GABO v.13 :: The Chris & Rusti Edition!

It’s really too bad that the number 13 has such a bad stigma attached to it. Is it really “unlucky?” And if you attach the word “Friday” to it people think that it’s the end of the world. It was clear that the only way to disperse some of the bad stigma for the thirteenth post of the Great American Blog Off was to pick a truly extraordinary couple for the blog.

It’s not as easy as it sounds.

I couldn’t summon the help of my colleagues, because I knew that they wouldn’t have the slightest idea of how to choose the perfect couple to ward of the evil numbered aura. I sat for days brainstorming, thinking, pondering, wondering, and furling my forehead. I tried doing difficult math equations and reading Einstein’s biography in Swahili to help push my brain to the limits. I traveled the world, speaking with witch doctors, psychics, natives, scholars, priests, and even wood nymphs. Unfortunately, their advice could not help me pick the perfect couple. I came back to the studio, sad and dejected. When I sat down at my desk, I thought that this would seriously be an end to the blog.


The one and only official robot of Otis & James, Orlace Hanes, had come to the rescue! He had found the perfect couple to “lucky the unluckiness” of the number 13, Chris & Rusti! (He wouldn’t really tell me how he found them. I assume it had to do with nanotechnology, circuits and logic boards. As I’ve said before, we’re simple photographers, we don’t fool with those intricate details). So, we have to thank Chris & Rusti for being so spectacular, so phenomenal, so… un-thirteenish… yeah. That’s all I got.


All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

GABO v.6 :: The Jocelyn & Jordan Edition!

There is a problem with Jocelyn & Jordan. I don’t want to have to tell you this, but I feel that I have to. I know that you people out there – you goodly people of the land of blog – will be able to understand what it is that I am about to say. It is truthful, and I hope that you will know why it is I have elected to say anything about it. So, here goes.

Jocelyn & Jordan…they are too good. They are too perfect. They raise the bar too high for every other couple out there. Why…why do they have to be so good? Is it something that they have been in training for? Is there some sort of a ‘photographic coach’ they visit? Is it something that they are born with? Ahh shoot, man…I wish I had the answers to these questions. I wish there was a way I could let you in on their little secret, but I guess we shall have to just take comfort in the fact that they are awesome + awesome, which – according to my calculations, means they are double awesome, and that – my peeps – is a crazy amount of awesome.

Now that we have that out in the open, I hope we can all find a way to move on. If not, then I suggest that you just linger on this post and take in the sweetlysweets that is all things Jocelyn & Jordan! ManyThanks to this wonderful couple for stopping by FunCenter and giving us a little bit of their good times, and to all of my friends out there in land of blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Give it up for Christina & Ryan!

For some reason, I’m going to have all of you out there in cyberspace gather ’round my “Virtual Bonfire.” Why? Because I said so. With that said, we’re going to pretend that it is dark out, we’re located near a forest, and the fire is a blazing. Old Man Otis has his old Toyota Cressida pulled up next to the fire, and is sitting on the hood. Queen James is very busy roasting marshmallows, while at the same time Kinzo scares the local woodland creatures. Roo and Emily Monstah are throwing sticks at each other, and I, (Milo) am chopping wood with my deluxe hatchet axe, with my flannel shirt open to give me the whole “rugged woodsman” effect.

Now the rest of you can pretend you’re doing one of the following —

1) Dancing to Haddaway’s “What is Love” pumping
from the speakers of the Cressida
2) Protecting the woodland creatures from Kinzo
3) Skinny dipping (but that is scandalous and you
probably shouldn’t because if Uncle Otis finds out
you will be banished from the Virtual Bonfire)
4) Skipping stones across a neat little pond
5) Star gazing for constellations, even though you
don’t know ONE SINGLE constellation besides the
Dippers; you should have paid more attention in
science class, right? right?! RIGHT!? Thought so!


6) Hanging out with Christina & Ryan!

Now don’t get too excited, we can’t have all of you around the Virtual Bonfire wanting to hang out with Christina & Ryan. It’s just not fair to them. They can’t help how terrific they are. They can’t help that they just give off an “aura of fun, and an “atmosphere of originality.”

They just do what they do because they were born that way. THEY CAN’T HELP IT.

Here they are for all to see… Chris and Ry, Ryan and Christina, CHRISTINA and RYAN!


All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

The Lisa & Sam Blog Slam!

I want to start this off by saying “Children of the Blog come hither!” but that gives me a weird Children of the Corn vibe. Instead I shall say “Men and women of the blog come here!” You want to know why? Well that’s easy! I have officially relocated my battle station down here at the CFATB [Center For All Things Blog]. Isn’t that exciting? I mean seriously… I put a new poster up… the robots brought desk warming gifts… I’m even at an angle… and everyone loves angles!

Okay, I probably have just bored you. For that, I am truly sorry. There is only one way I know to liven back up your blog time —

Lisa & Sam!

That’s right! We had them helicoptered in from an undisclosed location (rumor has it somewhere near the River Nile) just to brighten the blog! Some of you may want to question me on this, but I never lie… ever. They landed on the roof over here at the Temple Court building, crawled through some duct work and bam! they were in the studio. Lisa showed Sam how easy it was to tear it up inside, and Sam showed Lisa how to shake it up outside.

A smart match? I think so. So, without further ado, I present the tearers (is that a word?) and the shakers themselves — Lisa & Sam! Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

TBWMYF v.9 :: Valerie & Jeff!

Mic Check. Mic Check. Is this thing on? Are we broadcasting? Wha…we are? You mean they can hear me? Oh…well…OK. Here goes then.

Ladies & Gentlemen! I come to you today with good news! News go grand that you’re all bound to leave this broadcast with a tune in your mind and a smile in your heart! I’m not even sure if the heart is capable of smiling, but I’m going to have our research staff (ed. Brittany, that’s you) get right on that and let our good people of blog know the answer to this question just as soon as we get to the current matter at hand, and that is the righteously awesome engagement pictosnaps of the one and only…Valerie & Jeff!

Before they walked into FunCenter (if it’s the weekend, I’ll call it ‘Studes’), I was sitting there talking to my fish that lives in a plant, and the conversation was something along the line of how could life at FunCenter be any better! No sooner had I said that then this awesomelyawesome couple walked on in. I immediately looked at fish and knew life had actually just gotten better!

Valerie & Jeff were totally awesome! They sweetlyrocked, they sweetlyrolled through the shoot, and by the time it was done, we knew the goods had been had. Well, my dear audience of blog, now is the time that we need to say MuchLove & ManyThanks to this wonderful couple for stopping down to FunCenter, and to all of you out there in land of blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Megan & Chase!

Dig now, if you will. I think that a Prince song starts like that. Wait..something like, ‘Dig if you will a picture’. Yes. Prince. I like that, very much. Dig if you will, my peeps of blog, a picture. Dig if you will, many pictures. Many happy beautiful pictures, and this time these pictures that I want you to dig are of a wonderous couple that we, for conversation sake, shall come to know as Megan & Chase!

They came down to Center For Fun & The Study of The Effects of Helium Exposure To Create Funny Voice (CFF&TSOTEOHETCFV) to get some sweetlysweet! Now, if you don’t mind here, I’m going to take a moment for us all to go down a road that I like to call ‘Digression Avenue’ (I almost wrote ‘Transgression Avenue’, but I don’t know if all you all really want to go down that road with me quite yet). Now, your old Uncle Otis (aging by the minute), due to his actions during the majority of the 1990’s and the first few years of the 2000’s, his memory can get…well…we’ll just call it ‘kind of hazy.’ And sometimes, when writing these entries, he has to (and yes, I do love refering to myself in the third person – I feel so much more official, or creepy, or something like that) rely upon notes that are scrawled on various surfaces (his hand, forehead, etc.). And sometimes, he gets the det’s (that’s kØØlio speak for ‘details’) all mixed up. Names, dates, times, etc., all fall into a strange realm of no return, and your Uncle Otis starts to get liberally relaxed with all the info.

Now, I’m sure that most of you are sitting there in your comfortable houses and homes and what not of Blogville wondering what this has to do with anything. Well, let me give it to you straight, my fellow people of blog. I am going to say that the one and only, the ever-lovely Megan & Chase came down to Center of Fun for some sweetlysweet (and for all of you that are still living in the land of ‘squaresville’, that means ‘engagement photo-graphs’), but there is a pretty good chance that they just came down for bf/gf shots (and people, please…I’m not going to explain to you what those abbrev’s mean), and if that’s the case, then I’m going to be starting some pretty crazy rumors about this wonderous couple. I’ve always wondered what the consequences would be if I were to confuse something like that. Like, what if I were to make this mistake, and the next day their parents were to look at bloggityblog and suddenly find themselves thinking that they have been left out of the loop on some pretty seriously big news…but alas…that is not the case with this gor-ge-ous couple.

You see, while I’ve been typing this epically longwinded post, I’ve done a little bit of research, and I have a verdict for you. Yes, they are getting married. Yes, these are But I knew all of this already, I just needed to fully activate my brain, and I soonly realized that we are even going to have the goodly great pleasure of working with Megan & Chase on their wedding day! HipHop…Hooray!

Well, the Gettysburg Address was shorter than this, and I do believe that it is time for us to put all of these words to bed, and get to the goods..and thats the samplesnaps. MuchLove & ManyThanks to Megan & Chase for stopping down to Center of Fun for the snaps, and to all of my constituents out there in land of blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Tasha & Blake!

At some point during this past week, the doors of the FunCenter opened up and and we were joined in our fresh paint and carpet glue filled confines by the one and only supercouple of all supercouples, Tasha & Blake!

They came down to the FunCenter not to discuss the proper way to make a Reuben with the one & only Otis, and they did not come down to discuss with Benjamin D. the proper way to stay cool when the temperature rises above 64º, they did not come down to discuss with McKinzey the proper way to say ‘Oopie Doopie’, and they did not come down to discuss with Jamie the proper way to not sign nuthin’…oh no, my friends…they came down to get some totallysweetlysweet!

And they came down to wait while Otis frantically tried to get a printer to work. Well, I’m pretty sure that they really didn’t come down for that part at all, but they did spend a fair amount of time doing it, so I feel that it warrants some mention (both Otis & The Printer thank you for your patience while they were battling in the basement), but mostly they came down for the sweetlysnaps!

And, my dear friends, sweetlysnaps is exactly what they got themselves! And I know this because a sampling of the sweetness can be found just a few keystrokes away. I guess that the amount of keystrokes can really be defined by me, so instead of pushing y’all to the limits on just how far I can push you, how about I just stop all of this typing and get to the point.

MuchLove to Tasha & Blake for stopping by! MuchLove to peeps of Blogville! And to a certain duck named Nacho – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement