The Lovely Mylie!

Mylie!Again, my peeps…I don’t know what we do, or what we have done to get so lucky.  Take for example Mylie.  She’s right above these words.  And if I were  you, I wouldn’t even be reading these words, I would just be looking at the lovely picture and thinking, ‘now that is a lovely picture of a lovely lady.’  That being said, I also want you to read these words too, but totes don’t blame you if you don’t.

Back to the topic at hand – and that’s Mylie.  The doors to the FunCenter (that’s what those in the know like to call it) flew open, and into our lives on a day that wasn’t all that long ago but long enough ago that Mylie was wearing a dress in the outside and it doesn’t look like she’s freezing – where was I?  Oh yes…the doors flew open and into our lives strolled the ever-lovely Mylie!

She just wasn’t here to deliver the mail or anything either.  Nope.  We have a postal carrier for that.  Mylie was here to have some superawesome seniorpictosnaps taken, and I’m here to tell you that she did just that.  Not lying.  Just telling it to you how it is and how it was and how it will be.  I lost myself in that sentence.  Let’s see if I can find a way out.

But enough of all this crazy jibberjabber – it’s time for us to give MuchLove to Mylie for stopping by FunCenter and allowing us to take her senior pics, and it’s also time for us to tell all you good peeps out there in Blogville to – Enjoy!


By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.



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