O&JWYB v.3: Mondays Child(ren)

The old poem says that Mondays child is fair of face. Now, I really didn’t know what this was all about until this past Monday, as we welcomed two lovely ladies to the studio for some good ol’ fashioned Portrait Snaps!

I will tell you, I now know what that means, as these two were indeed fair of face (that’s also known as beautiful!)

We couldn’t have asked for a better way to start the week, and we thank these two for taking the time to visit us (and we thank their assistants too), and we would now like to offer up some snaps from our time together – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

O&JWYB v.2: Patty & Jenny!

Let’s just go straight up for a second.
Are you ready for some truth?
Because here it comes.


Straight up.

I could work with these two all day – whenever either steps into the Funcenter, time stops, and a euphoria sweeps over the joint like an ether cloud. I don’t know what that means.

What I do know is that this past Saturday afternoon we had the grat pleasure of welcoming old friends of Otis & James Patty & Jenny down for some good ol’ friends picxs! They even brought a scooter…A SCOOTER!! What more could we want??!! Anybody that brings a scooter is good. Scooter good. Otis happy.

Let’s just stop this nonsense and get to the snaps…you’ll know what I’m talking about when you see the snaps. Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

O&JWYB v.1: The Breakfast Club

In ways similar to the John Hughes classic, this past Saturday morning the Otis & James Center for the follicularly (and I’m really sure that this is not a word) challenged (that would be Otis) came alive with the energetic souls of six lovely children (not to mention their respective entourages) for some super-fantastic Cousins Pix!

The good times rolled and rolled – plenty of laughs, just a few tears, and an awesome amount of total and complete awesom-osity! What I’m trying to say is we had a great time with this group, and we thank them for coming down to the studio. So, Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James

Categorized as Portraits


Yesterday afternoon we welcomed new friend of Otis & James Brianna to the studio for some sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet-bippy-style Por-Traits!

Even though we have previously never had the opportunity to work with this awesome individual, we knew she would be great to work with as we had previously had the great pleasure of working with both her older brother and sister!

So, before she embarked on a journey to a warmer climate, Brianna and her lovely assistant (the always pleasant Mom!) came down to the studio, and full on rocking commenced. As expected, she was awesome, and we got a ton of great schtuuuuf!

Enough with all these word, let’s get to some pics – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits


As the afternoon turned to evening (doesn’t that sound like the start of a super-lame book) yesterday, we welcomed the always wonderful Shonda to the Funcenter for a commando/ninja-style super quick portrait shoot!

She karate kicked and judo chopped (actually she did neither, but have no doubts that she would be great at either) her way into our camera, in order for us to put these pictures on your computer. Thanks to Shonda for sneaking in when we needed her to, and to all of you out ther reading this – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Joe…(With A Little Help From Odie!)

That title is a cross between U2, The Beatles, and Garfield. That would indeed be one tripped out concert. I can’t believe that out of those acts, Garfield would headline.

But this isn’t about some pie in the sky concert that can never be held. Listen, I tell you a story now. Yesterday the sweet smelling world of Otis & James was paid a visit from none other than our new friend Joe, and his special guest Odie! Odie was actually only with us for a little bit, and then he turned the show over to the main event, Joe.

Joe was great – he displayed a rugged charisma that transcended the barrier between regular portraits, and super sweet portraits. We thank him for doing this, as people tend to be fans of the super sweet portraits more so than the ‘meh’ portraits.

Alright. Let’s get on with the pics – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Für Elise

The award for lamest/most obvious post title goes to…Otis, from Otis & James Photography!

I always knew that I had this in me…I’ve always been known around these parts for noticing obvious things. I’m just so thankful that my obviouscitiousness can be shared with you, my fellow bloggerites.

In regards to what this post is about, a lovely young woman that we shall call ‘Elise’ (I’ve got a thing for the ” today) stopped by the Otis & James Center for Mac & Cheese Research (mostly researched by James) for some superfantasticphotographs!

She rocked it up, which seems crazy as she didn’t even know any JBJ!!!! That’s Jon Bon Jovi for you loooooooooooosers out there. I’m sorry, it’s not nice to call those not fortunate enough to know the ways of JBJ names. He teaches us this through his lyrics.

We would like to thank Elise for the cookies (bringing cookies is always good, I will not stop you from bringing cookes), and for being such a treat to work with! Enough. Enough of all this insanity, let’s get to the snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

The Offspring McIntosh!

Yesterday afternoon we got back in the swing of things with a visit from the children (does children imply that they are young? Because they’re not little kids by any means…which is why I have opted to use the term ‘offspring’ in the post title, but does that make it seem a little too scientific, or a little too much like a band that is trying too hard to be young punks, even though they are almost in their fifties?)

With all of that cast aside in a pot of stuff that one can use to put stuff aside in, we were indeed visited by this pleasant group for some sweetly-super (a variation on our normal ‘super-sweet’, and what the crunk is up with me and my use of ” today?) brough-ham and sisterly shots!

We had a great time working with the offspring McIntosh, and would now like to throw this idea out…how ’bout we look at some snappy-snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James

Categorized as Portraits


Yesterday afternoon we had the great pleasure of working with a very talented young lady by the name of Makenna! She danced her way right on up in to the O&J Funcenter for some super duper funtime pics!

She was a dream to work with, and we had an absolutely wonderful time working with this talented young lady, and we would now like dispense with all of these words and get on with some pics – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Lindsey & Lacie!

And of course, what would follow the two previous posts other than the combination of this awesome duo, like Sonny & Cher, except they’re sisters, but I’m pretty sure they can sing – Enjoy!

Image ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits