Joshua & Jennifer

Soooo, this past Monday…and I said Monday…you heard me right…the Otis & James Caravan of Love pulled back into the Minot Station, for a visit to the beautiful Gol Stave, right here in the middle of good ol’ Minot, in order to be a part of the wedding of the equally as lovely Joshua & Jennifer!

It was an absolutely gorgeous day for a wedding; a perfect summer day, and I do believe that we did get ourselves some lovely photo-graphs of this wonderful couple and their double-wonderful wedding party!

We would like to congratulate this newly-wed couple, and also say thank you for including us as a part of your day! Seriously, though, have you come here to hear me wax nostalgic for the days gone by, or to see some snappy-snaps?? So – Enjoy!

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All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.

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