Monarch, Princess of the Studio!

The title ‘Princess of the Studio’ had previously been held by our old friend, McKinzy, and before that by me, but it was time for the title to be passed down – and it was with great joy that none other than the absolutely gorgeous Monarch would be the one to carry the torch!

This past Monday morning, she came down to our studio and showed us the true meaning of being a Pricess of the Studio – and she did it with style, grace, and a respectable amount of panache! You mix all of these together, and you get yourself a big ol’ mess of wonderful – and that’s exactly what we have now!

I would like to thank Monarch & her entourage (Mom & Kinzy) for coming down to the FunCenter for these super-snaps, and we would now like to offer up some sample snaps from the morn – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. What a doll!! Would love to see more and have some!!!

    love, Auntie Amy

  2. Monkey!!! Jess She looks so cute and she’s growing up so fast You’ll have to send us some of her recent pictures! We only have some of her last year!!! She looks like a little princess!!

    Love cousin Alyssa


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