SMBF v.5 :: The Morgan Edition!

A’ight. You think you can handle what I’m ’bout ready to put out there in the land of what, for conversation sake, we shall call the blog? What’s that? Oh…you think you can? Well, a’ight, if you say so, but I really don’t know if you are truly up to the total and complete rockin’ awesomeness that is the e’er lovely and talented Morgan!

You see, sometime, it was a while back, maybe it was a Tuesday, or maybe it was even a Friday, and the days don’t make the difference, it is the person that we’re working with that makes the difference, so it could have been any day, because that’s just how awesome Morgan was to work with!

She came down to the FunCenter and notified us that it was time to rock, and rock we did. At the end of her session, she again notified us that we had completed rocking, and rocking completed we were. That was that, and there were no questions about it. Morgan was wonderful to work with, and we’d like to thank her for coming down to the FunCenter and giving us a little bit of her prescious time! And to all y’all hangers on out there in the land of blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. Morgan –

    I loved your pictures! Lisa told me to check them out and they are awesome 🙂

    Maddy says, “I simply think they are Adorable!”

    Maggie says, “I like the first picture! Bye!”

    Wish I could have had my Senior pictures done by these guys!
    Love ya,

  2. Ok so I am a freak and just like to look at the pictures on here…..and who do I come across MORGAN!!! Looks good girlie!!! I hope your senior year is going good…see you later.

  3. MORGAN!
    you look so cute!! aah loving the outfits… i better be getting some of these and i agree with maggie.. first pic is my favorite!!

  4. Your a pimp Morg, I get mine done on Dec. 2nd, can’t wait for you to pass them out at school. Bye SENIORita


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