Joe & Cheri

We’re now going to step into the Otis & James Wayback Machine (which can be purchased from The Sharper Image…look for their Holiday Catalog soon!), all the way back to the time that was two whole Fridays ago, and in a land called Bismarck (did I mention that the Caravan of Love pulled out of the Minot station and headed down to this loverly land?), for the occasion of the absolutely gorgeous wedding of the equally gorgeous Joe & Cheri!

I could go on and on and on with rambling words that would feebly describe the awesomeness that was this wedding day (for example, the recreation of the cover art from my absolute favorite Beatles album of all time, Abbey Road), but what good would I really be doing? Would you, the faithful of the blog, really come out of this post any more enlightened than you already are?

So, instead of wasting any more time getting to the goods (and I know that you’re all really here for the pics and not the words), I will now only say Thank You (and I have no idea why I am capitalizing this) to this wonderful couple and their sweetlysweet Wedding Party for being so great to work with, and to all of the peeping peeps out there in blogland – Enjoy!

:: click images for larger ::

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Yay! The pics are GORGEOUS. I had so much fun that day, and I can’t wait to see the whole collection!!

  2. Wow…they are sooo good! I can’t wait to see the rest of them. Thanks for telling me about these…talk to you soon!

  3. I can’t believe how pretty/awesome/unique…. these pictures are. Otis and James are gifted artists. Of course the bride and groom are fairy tale material.


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