Holy Hannah, an army of goodness came to the FunCenter sometime in our not so distant past…well..it seemed like an army of goodness, but it just turned out to be new friend to the Empire of Otis & James (now accepting applications for Supreme Rulers ((which, contrary to the sound of it, is really just a mid-level overlord position)), none other than the crazysweet (and, I use the term ‘crazy’ in the essence of being ‘whoa-sweet’ and not ‘taking a trip to crazytown’) superawesome senior that we like to call…Amy!
Not only do we like to call her Amy, but most of the rest of the world likes to call her that too! Wahoo for names! Alright, as I was saying, our fortune was set to good when she stepped into the FunCenter, as she rocked and she rolled through the good time that is superseniorpictosnaps! Actually, there is no guarantee that seniorsnaps are going to be that sweet, but due to the awesomeosity that is Amy, they were just that. Does that make sense? What? You say it doesn’t? Well, it makes sense to me, and that’s all that matters.
Now, I am telling you this. ManyThanks & MuchLove to Amy for being so awesome, and to all of you keeping your feet warm in the Land of Blog – Enjoy!
All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography