Keeping up with the adventures, life and times of a studio called Fun (but you can call it the FunCenter…is that starting to sound creepy? Like one of those places as a child you would be taken to that might have some great name, but in reality it was lame-oh…like, you would go to Chuck E. Cheese, but some of the animatronic animals might be broken, and you’ve been waiting and waiting to see the sweet Chuck E. Cheese animatronic show, because it’s your birthday and you’ve been waiting all year for this moment, and when the time finally gets there, you realize that what you had built it up to be in your head is far better than the reality of it all…is the FunCenter becoming that??) I’m going to continue that parenthetic thought out into the regular body of this post and answer with a resounding NO! And I know this to be true, as our super-awesome session with the absolutely wonderful Blake & Danae confirmes with great certainty that the FunCenter indeed lives up to its name, because our time with this super-couple (again, I make no claims of certainty to their super-powers, or lack thereof) was indeed, nothing but fun! NOTHING BUT FUN!!!
Now, let me throw some love toward Blake & Danae for taking time to visit us on this fine evening, and for all of you our there in Blogland, you will know the love I have for you with this one word – Enjoy!
All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography