Allow Me Introduce Lexus!

Just getting going on your big day?  Taking a little break from work or school and checking out the interwebz?  Trying to look busy when in reality you’re just biding your time until something is due from you again?  Then you’ve come to the right place!  Because below these words is a superawesomesamplesnap from the ever-lovely Lexus!

Ohhh, sometimes the doors of the FunCenter open up and into our lives prances (prances?) pure happiness & beauty!  Like the day when Lexus strolled in, or like every day when I prance in (it’s kind of a weird sight…me, that is.)  Back to the topic of this world jumble – Lexus stopped by and the good times rocked and the good times rolled!  But you don’t need any of these silly words to let you know that, all you need to do is take a look at that pic below these silly ol’ words and you will know that to be a fact.  But my friends, we need to give MuchLove to Lexus for letting us be a little part of her senior year of awesomeness, and to all you happy and friendly and just plain good people of Blog – Enjoy!


Wake Up! It’s Alex!

Sometimes these things go up in the middle of the night.  There are only a few people out there looking at the o&j website in these wee small hours of the morning, as they are sometimes called.  Usually, when peeps are on the internet at 2AM they are in some weird part of the internet that shouldn’t see the light of day, some weird YouTube video on how to make your own beef jerky, or some Reddit thread about lord only knows what.  It’s called the ‘rabbit hole’ – you jump down it, and suddenly you go from checking what time a movie is playing to how limburger cheese is made.  Nobody can explain it.  But I’m hoping that if I put ‘wake up’ in the title of this post, that those weird few luring around the interwebs at this hour will snap out of their lesson on how to make stinky cheese and will instead devote their attention to the one & only Alex!

You see now, there was a day, there was Alex, there was some picture taking, and now there is a samplesnap below these words.  Just like that.  And now we gotta give MuchLove to Alex for stopping by the o&j funfactory or whatever it is called, and we gotta tell you, the Faithful of Blog to – Enjoy!


People. It’s Patricia!

You know when I’m throwing down the formal version of peeps, ‘people’ – that things are getting real real quick here in Land of Blog.  And the reason why things are getting so real so really quick is that we’re about ready to embark on a journey, a quest if you will…wait…I have no idea how to get out of this sentence with a lead up like that.  Let’s start over.

We’re about to take part in some superpictographic goodness that can only be described as the Senior Portrait Shoot Thing of the one & only Patricia!  You see, my dear friends, Patricia stopped by the Center for Fun (sometimes referred to as the ‘FunCenter’) and graced us with a little bit of her time on a day that wasn’t all that long ago but in reality probably was but this thing, this interweb thing is not about reality, it’s about perceived reception and creating something from nothing that is most often skewed far from reality.  But I digress.

Patricia stopped by, and the results were superfantastic!  But don’t take these silly words for it, just take a look at the samplesnap below. But wait!  Before you do that, we need to give MuchLove to Patricia for letting us be a part of her day and for letting us take some pictures, and we need to tell all you wonderful Peeps of Blog that live in my head and perhaps live in reality to – Enjoy!


Party Time! Layne! Yeah!

If you’re ever sitting in front of your computer like I am and am wondering just how you can jazz up the title of something that you are about to write, consider the exclamation point.  For example, I could have written this:  Party Time.  See?  That’s just freaking horrible.  It makes it seem like you’re going to go to a Chuck E. Cheese that hasn’t been cleaned in a few years (have any of them, really) and most of the animatronic characters are broken.  But then look at this:  Party Time!  Now it’s as if we are cruising the streets of Manhattan, ducking in and out of one trendy place to another.  Now I ask you – which sounds better?  Yeah.  You can thank the exclamation point.

You know who else you can thank?  You can thank Layne for stopping by the Otis & James on a day that was probably months ago and letting us take his supersweet senior snaps.  Yep.  You need to thank him for that, because he was awesome, and below these words is a happy picture that is going to make you happy.  And for that he needs thanking.  And he also needs us to send him MuchLove for being a part of the Otis & James, and all you groovy cats out there keepin’ it hip in Land of Blog – Enjoy!


