Stephanie (& Pup!)

Our Monday continued with a SuperSpecial visit from the one and only Stephanie! She, along with her super-awesome doggie (& dog wrangler Mom) came down to the FunCenter for some Senior Snaps!

Ahh shucks, man, we had a fabulous time going here and there, to and fro, all in search of the perfect photograph. Well, we not only got one, but we got ourselves a whole basket (in all actuality the photographs are not really kept in a basket, but instead are kept in a magical digital card like thing, but this is getting way to technical) full of perfect pics! Alas, it was not us that caused all of this perfection, but it was Stephanie that was absolutely perfect!

We had a truly wonderful time working with her, and even though the session is now over, we’ll always have these sample snaps below to warm our hearts – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Stephy I Love your pictures! I am glad they turned out awesome. I remember back in may you were already freakin’ about how they were going to turn out and i assured you they were going to amazing and of course I pulled through haha. Cya

  2. Hey Stephy!

    I just saw your pictures this morning when I was going online to check out Paige’s, and I thought I would send you a shout out and let you know how great they are! Tell the fam hello and I will be back up north in another week and a half. You had better stop by to visit. Love the pics.
    p.s. who poses with their dog for pictures?!……..hehe

  3. Stephy Lee! Your pictures turned out so great! You look gorgeous in all of them. Can’t wait to see the rest! Love ya!

  4. Stephie your pics are absolutly GOURGEOUS! I love them all and of course I luv u more! haha. I’m expecting to get some of these pics there girlie.

  5. i love all your pics steph…id have to say the one with the dog is the cutest and i love the black long shirt….have a good summer and up coming school yr ttyl loves,Crista


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