Category: Portraits
All Things Portrait.
Wild Hands
A few weeks ago we had the goodlygreat pleasure of working with Wild Hands on their band photos. We went old school for this shoot – brought out the Hasselblad and shot on 120 B&W film.  I know.  Your mind is all ‘what the heck is  this ‘film’ you speak of?  Well, my good peeps, back before the digital cameras we used to shoot on this film that used magic to capture the images (technically it’s a process involving silver halide and a chemical developing process, but let’s just call it magic.)  We even had to use a light meter!  No aperture or shutter priority!  It’s crazy – I know!  And if that isn’t wild enough, you can’t even look at the back of the camera to scroll through the images – you have to have them developed and then wait to get them back.  I know it sounds like a bunch of voodoo, and it really is.  But dang if it isn’t fun.
So we took this camera and ‘film’ and went to the Bunker of Wild Hands to get some snaps. Â The boys in the band were oh so gracious and wonderful to work with, but anyone out there that knows them also knows that this is how they always are. Â Except when Max is screaming and hitting people. Â I JOKE! Â I KID! But for anyone that knows Max, it’s funny to think of him being like that. Â But back to the story.
If you haven’t heard this band you’re missing out – they are going places. Â Straight up. We’ve known all of the guys in the band for a long time – we’ve known Maxwell since he was just a wee young man in high school. Â We’re always proud of them in all of the musical incarnations they have been a part of (Diabolic Octopus/Atom’s Rite/Roughriders/Potential Caskets/The Morning Red/The Crooked Gospel of The Western Civilization/ because they always show the amount of talent that our town truly has and the artistic community that we’re so glad to be a part of and a proud supporter of.
So the pics. Â They was awesome because the boys was awesome. Â But now I’m just blabbering on, so it’s time to get to the part where we give MuchLove to the band for letting us take the pics, and to tell all of you out there in musical blogland to – Enjoy!
Wild Hands on the Interwebz:
Fargo Adventure Post No.1 || The Johnson Family!
After our most wonderful wedding this weekend, The Otis & James Caravan of Love loaded up and headed East, to the land of rivers so red and famous wood-chippers…Fargo!  We don’t need to waste no time with all sorts of words (as I am known to do…I like to type, what can I say,) so instead we need to take a look at one of the two wonderful shoots we had – and it was with our dear old friends, the Family Johnson!
This beautiful group (which seems to have added an additional member) has been with o&j for quite some time now – if memory serves, we started with them all the way back in 2006! Â But now is not the time for trips down memory lanes or any more words – let’s just get to the goods! Â So, we want to send MuchLove to our dear friends, and to all of our good peeps out there in Land of Blog – Enjoy!
SVAS Holiday Pet Pics!
The 2011 Minot Wine Walk!
The wait is over, friends! Â The pictures we took during the Wine Walk are up for your viewing pleasure, and are also available for you to order prints from! Â We’ll make it as easy as possible, so first…
And next, you can also just browse the images here! Â MuchLove!
The Beautiful Family Holwegner!
Would You Please Welcome Alison!
Just because it’s Sunday doesn’t mean that I can’t sequester myself in a constant climate controlled basement and tippytappytype up a new blog for you! Â Actually, I just type up the words. Â I don’t actually sit in front of the computer and put together a series of ones and zeroes in order to create a JPG file for you to look at. Â That would take a lot of time, and it is Sunday, after all.
But I can still typetytype up some hiphophappy words about the one & only, the ever-lovely Alison! Â Because here’s the story: Â There was a day that was not all that long ago, but I know wasn’t today because as far as my memory goes I’m pretty sure that we’re not open on Sundays, but my memory has been known to be a little…how do I say…sketchy at times, I digress. Â There was a day that wasn’t all that long ago when the doors to the FunCenter opened up and in walked the wonderful Alison!
She was lovely, she was spectacular, she was quite simply…Alison! Â Which is also the name of a really good Elvis Costello song, but that’s a different story all together. Â So, I need to stop tappitytapping on these keys and get to the part when I give a huge MuchLove to Alison for stopping by the FunCenter, and I tell you out there in your Lovely Land of Blog to – Enjoy!
Ladies & Gentlemen…The Cascade Sun!
Well, here we go – we’re gonna get things back to normal in this season of abnormal that we find ourselves in. Â And we’re going to start it off with our friends in The Cascade Sun. Â If you live in Minot, or have been watching the flood coverage on KXMC, then you may have heard a song they have written called ‘Hope Floats’ that is a tribute to the people of Minot during this time – it’s well done, and we thank the boys in the band for doing so! Â We are firm believers that part of the rebuilding process will be through the arts and the artistic community. Â But, enough of all this blathering – be sure to check out their facebook page, and be sure to – Enjoy!
Cigar Fest!

Looking for all of the Cigar Fest pics? Then CLICK THIS LINK!
It’s The Ever-Lovely Sibelle!
There’s an old song called In The Wee Small Hours of The Morning, and it goes on to tell what this sad old soul does during these times (mostly lying awake and thinking of a girl.) Â It’s a wonderful song from an equally wonderful album (do the kids still call them that? Â Albums? Â Do you still drop the needle on the wax and groove out to the Doobie Brothers? Â Somebody let me know.) and now I’m going to tell you what I’m doing in the wee small hours of the morning.
Ready? Â Here goes. Â What I’m doing is putting up lovely pictosnaps of the totally gorgeous Sibelle! Â I mean really, how am I supposed to sleep when there are these wonderful images for us to gaze upon?! Â So, to heck with the sleep – I can do that when they put me in the ground (which will be like, a hundred years from now, BTW) – now is the time for us to rejoice in the loveliness that is this young lady!
So without any further delay, we need to now give a big MuchLove to this little lady for stopping by the FunCenter and sharing a bit of her day with us, and to the rest of you out there sleeping in your happy homes – Enjoy!