Happy Mother’s Day!

From the files of the truly odd, our Mother’s Day experiences have so far been a strange one. It started at 8AM at a local restaurant, we were to meet the parents of Otis for breakfast. Shortly after we arrived, we found ourselves in an episode of COPS, as four of Minot’s Finest were joined by a Ward County Sherrif in the apprehension of a fellow early morning diner. After some tense moments in the restaurant, the incident ended peacefully, and the man was escorted out (albeit in handcuffs).

On our way home, we came upon this scene –

:: click image for larger ::

Even though we had a great time at breakfast, I’m willing to guess that there are at least two people in the town that had a pretty crappy start to the day. Well, whether your in jail, or swimming from your car, or sitting in the comfort of your home, Happy Mother’s Day (especially to Erma & Bonnie)!

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Travis & Lisa (The Day After…)

The day after a wedding is filled with memories of the day before, thoughts of the future you will share, and if your’re lucky – you might even find some time for mud.

Our Man Travis not only found time, but was able to find himself (and Andy too) in a little too much mud. They were able to get out, and we were able to get a couple of shots of the new groom and truck.


:: click image for the full experience ::

This Is Fat Al

He’s addicted to moisture in all forms. In a glass, in the sink, he’ll even drink the leftover shower water. He’s a good cat. Look for him on the About Us page.

Ironically, he’s in pretty good shape.

otis out

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My First Post

Hello everyone this is Jamie, making my debut on the blog. Matt is the one who initially came up with the idea for the blog (I think it’s because he loves to hear himself talk). I thought the blog was a crazy idea, I thought it was dorky and I thought no one would ever read it, but I was wrong. Now I love the blog.

Jason and Sean stopped by the office today – but let me back up to last night when Jason was supposed to come at 8:00 with his viola, ready to take some pictures. He came at 8:45 and with no viola. It was alright because we got a few things done anyway. We rescheduled for today at 3:30, and I told him “Don’t be late!”

He was not late. He was right on time. I on the other hand was fast alseep in my bed, yes at 3:30 in the afternoon. (I had a late night) Thank goodness Matt was there, he got some great shots of Jason playing his viola. I have not seen Jason yet, but when I do, I will not hear the end of this.

I would also like everyone to know that Jason has a recital coming up and this is an event you won’t want to miss! He is an incredibly hardworking and talented musician and will be performing some truly amazing peices of music. Here is the information.

Tuesday March 29, 2005
7:30 in the evening
Ann Nicole Nelson Hall
Minot State University

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This Land is Our Land

Keepin’ it real as only a North Dakotan (is that the term?) can. Check out this article from CNN.com. I swear, we can be cosmopolitan too!

otis out

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View from the Window

Still winter.
Still obsessed with the windows.

Back in high school, a friend of mine told me that staring out the window all the time was a sign of bad things…I don’t remember what, though. Oh well.

(The town almost seems to hustle and bustle, but I think it’s the flakes)

otis out

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Stranger in a Strange Land**

This one goes out to Chachi, from sunny San Diego, for braving the elements in order to get the following photographs. He may not have the ability with his digits as before, but it was worth it. **Bonus Points will be awarded if you get the reference.


All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

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A Bottle of Red…A Bottle of Clear.

Fun was had by all at the 23rd annual Jamie Birthday Gala. Here’s a pic of the assembled group, more to follow later (gotta get some zzzzzzzz’s now).

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Today at O&J Central

It’s Jamie’s B-Day!! It’s also Beth’s – we took her photographs and did a little design work for her. Here’s a sample of the work.

Jamie also got some lovely daisies from Elise. Meow.

It was a full day, and the night is young…stay tuned for pics from the evenings entertainment!

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