue reading Darling Hope!

The Lovely Mylie!

Again, my peeps…I don’t know what we do, or what we have done to get so lucky.  Take for example Mylie.  She’s right above these words.  And if I were  you, I wouldn’t even be reading these words, I would just be looking at the lovely picture and thinking, ‘now that is a lovely picture… Continue reading The Lovely Mylie!

Halloween Pics! Now Online!

In case you haven’t heard already, pics from Halloween are online & ready for your viewing!  CLICK THIS GIANT LINK to access the gallery page – and a huge thank you to everyone that stopped down to have your pics taken…you are all beautiful! MuchLove! o&j

Categorized as The News