Blake & Danae!

Keeping up with the adventures, life and times of a studio called Fun (but you can call it the FunCenter…is that starting to sound creepy? Like one of those places as a child you would be taken to that might have some great name, but in reality it was lame-oh…like, you would go to Chuck E. Cheese, but some of the animatronic animals might be broken, and you’ve been waiting and waiting to see the sweet Chuck E. Cheese animatronic show, because it’s your birthday and you’ve been waiting all year for this moment, and when the time finally gets there, you realize that what you had built it up to be in your head is far better than the reality of it all…is the FunCenter becoming that??) I’m going to continue that parenthetic thought out into the regular body of this post and answer with a resounding NO! And I know this to be true, as our super-awesome session with the absolutely wonderful Blake & Danae confirmes with great certainty that the FunCenter indeed lives up to its name, because our time with this super-couple (again, I make no claims of certainty to their super-powers, or lack thereof) was indeed, nothing but fun! NOTHING BUT FUN!!!

Now, let me throw some love toward Blake & Danae for taking time to visit us on this fine evening, and for all of you our there in Blogland, you will know the love I have for you with this one word – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Kevin & Erica!

Our past Friday came to a thrilling conclusion, as we were visited by the totally awesome Kevin & Erica! Perhaps ‘thrilling conclusion’ is a little bit on the misleading side, as there were no car crashes, or shoot outs, or explosions, or kidnappings, or any mayhem for that matter. What there was, (wait for the segue…wait for it) however, well…there were lovely lovely (that’s two lovelies) engagement photographs, brought to us by this wonderful couple!

The shots just rolled off, one right after another, culmulating in a wonderful collection of super-fantastic engagement photo-graphs! They were absolutely wonderful to work with, and we can hardly wait until the main event, the big show, the…well…you get the point – their wedding!

Much thanks to these two for making time for us, and now I shall cease in this meandering collection of words that is attempting to be something, and I’m pretty sure that it is not, and, as I was saying, it is time for us to move on to some sample snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

DYTYCJLMLT v.7 :: Kelly & Deanna Edition

Concluding our Tuesday Tuesday past, our very own James had the great pleasure of taking a little cruise out of town to visit new friends of O&J, Kelly & Deanna, for some good ol’ fashioned (not that ‘ol’ fashioned’ that you find in tourist towns with the old clothes and the guns and the sepia toning and all that stuff – cheese…that’s total cheese) engagement photographs!

Otis (and I love refering to myself in the third person) didn’t have the good fortune of tagging along for the shoot, and it looks like he really missed out – as the photographs were absolutely gorgeous! You know what, I’m just going to stop this typing, say thank you to Kelly & Deanna for taking a little time from the end of their day for us, and get right to the evidence. Evidence of how awesome the snaps are – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Brent & Michelle…Wündercouple!

It should be illegal to have as much fun as we had with Brent & Michelle this past Thursday night. Now, I don’t mean that we did anything that could even remotely be considered a crime, unless you can categorize laughter as an offense punishable by local ordinances. We’re not a bunch of law-breakin’ hooligans, after all.

What I’m trying to say here, in somewhat obtuse terms (let’s pause for a second and look at the definition of that word, as I think it could really describe what happens here):

obtuse |əbˈt(y)oōs; äb-| adjective 1 annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand : he wondered if the doctor was being deliberately obtuse. See note at stupid .

Well, and that pretty much sums up that. Now that we have a good adjective for this thing, let’s move it on. Where were we now??? Ahh yes, we’re good law-abiding folks around here. Not that this has anything to do with Brent & Michelle, so let’s get back to them.

You see, we had an awesome time working with them, and we didn’t want our time to end! But, as all good things go, it had to eventually. And as I’ve said before, thank goodness that we have some sweet sweet photo-graphs to remind us of the time we shared. Until we meet again, my friends – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

¡Craig & Jessica!

I thought that I would put the upside down exclamation point at the start of the post title in order to add a little bit of flair to what sometimes could be considered to be variations on the exact same title over and over again. So this is how that little bit of punctuation has come to be. I’m not sure that it’s adding that much spice, but it’s a start.

Moving on, as the this spicy title suggests, this past Monday (and I’m talkin’ ’bout a week ago for those of you keeping track at home, with your ‘home edition’ of Blogging with Otis & James) we concluded our day with a visit from our new friends, Craig & Jessical for some superduperstyle Engagement Photo-Graphs!

Let me tell you, the photo-graphing was awesome, one and all had a great time (there was one member of this duo in particular that normally isn’t into the whole ‘portrait session’ thang – even they had a good time!) But really, how long does all of this blabbering have to go on for – let’s get to the snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Early In The Morning, and I Ain’t Got Nothin’ But Sean & Elise!

The extent of my writing on this post will end with the title, as due to the early morning nature of this shoot, I was not able to attend this shoot (remember, I love the nightlife, and the only way I would have been able to see the sunrise would be if I had stayed up all night – but I’m trying not to do that much as it makes fucntioning in normal society more or less not really all that possible, and the part of society that I do function in at this time of night/morning is not one which I really want to spend all that much time at.) To find out more about the title, one could look to the recorded catalog of Mr. Buddy Guy, if one was so inclined. Well, I think it’s time that Jamie took over, seeing as how she was there, and I wasn’t.

Jamie…you ready?? Alright, she’s agreed that if I type it, she’ll say it. Here goes:

I like Sean & Elise.

Alright, and that’s why she doesn’t do the blog thing. Well, I like them too, and if their wedding doesn’t happen at sunrise, I will be sure to see them there!

Much Love!
One Love!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Joe & Cheri…At Last!

After much gnashing of teeth and failed attempts, the Otis & James Caravan of Love pulled into the Bismarck Station (kind of sound like the Love Train) for some totally awesomely righteous Engagement Pics for Joe & Cheri…and we even got them done before their wedding!! We’re rocking now!

We had an absolutely beautiful evening, as we went to our Capitol (do I capitalize that? Capitol!! Yay!) and took some geeeeeeeeeeeeeeorgeous snaps! It was a true pleasure working with (and finally meeting) this lovely couple, and we thank them for their patience – I do believe that it worked out for the best! Oh, and thanks for running through the sprinklers! Without any further delay, we present Joe & Cheri – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Erin & Wade…(A Little Late!)

One of the very last things that we all (Wade, Erin, Otis & James) talked about at the end of the shoot last Saturday was how our old friend Erin is a devoteé of the blog – not that she is all weird about it, just that she likes to keep up with all the goings on in the land of Otis & James (aka the FunCenter for Fun!)

It is my hope that she is not alone in this. In fact, we encourage all that come to keep on coming back to see all the shiny new faces that show up on these pages of blog! Some may think that they are stopping by too often, but alas, there is no such thing as stopping by too often in around here.

You see, I come from a long line of people that encourage others to stop by. I’ll make up a pot of coffee, we’ll talk for a while, maybe have a cookie or two. It’s just what we like to do (I think it might be a Norwegian thing.) It’s just that this has moved from around the kitchen table, and instead resides out there in the ether. The great thing about this is that it’s never too late – you can never inconvenience us. Heck, have as many cookies as you want – we’ll make more!

With this in mind, it is with great irony that yours truly, Otis, made a little mistake the other day and instead of putting up the absolutely lovely photographs from the incredibly friendly Engagement Session of Erin & Wade (and remember, Erin is a devoteé), I accidently just saved the post to be put up later. And, seeing as how I am trying to keep my egomania in check by not continually going back to the blog and reading everything over and over again and marveling at how wonderful I am, I didn’t become aware of this aggregious error until the lovely Jamie asked me why I hadn’t put up their snaps yet!! What, said I, are you talking about??!! Oh, the horror of my error (I like how those two words look together, perhaps that could be a good band name – Horrendously Erroneous – totally metal)!

So, it is without any further delay that I present to the faithful out there in blog land the engagement sample snappy snaps of the always wonderful Erin & Wade – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Jade, Erica, and a Little Rain

That title is suggestive of a Bob Dylan song, or maybe even a couple of Dylan songs, but really…what isn’t?

I wasn’t there for this one, it was a solo James show. Looking at the snaps, it would seem that I’ve finally become more or less just the guy that types his nonsense on the blog, and likes to hear the sound of his own voice. I also take out the trash. Intersting that my name would come first in our business name.

Enough of my pity, as what sparks this is the reality that Jade, Erica, Jamie (and a little bit of rain) made some absolutely beautiful engagement snaps. Perhaps I will stay home more often, or maybe we should just work with this wonderful couple more often, as the results were gorgeous!

Many thanks to the couple for making a little bit of time for us on their quick tour of Minot, and we can’t wait until we work together again – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Reggie & Rachel…Masters of Engagement Photo-Graphs

If the title says that this lovely couple are Masters of Engagement Photo-Graphs, the question becomes ‘Who am I to argue with such statements?’ Who dares to stand up to the title to say otherwise?? Any takers out there?? I hear nothing but silence…deafening silence! Why, I ask, would I hear anything else, as this title is the absolute truth!!

How, do I know this to be the truth?? Because I was there!! I witnessed these truths first-hand. I witnessed them, and I am here today to witness to you, my fellow blogerites, to the total and complete awesomeosity that was Reggie & Rachel, as they came to the Otis & James FunCenter of Fun and showed us how it was done.

It was as if they broke it down old-school style, to show the kids how it is that this thing that is called Engagement Snaps are done. Succceed, they did. Much thanks for the good times, and for everyone else out there – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography