
There was a day, a day just like today, a day called ‘Saturday’, this day was not so long ago, and on this day the doors of the FunCenter opened up, and goodgreatgoshalmighty good friend to the Otis & James Empire of The Study of Fun (O&JEOTSOF), none other than the über-talented Alivia strolled back into our lives!

She knew the drill and immediately took command of the studio. You see, she’s an old pro at this, what with both us and her ma always with the cameras. She took off her sunglasses, hit her mark, and made the magic happen! And, as if that wasn’t enough, she also brought a little bit of cake to the festivities!

You see, it was also a celebration of her very first birthday! Wahooo! And, as if that wasn’t enough, she got to smash the cake! Double Wahooooo! Man oh man, the the pics were sweet, and it’s all because she is so so so awesome!

ManyThanks & MuchLove to Alivia & her entourage for stopping by the FunCenter and giving us so much love, and to all my good people of blogville that have been waiting for this post – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

By otis

I'm cheese. Velveeta, specifically.


  1. She is SO CUTE, i want to smash a cake next!! You can officially stop stalking O&J now though….

  2. Thank you guys!!! They are WONDERFUL!!!!!!!

    Kausha – if they ban me from their studio for stalking – I’m blaming you!!! HAHA

  3. Ha! She had me stalking them as well!!

    Alivia is cute as always – it’s almost as if she’s been in front of a camera before????!!!!!!????


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