
Our day today came to a conclusion with a visit from none other than the one and only Elyse – and her special guest star assistant, Mom! The occasion was not to dress up in a turkey costume and get some great Thanksgiving portraits, nooooooo…instead it was continuing the tradition of being an Otis & James Senior (which is really not as glamorous as it sounds)!

The cavalcade of Senior Fun just kept on a-rollin’ through the ol’ studio (apparently I’ve been spendin’ time raftin’ down the ol’ Miss), and Elyse kept our streak of working with the most fun Seniors possible alive alive (that sentence does, in some weird way make sense.)

We thank both her and her lovely assistant for making the trip to see us today, and we look forward to the conclusion of our shoot once we get a little more sun in the sky, and snow on the ground. But for now, take pride in the work that we have done so far, because it’s sweet, and it’s all because of you – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Yesterday afternoon we were paid a visit by our new friend (also the daughter of an old friend) Kelly! Our time together was all too brief, but we made good use of it!

We thank Kelly and her lovely assistant (Mom) for taking time out for us, and we offer these snaps from the day – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Keepin’ it Real with Adam

That title sounds like a bad public access television show that tries too hard to be hip and relevant. Then again, I the same could be said about me. Except I use the internet, and not public access. What does all of this have to do with Adam? Nothing. Not one thing. You see, Adam is unlike me in that he doesn’t have to try to be hip and cool, he is. He is also unlike me in that he has hair. And he has height. This list could really go on and on, but let’s get on with the post.

Adam came into our studio this evening, and turned the magic up to full blast. He rocked, rolled, and we were glad that he took the time to pay us a visit. We had a great time working with him, and we hope he feels the same way about us. Most people are unsure if they had fun, or if they were slightly creeped out. Like when we took him to the gym, and were all like ‘Let’s pose in this stanky hallway.’ He could have been all creeped out then, but he wasn’t…at least we hope he wasn’t. Let’s hope that fun was the verdict. OK then, let’s get up on the snap – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Katrina in the Evening!

This very chilly day came to a splendid conclusion with a visit from our western friend, Katrina and her assistants (Dad & L-O-L-A Lola!) To be sure, Lola was not of the human persuasion, and more of the canine type. Regardless of all this about a dog named Lola, we’re here tonight to instead talk about a human named Katrina!

Not just a human named Katrina, but a human that was totally and completely freakin’ sweet to work with! She brought out her A-game tonight, and the results were not just fantastic, but Super-Fantastic! I know, totally insane…but true. Katrina rocked it up, and we thank her and her faithful band for taking the time to make the trip east to see us. Perhaps someday I will make it west to their neck of the woods, but I don’t want to rush into anything.

Well, enough of my fear of going any further west than Minot, and let’s move on to the highlights from the shoot – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Michael in the Morning!

We awoke today to a very chilly morning indeed. Our endless summer seems to have come to an end, but that doesn’t mean that our Summer of Seniors has to come to an end. On the contrary, this morning we were joined in the Otis & James Nerve Center by none other than Michael and his faithful assistants (Mom & Nephew!)

Michael was a rip-roarin’ and a ready to go from the start! His ease in front of the lens made our job all the easier. We thank him and his assistants for taking the time to come down to not only visit us, but to say hello as well! OK, enough of all this blabbering and let’s get on with the pics – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Andrea (mini post)

Day 92 of the quest to complete the portraits of Andrea came and passed today.
Keep the faith.
More to follow.

Much thanks to Andrea and faithful assistant (new O&J regular, Michael).

Otis Out

Image ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Kelsey…One More Time!

After an initial burst of photographs (which seems like it was about five moths ago), we in the world of Otis & James were finally able to complete our time with the ever-friendly Kelsey, and her lovely assistant (MoM* – you may remeber them from their previous post here.)

We had an absolutely glorious day to work with, and Kelsey too brought her A game, and we all just totally tore it up. We visited gravel pits, dried up creek beds which were no longer dried up, places with bad things painted on the walls, and finally in an old trailer. All in all, it was a morning filled with an eclectic group of places, but it was all held together by the lovely Kelsey.

We thank her and her assitant for making the trip to see us, and we will now dispense with all this non-sensical jibberish and move to the snappy-snaps – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

*If you turn your monitor upside down it will instead say WoW – and this WoW will say MoM and so on, and so on, and so on)

Categorized as Seniors


How did we conclude our day yesterday, you ask? We did it in the most perfect way, working with none other than the immaculate JDee! Poised, confident, and any other number of adjectives for ‘totally awesome’ is all we can say.

We thank JDee and her lovely assistant (Mom) for taking time from their day for us, and as a token of our thanks we offer these photographs of our time together – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Yesterday morning we were joined in the Otis & James nerve center by not only the lovely Jacqueline, but also her faithful assistant, Bentley (I don’t know what the story is, but over the past few days we’ve had nothing but really fancy dogs stopping by the studio of late – first Gucci, and now good ol’ Bents!) His friends call him Bents. I’m his friend.

They both came ready to tear it up in the studio and in the ootdoor land that surrounds our studio, and rock it up they both did. We had a great time working with this dynamic duo, and hope that they come by our place again, as they brought sunshine and rainbows with them!

Seeing as how I’ve used the word ‘rainbow’ in this post, I think that it has now become time for us to stop the jibber-jabber and get on with the goods. So – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Tyler, Indeed.

This evening we were paid a visit from hard-core Green Bay fan Tyler in the Otis & James super studio. We kept it short and sweet, and went straight to kick out the jams mode.

Tyler was happy to oblige our ‘short and sweet’ approach, and he did it in style! We thank him and his assistant (Mom) for making the trek to O&J, and as thanks we’d like to offer up some samples of our work together – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors