All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography
Category: Engagement
Almost married, but not quite!
Megan & Troy!
Karmen & Joe!
Charity & Andy!
Kristin & Corey!
All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography
SVDBOR v.14 :: The Ashley & Reed Edition!
Did you know that Ashley & Reed are personally responsible for increasing the overall beauty of The Earth by 1.7%? Now, that may seem like a small number, but you gotta take into consideration how big The Earth is.
Seriously, it’s like…huge. So that number, when taken into context, becomes pretty staggering.
Really, if you think about it too much, your head is likely to explode.
All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography
Shaun & Johnathon!
Next up on they ride of action, thrills and non-stop excitement that is all thing Otis & James was a visit from none other than two good people that I will call Shaun & Johnathon! And you know what, you can call them that too! Because those are their names, and it would not be right to call them anything else. But you know that, as the People of Blog (POB’s) are a smart & peaceful people, bringing nothing but sunshine & love & hot dogs (I’m not so sure why it is the POB’s always feel the need to bring hot dogs whenever they come around, but I don’t mind) to everyone they meet! But enough about you people out there reading these words in Blog world, we need to get back to Shaun & Johnathon!
They blasted on in to the FunCenter (that’s what it’s called, yo – don’t forget it) for some totallysweet pictosnaps, and they got just that. And you want to know why they got that? Because they knew the score. They knew what was up. They had the deal figured out. They came. They saw. They conquered. In fact, they should be teaching master classes here at CenterFun (whoa…did you see that? I switched it up, to see if you were paying attention. Did you catch it? Because if you truly want to be a General in the o&j army of Love ((in no way related to Ron Paul’s thing)), you gotta have all your senses honed razor sharp, ready at a moments notice to catch anything…got it?) on how to take supersweet snaps. Yeah, that’s how good they were.
Alright now, I’m just a-gonna let all of that sink in, and while it is (don’t be alarmed if you have a sinking feeling), sit back, relax, and gander – if you will – at the wonderment (it’s a word, really, it is) that was this wonderful couple! ManyThanks & MuchLove to these two fine friends for stopping by, and to my faithful of the blog that I love so much – Enjoy!
All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography
Allison & Mark!
Well hello there my good friends of Blog! There’s no need to worry your pretty little blog heads, as we are back in the pilot seat (pilot seat…captains chair…leader sitting device – they’re all the same) and ready to take control of the StarShip OJ (again, in no way is it affiliated with anybody with the first named ‘Orenthal’, but there is a ‘James’. Thank you, parents, for not naming me ‘Orenthal’, as we totally would have had to of had ((could those words have been any stranger a combination?)) named the business something else, and that would have been lame, because we would have been all ‘Tender Moments Photogratorium’, and nobody would have wanted to have visited us then, as anything with ‘orium’ in it is not any fun for anyone) and take us back to a time, oh so not so long ago when we had the good pleasure of working with our new friends, Allison & Mark!
They did not come here to hear (again, a strange combination of words) ol’ otis sing 14 of his favorite sea shanty’s (album dropping in June), or to hear James recite her favorite recipes (you should really hear the one for corn dog’s and mac & cheese), no no no. They came here for some supersweet!
They, my good people of blog, did not disappoint! They sweetly rocked, they sweetly rolled, and – between you & me – let’s just say that the results were fantastic! Why oh why must you listen to me rattle on and on about it, you should probably just let the samplesnaps be your proof. One more thing. MuchLove to Allison & Mark for giving us a little bit of their time, and to all my good and patient peeps out there in Land of Blog – Enjoy!
All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography
Courtney & Mike!
And the hits just keep on coming, one right after another at the Otis & James Fun Center for Fun & Fun Addiction (O&JFCFF&FA…now nationally accredited…‘We Don’t Treat Addictions To Fun…We Encourage Them!‘), and next up on our Cavalcade of SuperStars was Courtney & Mike!
The decided to stop to our little section of Main Street for some totally awesome (please don’t tell me that I gotta tell you what this means…alright…just this last time…for all of you squares out there it means ‘engagement pics’…I swear, you gotta stay hip, don’t make me repeat my hipster slang!),and – rest assured my friends – some totally awesome were exactly what they got!
Now, I could sit here and tell you that the reason why their pics were so sweet was because we’re just that good, I mean, we’re otis & james, yo…dang. If I were to do that, however, I would be lying. The reason why their pics were so good was because they were so good! Folks, you heard it here first. The reason why is not because of us, it’s because our clients know how to rock. Straight up. That’s why we have the pre-session ‘rock it up’ screening test to see if you’re eligible for the FunCenter. Enough about us, back to the story here.
Man oh man oh man, gotta give the MuchLove to Courtney & Mike for coming all the way from cities so twin to visit us, and I gotta tell my good peeps of blog and anyone else out there that happens to be stuck reading this – Enjoy!
All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography
Kharra & Randy!
Oh hello there! Thanks for stopping by again. Well, now that we have the pleasantries of out the way, I bet you’re thinking that there is going to be a bunch of silly words that lead up to the real reason why you’re here, and that’s the supershinyhappy pictosnaps that are just sitting here at the bottom of these words just waiting to be ogled (really, that’s a word…totally looked it up…whoa…actually did just look it up, and it’s a little skeevy, but I’ll leave it in…what the heck, right?! The More You Know!)
Well, I bet you’re sitting there thinking that. I bet you’re thinking that I’m going to ramble on and on and on about how lucky we are to have such gorgeous clients, and how easy & fun they were to work with. And, I bet you’re thinking that I’m going to ramble on about how our time with them was far too quick, and we can’t wait until their wedding. Yep. I know you, and I know you’re thinking that. But you know what? You’re wrong.
Yep, you heard it, you’re wrong. I’m just gonna say this instead. Kharra & Randy…dang. They rocked. People of Blog, see how it’s done. MuchLove & ManyThanks, and to all the people of the digital world reading this – Enjoy!
All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography