MM v.5 :: The Sistahs Schell Edition!

As we continue our voyage to fah-fah away places, the friendly folk of O&J Land, which includes James (the Queen Picto-snapping Machine), Otis (the FunCenter Renegade), and many lovely animals, assistants, robots, imaginary friends, and now the spirit of Ben’s deceased Beta (RIP) — where was I? Oh! The friendly folk of O&J Land continued our voyage to fah-fah away places (which is much like playing a game of Candyland) and came upon the most sweetly-sweet of sisters…you might call them…

{Insert serenading country music star, singing a sappy love song to an audience of swooning ladies}

The good stuff – Sistahs Schell!

Talk about three rockem-sockem’ hip-hoppin’, beat-boxin’ sistahs. They came, they saw, they danced their sistahly dance (Otis may or may not have also busted a move here or there or everywhere). There wasn’t a thing that Sistahs Schell couldn’t do. World hunger? Consider it nonexsistant. Ladies Schell took care of it at the studio. World peace? You got it. I’m telling you, these ladies turned up the charm, and they turned it up HARD.

{Insert the sound of the charm being turned up}

Much love to these ladies for making their time O&J time! Without you we’d be just an Otis…and a James…with a couple of cameras.

Now go feast your eyes on the beautiful snaps that are the Sistahs Schell – and as always, Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

MM v.4 :: The Family Calavera Edition!

Our incredible run with gorgeous families continued with a visit from a superwonderful group that I shall from this point on refer to as The Family Calavera! I shall refer to them as this because it is what their name is, and it seems to me that refering to them as something other than this would be kind of crazy-like, and we try to avoid crazy at all costs around the FunCenter, as it usually leads first to madness, and then to insanity.

With that in mind, let us now take a little bit of time to talk about the reasons that this wonderful family stopped down to the FunCenter! They did not come down here to talk to Otis about plumbing issues, or with Ben about hair, or Kinzey about The Lost City of Atlantis. Even though Kinzey is a renowned expert on that topic, that is still not the reason why they came down to land of FunCenter.

No NO. None of that stuff was the reason. They, instead, came down to get some superaweseomsweet familysnaps! My dear friends, I am here to reassure all of you out there in your warm & comfy homes that this wonderful family not only did that, but they did it in style!

We had a wonderful time with this wonderful group, and now we are at that place when we have to say goodbye. But before we do, let us take a moment to say MuchLove and ManyThanks to one and all for making it down to the FunCenter on a day so fine! Well, now we are at the place where I’m gonna say – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

MM v.3 :: The Family Neshem!

And then there was this time in our not-so-distant past when the doors of the FunCenter opened up, and who should stand before us than the one and only Family Neshem! Now, my people of the blog that get a big kick out of pointing things out to me on a continual basis like some sort of a smarty-pants, I’m well aware that there is more than just one Family Neshem out there in this big ol’ world, but on this day, at this time, there was only one Family Neshem that was gracing the FunCenter with its prescence!

And that, would be this Family Neshem! I bet that you’re sitting there, you the smarty-pants bloggers, and you’re asking yourself just how good of a job it was that this wonderful family did? Well well, you best be removing that question from your minds, because I’m here to tell you that not only were they a total treat to work with, they also brought the goods.

Bringing the goods. I bet you that smarty-pants is now wondering what this means. Well, SP, let me break it down for you. It means that they came down to the FunCenter, and they totally and completely tore it up…crazy style! And, for those of you in the know, crazy style is just about as insane as it gets!

We had a wonderful time with this lovely family, and we give them a big ol’ MuchLove for stopping by the FunCenter for some pictosnaps! Without any further delay, The Family Neshem – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

MM v.2 :: The Family White Edition!

Keeping the good time family vibes going down at the FunCenter (and, did you know that the vibes in the FunCenter are the type that are fully transferable to our new studio? Just a factoid for you, our loyal readers of blog) was none other than new friends of The Empire of Otis & James (you can just call us o&j if you would like…we won’t get all fancy on ya), The Family White!

Now, even though I’ve been doing this for over 28 years (I’m kidding, this is actually the evil twin of Otis, Flotis, and I’ve actually secretly replaced him a couple of months ago. Unfortunately, nobody has noticed so far, and I’m not quite sure what evil plan it is that I’m supposed to be hatching, so I’m kind of an evil twin without direction…interesting, huh?), I still can not understand how it is that a family such as this can come down to the FunCenter and make it all look so effortless?

Do they have classes that you can attend? FamilyPhotog 101? And if so, why am I not teaching? I was supposed to be a teacher, after all, and that might be the perfect opportunity…because, this photography thing gives me all sorts of free time for that?

OK. I’m not even sure where it is that I am right now, or what it is that I am supposed to be doing, but judging by the loverly photographs that are just a little bit away, I would think that now is the point in the story where I give mad props and MuchLove to The Family White for giving us a little bit of their sweet sweet family time! It was well worth it, because the final results were, quite simply, fantabulous! There is no need for additional words, we should now just sit back, relax, and – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

MM v.1 :: The Family Henry Edition!

A’ight, my people of blog! [ed. By the way, for those of you not familiar with all things that are superduper cool, the term ‘a’ight’ is a hipster way of saying the word, ‘alright’. Please, people, I’m going to have to ask you to remember that if you want to appear coolio (again, anonther hipster term), you’re going to have to refrain from acting like you don’t know what I speak of] First up on this crazy merry-go-round of love that we call the FunCenter Express (FCE) is none other than The Family Henry!

Did they come down to the FunCenter to debate air hand-dryers versus good ol’ fashioned paper towels? No No NO! Even though this debate may have been lively, and at times a little testy (as our very own James has some pretty strong feelings in this department), they came down for some totallyrighteous FamilyTimeSnaps!

The good time train just kept on a-rollin right on through our all too short time with this wonderful group, and the results were…well…let me just tell you that if by looking at the pics below, you can’t tell what the results were, then you’re just gonna be out of luck. Cause they were just that sweet. Straight up.

MuchLove to this lovely group for stopping down to the FunCenter, and to all of my peeps chillin’ in the land of blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Midnite Meditations (MM)

Hello, my good people of blog! It has been a while, hasn’t it. I really must apologize for the lack of new in the land of blog. There has been much in the behind the scenes department going down around the FunCenter, and I’m afraid that my people of blog have been suffering due to it!

Never fear, good citizens of blogville, we have not forgotten you! In fact, you weigh heavy on my heart. Kind of like that Telltale Heart, by Poe. I always hear you, beating beneath the FunCenter floor. You haunt me in my sleep, and you…whoa…I think I’m getting a little bit too deep there, folks.

What I’m trying to tell you is that at this late hour, we is about ready to embark upon an epic posting of goodlygoods and sweetlysweets that shall from this point forward be known to the People of the blog as…Midnite Meditations.


Some of the more intrepid viewers of blog may have noticed a couple of changes over the past couple of days – like the loss of the link ‘previous entries’ at the bottom of the page. You did, however, gain a link at the top of the page that says ‘Older’ – and if you click that there is a slider think that you can use to navigate around past entries. I do not fear that all of my smarty bloggers shall be able to adapt to this new feature. If not…uhh…well, best of luck to you.

Categorized as Musings