Monday Morning: If The Robots Took Over (MMITRTO)

So, as I sit here in this dark & lonely studio on this early Monday morning (for some of you, it may still be Sunday night – but that’s only the hardcore half-dozen or so that fall into that category), I think to myself, ‘there’s a ton of new bloggers that need to go up on said blog, and we’ve got to label this giant batch (like a batch of cookies, right?) something, so…what do we call it?

Well, seeing as how we’ve already had the ‘Monday Morning Blog Blaster’ (which, in case you never listened to that original bit of audio goodness, I suggest that you go back in time and dig that up.  It’s pure gold), so we’ve got to come up with something that is a little bit different.  Which is how we’ve gotten ourselves to, ‘Monday Morning:  If The Robots Took Over’ edition of the bliggity blog.

I know.  You’re sitting there right now thinking to yourself that this doesn’t make any sense, but does anything in life really make all that much sense?  And why would I go and try to put sense to anything?  We don’t need to make sense, we just need to put up some totally awesome super sweetly picto-snaps, and the rest can be up to you.  But…the question remains…what if you were to wake up this morning, and the robots had taken over.

Well, I’m here to help you understand what it might be like.  So travel with me now, as we imagine a place where my sweet voice was instead replaced by…ROBOTS!!!

MuchLove!  Oh…and – Enjoy!

::  click the play button, yo!  ::

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May the Good Lord shine a light on you
Warm, like the evening sun

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Late Night Jamboree of Pictographic Goodness (LNJOPG)!

Oh yeah.  You know what this means.  By the title of this thang, you should know that we’re about to embark on a late-night adventure of total bliss.  Well, I’m sure that there aren’t that many of you actually out there at this hour waiting for pics to go up, but if you happen to find yourself just staring at the blog at about 2AM on this fine night, then you are in for a treat.

Because we’re clearing the decks.  We’re doing some spring cleaning.  We’re getting bliggityblog all caught up and good to go.  Perhaps you are one of the patient peeps that has been waiting to see your pics (lotta p’s in that sentence, I will admit), and if that’s the case, I’m here to tell you – never fear.  Your blog is here.

So sit back, throw some smooth jazz onto your record player, and prepare to experience a sensation quite similar to floating, without actually being in a balloon.  With that, it’s time for us to start up the Late Night Jamboree of Pictographic Goodness!

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OMG. Book Backrops Are Gonna Be All The Rage This Year.

Senior Fever.  Catch It Today.Dudes.  Oh my dudes.  I’m going to let you in on something.  Throughout your life, there will be moments where your creativity will stagnate, and then there will be moments when your creativity will soar, like the eagle!  My friends, our eagles are flying high, as during a trip to MSU the other day, we stumbled upon something so fantasticlyawesome that we just know it is going to be the buzz for our Seniors this year.  Fake books.

You heard me right.  Fake books.

You see, if you want to portray that you are a person of the books, you are studious…what better way to say it than with the fake book background.  Not doing so hot with the grades, but yet want the relatives to still think you are hitting the books 24/7?  Fake books.  Spending too much time on Facebook and not enough time on real book?  Fake books.

And adults, you want to convey that image that you are a person that’s getting it done?  You want you boss to know just how awesome you are?  How about a picture like what you see above these words.  Nothing says ‘I’m gettin’ it done’ like an 8×10 with you and a fake books background.  Hang it up in your office, and next time boss person stops by, they’ll know you’ve got moxie.

Fake books for 2009.  Hell yes.

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Our hearts ache.

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