Time To Throw Down With Andrew.

I’m just putting random words into the titles of these blog posts.  I really don’t think we’re going to be ‘trowing down’ any time soon, unless by throwing down you mean that we’re going to take a look at a superawesome senior pictosnap of the one & only Andrew.  And then in that case, yes – we will be throwing down.

Because beneath these words, we will be presenting that same pictographic goodness that only Andrew can throw down.  So, I guess we are throwing down?  My head hurts.  So, to alleviate my head hurting any further, it is time for us to thank Andrew for stopping by the Otis & James Photo Emporium and letting us get in a couple of snaps of his senior year, and to all you good peeps of Blogville that do the things you do and do them so well – Enjoy!


And Now, Luke. What’s up.

I’m going to keep the hits coming, one right after another, and this time it’s with the one and only Luke!  Now, I know other Luke’s but there’s only one contained within the one’s and zero’s that comprise this post on this website.  So to the other Lukes, your time will come.  Or it may have already arrived.  I don’t know.  And I’m not here to un-riddle that riddle.

What I’m here to do is lay down some pictographic goodness from this Luke.  And we’re about to get to that point.  But wait!  We need to thank Luke for stopping by the studes (those in the know know it as that ((figure that statement out))) and spending some time with us, so we offer up a serving of MuchLove!  And to all you other good citizens of Blogville just being awesome – Enjoy!


It’s Shauna Time.

Like MC Hammer.  Except with Shauna.  And none of those ratchet baggy pants he liked to wear.  What was up?  We may never know the answer.  We gotta move on, this thought process could go on for hours.

There was a day, there was an hour, there was a lady, there was a camera, there was a pictosnapper, there was photographic goodness. BOOM.  Just laid all that out for you in real quick style form.  So now we gotta take minute and give MuchLove to Shauna for being so gracious and spending just a little bit of time with us, and we also gotta tell all you people out there in blogland that are just working for the weekend to – Enjoy!


Dig This. Natalie!

Prepare yourself.  For I’m about to lay down some pictographic goodness on you.  I know it’s just Monday (although when you’re reading this it might be another day, but there is no need to go down some rabbit hole of philoshphical thoughts on this subject) and your brain might not be fully prepared for awesome, but you just need to buck up and get with the program here, OK?  We clear?  Good.

Because below these words is a samplesnap from the Senior Portrait session of the one & only Natalie!  She arrived at our studio of Otis & James (mostly James, Otis likes to hide) and she was ready to make some pictographic goodness happen.  And she succeeded.  But you don’t need to these silly old words to clue you in, you just need to look at the goods below.

Before you do, however, we need to give MuchLove to Natalie for stopping by, and to all you shiny happy blog peeps – Enjoy!


Git Down Now…It’s Loran!

I’m ditching the whole idea behind a ‘quick teaser’ post.  It’s not permanent, it’s just for the time being.  Because I’m going to be frank here – pretty much all, in fact all of these posts that I’m going to be putting up are for lovely seniors that have already received their proofs and have been looking at their images for some time now.

But I guess that if you don’t know these good senior peeps they will be a quick teaser for you, and I guess if that you are a senior that hasn’t figured out how to look at your photo’s these posts will be a surprise to you, but unless you’ve been sleeping for a really long time and have refused to check your e.mail I doubt that this is the case.

Regardless of all this conjecturing and whatnot, it’s time for us to post a samplesnap from the Senior Portraits of Loran!  You know what I’m going to say, something along the lines of ‘there was a time’ ‘FunCenter’, etc. – so I won’t bore you with that.  Instead I’m just going to give MuchLove to Loran for letting us be a part of his senior year, and to all of you good peeps out there in Land of Blog just waiting for spring to begin – Enjoy!
