Molly in the Morning!

Yesterday morning (can you believe how up to date we are on the blog…it’s almost unheard of – it’s usually ‘seventeen yesterdays ago – which means eighteen days ago for our math challenged bloggers out there….’) the FunCenter started back up again on it’s Summer of Love Tour ’06 with a visit from the vivacious Molly!

Fun was had by all (and it was a ‘ladies only’ shoot – stinky ol’ Otis got left behind, but due to the ‘stinky & old’ factor, this decision was probably for the best), and the snaps that were gotten were gotten goodly, and gotten sweetly, and gotten rockin’! What, exactly, does that sentence mean? Let me break it down for you in laymen terms – Molly in the Morning was totally awesome to work with, and we would now like to extend an O&J holla to you for being so great, and I love the flying doggie! Well, let’s just forget all these words and get to the goods – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

The Family Ragan (& Lexi Too!)

The doors to the FunCenter opened up a couple of Sundays ago (I know…I know…it’s a little late!) for some supertantastico Puppy Power Pictures, with a side of Ma & Pa (and a surprise walk-on from daughter.)

Everyone came down ready to tear it up crazy style (well, I think that Lexi mostly fell into that category), and do not fear, my fellow bloggers, do just that they did! We got ourselves dome totally sweetly sweet snaps, and we are pleased to put a couple up for our rabid (not you, Lexi) fans.

Without any further delay, I present to you The Family Ragan (& Lexi Too!) – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Our Man, Chris!

For those of you that have entered the doors of the inner sanctum area of the FunCenter, one of the first things that you are taken aback by is the ginormous mural that graces one of our walls. We thought it appropriate to give thanks to the artist behind it, our good friend for many years, and talented artist…the always dapper and suave…Chis Bieber!

We first approached Chris nearly a year ago with the idea of turning what had been a white elephant of a wall into something a little more visually appealing. Where most would have seen just a plain ol’ wall, Chris was able to see a canvas, waiting to be used. The final product surpassed what we could have ever imagined, and we are grateful to Chris for taking on this project even though this time in his life couldn’t have been any more insane!

So, let us now take a little time to give a shout-out (is it still fashionable to do that…what…that’s from the 90’s?) to Our Man, Chris – Holla!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography
Logo Courtesy of Chis Bieber Abstract Graphics

Josh & Sarah

The Otis & James Caravan of Love Tour 2006 pulled out of the Minot station this past week, and headed toward the far away land of Cinncinnattiicinncatti…uhh…I’m not quite sure how to spell it, but I do know that it was right on the border of good ol’ Can-Tuckee!! YEE-HAW!!

What was the reason for this supertrip of all supertrips, you may be asking yourself? You may ask yourself, how do I work this? You may ask yourself, where is that large automobile? Wait, wait, that’s not this song. This song is not a rebel song, this song is about the incredibly gorgeous dynamic duo of Josh & Sarah!

Sarah is the longlonglonglonglong-time-old-friend of our very own James, so she not only got to be a photo-grapher, she also had the great, great honor of being a part of this special day for her friend. Alright, that’s getting a little on the too sappy side, and I think that it’s best if we veer from the sappy, and instead focus on what a gorgeous group of peeps we got to work with over this past week!

James has reported to me that she had an absolutely stupendous time, and I’m here to report that the road trip of all road trips (and I’m giving a shout-out to my main man Andy for riding shotgun throughout) was a wonderful experience, and this awesome day with Josh & Sarah was a truly epochal moment for everyone!

Much love to all involved, (there’s too many to name, but y’all know who you are!), and to the Bride & Groom, thank you for letting us be a part of this day – Alright, no more sap – Enjoy!

Don’t forget to click the link at the end of this post offering more of Josh & Sarah…oh, and remember, be sure to git you some Joop!

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Categorized as Weddings

Tom & Jessica

This past Saturday Saturday past (that’s two past Saturday’s, for those of you that are keeping up with the home edition of ‘the blog’, and I’m looking at you, Jenny) we at the Otis & James Center for Wedded Bliss and Photo-Graphs (O&JCFWBAPG) had the goodgollygoodgosh great pleasure of working with our old friends, Tom & Jessica…and you want to know something…it was their wedding!

It’s crazy how that works, how we always seem to first take the engagement, and then next thing you know we’re right up in the midst of the wedding day! The time flying principal is a tricky one indeed, my fellow Einsteins. This day was no exception to these scientific thoughts, as it just seemed like yesterday that we were first meeting this wonderful couple!

The day was gorgeous; the weather beautiful, and the participants were equally as gorgeous! We would like to thank one and all for being so wonderful to work with, and we would also like to give the Bride & Groom a heartfelt Congratulations, and – Enjoy!

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All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings