Bismarck Prom Wrap-Up Report

Vini. Vedi. Veci. You want Proof? Well…Here You Go. Oh, MuchLove & ManyThanks to one and all that came out to Fiancée 2 this past Saturday, and to everyone else out there in Land of Blog – Enjoy! All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Live Blogging :: Cruisin’ Brah

Narcissus |närˈsisÉ™s| Greek Mythology ‘A beautiful youth who rejected the nymph Echo and fell in love with his own reflection in a pool. He pined away and was changed into the flower that bears his name.’ And we’re pretty much ready and waiting to turn into that flower. MuchLove! All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Musings

Yo! Magic City Prom Peeps!

This is your fearless leader, or…your lead-less fearer here to remind everyone that the Prom Galleries are all online and ready to go.  There is a big link on our homepage, but I’ll give them to you here as well. Prom Gallery I Prom Gallery II These galleries were posted on 4.19.2008, which means that you have… Continue reading Yo! Magic City Prom Peeps!

Kristy & Josh

Oh my.  We need to immediately pack our bags and get in to the Otis & James WayBack Machine [ed. I thought we sold that?] and venture back to a time and a place that, for conversational blogging purposes we shall call ‘Not That Long Ago…But Too Long to Wait For A Blog Post’, and… Continue reading Kristy & Josh

Categorized as Weddings

Smell The Roses

Let me tell you a little bit about the FunCenter.  For those of you that have been here before, you know that when you walk in, you first encounter our gallery area.  If you were to venture behind the orange curtain in the corner, you would wind up in the studio.  If you were to… Continue reading Smell The Roses

Categorized as Musings

Prom Wrap-Up Report

Greetings, my good friends of Blog!  I come to you tonight, or this morning, or whatever it currently is with the news that Prom Pics this past Saturday at FunCenter were – for lack of a better word – totally awesome! We would like to take a second and thank everyone for stopping by and… Continue reading Prom Wrap-Up Report

Addyson & Ty!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits