
Thursday afternoon the O&J Funcenter opened up the doors and welcomed new friend Ethan, and his lovely assistant/old friend to Otis & James, Autumn to the center (which is what I will be calling the studio from now on – the center) for some sweet sweet photo-graphs!

We wish there could be some way that Ethan could teach classes to everyone in his age group on how to rock it up when coming through the doors of the O&J Funcenter – as he was the master of totally and completely rocking it up!

He was a dream to work with, as his gentle & nuanced approach to modeling was quite simply sublime! We would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to Ethan & his assistant for making time for us this afternoon – you guys made our day!

Well, it’s getting late and I am starting to ramble. So before I get too deep – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Lacie, Lindsey, Matia & Natalie…The Glenburn Four!

With a name like the Glenburn Four, you would think that they were responsible for any number of felonious acts. Let us, for a moment, ponder this statement.

Maybe that’s their game. Remember that movie Point Break with Keanu Reeves and that other guy that was in that one movie Dirty Dancing…uhh…hold on…it’ll come to me…Patrick Swayze! But in this movie they wear these masks that are of the ex-Presidents – Carter, Nixon, Ford, Reagan – their gang was called the ‘ex-Presidents’. Did you know that I am the biggest fan ever of this movie? After reading this description, I’m sure you do.

But maybe that’s their gig. They get dressed up and all look crazy beautiful, and this throws people off. They think, “How can women that look so incredible be committing such felonious acts?” And all of this thinking about stuff like that provides the perfect distraction. I smell a movie!

I may have completely flipped my lid, but I think that this is a good idea. Not in real life, but for a movie…or perhaps one of those Lifetime movies. Alright, let’s reign this thing back to Earth for a second.

Did I mention that in no way does Otis & James Photography, or any of its subsidiaries condone any form of felonious acts in any way, and in no way actually implies that any of these lovely ladies would ever in a million years ever be involved with anything like said acts? Alright.

Seriously, we couldn’t have had any more fun, and couldn’t have found a better way to end our night than with a visit from these Old Friends of Otis & James! We thank them for their dress rehearsal for the big night, and would like to wish them well with the actual performance, and would like to give a huge thanks for putting up with this horribly long post, and for being so completely awesome – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography


This is Aileen.
She came down to the studio this past Tuesday evening for some super awesome snaps.

Can you guess what it is that Aileen will be doing at some point coming up soon?
I’m going to give you a hint:

It rhymes with bedding.

Aileen was very nice, (I say this because she laughed at my dumb jokes…or perhaps she was just laughing at me…hmm) and we say Thanks Be To Her (and her assistant-in-law) for giving us such a great end to the day!



Today, there was Dru! It would be such a treat if every day we had Dru here, as she couldn’t have been any sweeter! Sweeter is kind of a strange word. But this is true – she was an absolute doll, a treat, and any other number of adjectives for totally awesome that exist out there.

Dru did so well, not only with the snaps, but also with being a photographers assistant that we’re probably going to hire her on for the summer. There may be some small ‘child labor’ problems, but I really think that as long as she’s not driving or operating any heavy machinery that we’ll be fine.

A big thank you to Dru and her lovely assistant (Mom), for stopping down this afternoon, and we would now like to witness some sample snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Sundays With Cameron!

Otis & James made a rare Sunday appearance for the occasion of meeting up with our new friend, Cameron! He, along with his faithful peeps he likes to think of as Ma & Pa stormed into the Superfunphotocenter for some sweet sweet AM snaps!

We had a great time working with this young man & his fam. He rocked up the tractor, raged with the keys (and was even given the keys to the Otis & James Apartment compound, the location of which will never be known – not even to my fellow bloggers), and all around just straight up tore it up. Two up’s, almost right in a row. Now that’s some crazay stuff.

Big thanks to Cameron, Mom & Dad for making time for us on this beautiful morning, and we would now like to go to the highlights – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

supersaturdaythe22promsuperpost. got it?

Like, here we were again with more Prom photosnaps this past Saturday. And you know what? They were all beautiful…every last one! Hair slicked, shoes shined. Wad of cash in the pocket, world was their oyster type thing. Daaaaaaaang.

That’s about that, my fellow skeezos and beezos. Oh, and much love to all that stopped by the Funcenter for good times and the like, and a special thanks to the girls of Ooh La La! So sit back, and prepare yourself to be amazed by the power that is supersaturdaythe22promsuperpost – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Bailley (The Haiku Edition)!

I think that they best way to conduct this post would be in free form Haiku. Here goes.

Bailley came for snaps
She was gold and sparkly
How we love Bailley

A huge thank you to Bailley and her special guest for being so great to work with (as usual), and for being so totally and completely awesome. I mean, you inspired me to write Haiku, and I haven’t done that since third grade.

Rock On, Rockers, and – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits


Seriously, Taylor – I couldn’t even speak in complete sentences at your age. You amazed us with your graciousness, and your command of the camera! You were awesome, and you rocked (we usuallly only see one or the other, so when it’s both, it’s quite a treat!)

Thanks to you and your assistant (Mom) for stopping down today – best of luck to you in all your endeavors, and – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Big Ol’ Ryan Prom Group!

Well, well, well. If it wasn’t the Big Ol’ Ryan Prom Group that showed up at the O&J Funcenter for some supercrazystyle Big Ol’ Prom Group Pixtures!

Look closely, as you may recognize some of these beautiful people from previous O&J experiences – and some were brand new to the studio. Either way, they were all great (of course), and the results were fantastic!

Thank you to one and all for taking time out for O&J this fine evening, we wish you all the best in your Prom endeavors. But seriously, I says to the guy – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits


And what better way to end the evening than with a visit from our new friend, Sam! This young man, along with his entourage (Ma & Pa, respectively) came to warm confines of the Super-Studio ready for some sweet sweet six month pics!

Sam was a treat to work with, as were his ‘people’ – I think he’s gonna keep them on payroll. We would like to extend a big ol’ Otis & James Thank You to Sam & Peeps for making the evening a little brighter for us, and we would now like to get to some supersnaps (that is now one word) – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits