Tom & Jenna

This past Saturday, the Otis & James Caravan of Love & Stuff pulled up to the great city of Billings, Montana for some super-duper-deluxomatic wedding photographs of Tom & Jenna! This was our first wedding so far West, but we were with old, old friends of Otis & James, and it seemed like home sweet Minot (but a little more West, which is probably common sense to most of you out there, but if not, click here for driving directions.)

Now that you know how to get there, let’s save you the physical trip, and let us instead go on a mental trip, through some super sweet wedding photo-graph samples of this awesome day! But before that, we just want to say how much fun we had, and how totally awesome this lovely couple and their families and wedding party were to work with – but we already knew that it was going to be awesome, as the lovely Jenna and our very own Jamie have been friends for many long years (we even got to see a pic of a much younger and more of a mullet wearing Jamie during the reception slide show – who knew…mullet.)

Alright, enough of all my jabbering on and on about much of nothing at all, and let us instead turn our eyes a little lower, and take a look at some of the awesomosity that occured on this lovely day! Congratulations to the happy couple, and to everyone else out there – Enjoy!

:: click images for larger ::

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Well let the moments begin. This sure is a GREAT start. Love the sepia and uniqueness of the shots.

  2. The kids and I had a great time in Billings with all of the wedding festivities. It was so fun to see you and all of the former OSLC members. God’s Blessings to both of you!

  3. It was special to see the two of you get married and start you new life. Keep me posted when more great pictures are available.

  4. Beautiful pictures Jenna! It was wonderful to see everyone once again, especially for such a special occasion. Best wishes always for you and Tom and keep in touch when you can. I’d love to see more pictures. Love you!

  5. OMG!!!!! I was out looking at this site because we went to a wedding in Minot and I was looking to see if I could find their pictures. I clicked on yours by mistake and about fell over when I seen a couple of beautiful Carsten girls. Your pics are gorgeous…..only wish I could of seen a pic of the brides ma and pa. So sorry we could not be there but it was great seeing a few pictures.


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