Deri’Ann. Picture. Blog. Awesome. Yay!

I think the title of this post pretty much sums up everything that I really need to say about what’s gonna be going on here, but I would be remiss if I didn’t add another couple hundred of non-sensical words to the mix.  Some people wonder why I feel the need to add these words (pretty much everyone else at the o&j) – but my reply is always ‘IT’S MY BLOG AND I’LL DO WHAT I WANT TO’ which I will admit when looking at it like that makes it seem like I’m kind of having a hissy fit and yeah, I probably am but whatevs.  It’s how I am.  Deal.  Back to what we are here today for.

And that’s a samplesnap from the senior portrait session of the oh-so-lovely & wonderful Deri’Ann!  We had an absolutely wonderful time working with her and the results of this wonderfulness can be found in the samplesnap below.  But wait!  Before you go all running off to look at the pic, we have to give MuchLove to Deri’Ann for stopping by the o&j and for letting us have some of her sweet & precious time.  And to all you good peeps out there in Blogville wishing and waiting for summer to come around – Enjoy!


Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


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