Kaylee…Master of the Short Thumbs Up!

Not only is she the Master of the Short Thumbs Up, she is also the only person to be hit in the head with my light meter (which is actually a deck of cards box painted black with a string attached…shhhhhhhhhh…don’t tell anyone that I really live in a world of delusion), but after reviewing the tape, we found that it was not I that hit her, but actually her that rammed her head into the meter…crafty, my friend…crafty.

We moved on from these treacherous early moments, and she forgave me for the ‘incident’, as I like to think of it, and the results, if you don’t mind me saying, are gogeoustacularfantatstic!! We did all sorts of stuff on our crazy little adventure, I even got to pet a horse, A REAL LIVE HORSE! Um…horses actually kind of aren’t my bag – they’re really big and I’m more of a cat person. They are small and like to purr. Horses might trample you. Not that I have anything against horses, again, they’re just not my bag…whatever that means.

Umm…where was I…oh yes, Kaylee! Well, I don’t know if there is really all that much more to say other than our time together was short and sweet – there was no better way for us to conclude our day than with a visit from this lovely and talented lady person. We truly had a great time working with her, and we would like to thank her for all of the rocking that she so awesomely did. And she likes both country, and western music…and fishing. So there – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Kaylee!!!!!! OMG! YOUR PICTURES SUPER SUPER GORGEOUS!!! Seriously! They are amazing they did such a good job. I told you have no reason to be worried You are gorgeous and your gorgeousness multilied times infinity in your pics they are so good!
    Yours Truly
    *Hailey Jean 😛

  2. KAYYYYYYYYYBEEE!!!! Your picuters are absolutley gorgeously amazing my dear…I personally am a fan of the first, second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth. So basically all I’m trying to say is that they dominated my face. I love you!!!!!! asdfjlaksjdf!!!

  3. kaylee – so beautiful! you are stunning. i especially enjoy the prom dress one… . . .did you really jump that high?! anyways, these are unbelievable and i can’t wait to see the rest!

  4. Wow kaylee.. there is pretty much no word to describe those pictures… so I think I’ll steal one that I heard from someone one time, Beautimus, beautiful with an extra little bit of pretty…

  5. Laylee Jo!! I can’t believe you’re all growed up 🙂 You look just gorgeous! Don’t forget to send me a picture down here in the desert and you and your mom need to come and visit me soon! Girl trip to AZ for a little R&R and some shopping!

  6. oh my gosh kay… these are insane. you look friggen amazing. ..really. i can only imagine what the rest of them look like ..ahhhh you suck! haha jk.. i love you!!


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