
Yesterday afternoon we welcomed new friend of Otis & James Brianna to the studio for some sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet-bippy-style Por-Traits!

Even though we have previously never had the opportunity to work with this awesome individual, we knew she would be great to work with as we had previously had the great pleasure of working with both her older brother and sister!

So, before she embarked on a journey to a warmer climate, Brianna and her lovely assistant (the always pleasant Mom!) came down to the studio, and full on rocking commenced. As expected, she was awesome, and we got a ton of great schtuuuuf!

Enough with all these word, let’s get to some pics – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits


As the afternoon turned to evening (doesn’t that sound like the start of a super-lame book) yesterday, we welcomed the always wonderful Shonda to the Funcenter for a commando/ninja-style super quick portrait shoot!

She karate kicked and judo chopped (actually she did neither, but have no doubts that she would be great at either) her way into our camera, in order for us to put these pictures on your computer. Thanks to Shonda for sneaking in when we needed her to, and to all of you out ther reading this – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Aaron & Janell!

Alright, by the time most of you read this post, it is my understanding that this happy couple will have already gone from Engagement Photographs to actual wedding photographs – in one week!

Let me explain. Last Saturday (I know, I know…I’m running a little behind on this one) we were paid a visit from this totally awesome couple, and the reason was none other than some super-super-duper Engagement Photographs! But (and I know that you shouldn’t start a sentence with ‘but’, but as I write this I’m feeling a little…dangerous) this couple is doing it a little different – they’re just rockin’ right from these to the actual event in record time!

We’re just glad we were able to catch them before the big day, and we would like to wish them congratulations and offer all the best with their life together (and thank you for coming down to the studio last week, and having such fun with us) – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Joe…(With A Little Help From Odie!)

That title is a cross between U2, The Beatles, and Garfield. That would indeed be one tripped out concert. I can’t believe that out of those acts, Garfield would headline.

But this isn’t about some pie in the sky concert that can never be held. Listen, I tell you a story now. Yesterday the sweet smelling world of Otis & James was paid a visit from none other than our new friend Joe, and his special guest Odie! Odie was actually only with us for a little bit, and then he turned the show over to the main event, Joe.

Joe was great – he displayed a rugged charisma that transcended the barrier between regular portraits, and super sweet portraits. We thank him for doing this, as people tend to be fans of the super sweet portraits more so than the ‘meh’ portraits.

Alright. Let’s get on with the pics – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Jolene…Again, and Finally!

It may seem like practically an eternity ago, but this past Thursday (and if I can get this writting in six minutes or less, I will get it posted still less than a week later) we welcomed back to the studio none other than the one and only Jolene!

Our mission today was to elaborate on our previous time together, and do this we indeed did, and did it in an elaborating way we did do indeed! As was to be expected working with such an totally rocking individual, we had a great time, and the photos by the photogs were rock-rock-rockin!

We would like to thank Jolene and her assistant (Mom) for taking time to visit us again, and for being patient in getting your blogger (or whatever it is you would like to call this.) So, before the clock stikes midnight, I present…Jolene – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Open House Wrap Up Report

A Big ‘thank-you’ to all that came down to the Otis & James Funcenter For The Enjoyment Inclined (O&JFFTEI) for our first ever Senior Open House!

We had a great turn out, and couldn’t have been any happier that so many bright and shiny selves turned out for the event! I know that I’m over-using the exclamation point, and I promise to lay off, but for now it is the best way that I can think of to describe the level of thanks to everyone for making today toally perfect!

Yesterday evening, James (or Jamie, if you will) remarked to me that it’s amazing how far our little Otis & James road has taken us over the past few years – and it’s all because of you out there reading this. It is because of our clients past, and our clients future that we are able to grow; and for this we are indebted. Truly.

Alright, before this gets too crazily sentimental, let’s move on to the reason why you’re all reading this post – the results from the Super Duper Crazy Prize Drawing. So, without any further delay, the results:

  • 1st Prize – iPod Nano + Full Order Senior Portraits + $250.00 in Reorder Credit: Kaley Uscensky
  • 2nd Prize – $300.00 in Reorder Credit: Lindsey Bakk
  • 3rd Prize – 280 Wallet Prints ($280.00 Value): Becky Johnson
  • 4th Prize – Complimentary Hair & Makeup from International Hairstlying ($100.00 Value): Lexi Hanson

How about that! Congratulations to the big winners, and also congratulations to those who won the hourly drawings. Thank you all for rocking so hard, and in return we will continue to rock – but we’re going to do it double good!

Much Love –

Otis & James

Senior Open House Today!!!!

In case you haven’t done so already, be sure to check out the ‘Open House‘ link on the homepage (or just click the ‘Open House‘ link that appears mere words before these words.)

Tell your friends, tell your neighbors, and most of all, be sure to tell any and all 2007 Seniors to come on down to the Otis & James Funcenter today, March 19th, between 12-6 for our super-deluxe Senior Open House!

Now, for those of you with AARP memberships, I mean High School Seniors. Not that we have anything against AARP, or senior citizens. In fact, we love seniors of all shapes, sizes and age groups. It’s just that this one is for the kids. Just thought that I would clear that up.

As a teaser, check the Nano – it’s here and just waiting for the big drawing later today…will you be the lucky winner?

:: click thumbnail for larger ::

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Mike & Tammy!

This past Tuesday the Otis & James Center For Foot Care (OJCFFC) welcomed to its confines none other than new friends of the Otis & James Family, Mike & Tammy!

The cause – some super-fantastic engagement photographs, and take some super-fantastic engagement photographs we did do. We managed to keep any ladder trucks from coming to the studio during our time together, and for that we were thankful – as nothing ruins to moment quite like multiple rescue vehicles and those which serve and protect joining up with the shoot.

We would like to thank this wonderful couple for taking time this evening to come on down to the studio for the snaps (and for hanging out afterward!) We wish you all the best, and we should now go to some pics from the night – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

A Small Dog…or Puppy, If You Will

Puppies…don’t ya just love ’em? With their waggy tails, and fur and what not.

We had a little visitor in the O&J Funcenter this afternoon – a relation (not by blood) of one of our lovely clients!!

We wish all the best to this puppy as he goes through the trials and tribulations of puppyhood, and can’t wait until he moved up to dog-hood – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Musings

Für Elise

The award for lamest/most obvious post title goes to…Otis, from Otis & James Photography!

I always knew that I had this in me…I’ve always been known around these parts for noticing obvious things. I’m just so thankful that my obviouscitiousness can be shared with you, my fellow bloggerites.

In regards to what this post is about, a lovely young woman that we shall call ‘Elise’ (I’ve got a thing for the ” today) stopped by the Otis & James Center for Mac & Cheese Research (mostly researched by James) for some superfantasticphotographs!

She rocked it up, which seems crazy as she didn’t even know any JBJ!!!! That’s Jon Bon Jovi for you loooooooooooosers out there. I’m sorry, it’s not nice to call those not fortunate enough to know the ways of JBJ names. He teaches us this through his lyrics.

We would like to thank Elise for the cookies (bringing cookies is always good, I will not stop you from bringing cookes), and for being such a treat to work with! Enough. Enough of all this insanity, let’s get to the snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits