
Holy Hannah, an army of goodness came to the FunCenter sometime in our not so distant past… seemed like an army of goodness, but it just turned out to be new friend to the Empire of Otis & James (now accepting applications for Supreme Rulers ((which, contrary to the sound of it, is really just a mid-level overlord position)), none other than the crazysweet (and, I use the term ‘crazy’ in the essence of being ‘whoa-sweet’ and not ‘taking a trip to crazytown’) superawesome senior that we like to call…Amy!

Not only do we like to call her Amy, but most of the rest of the world likes to call her that too! Wahoo for names! Alright, as I was saying, our fortune was set to good when she stepped into the FunCenter, as she rocked and she rolled through the good time that is superseniorpictosnaps! Actually, there is no guarantee that seniorsnaps are going to be that sweet, but due to the awesomeosity that is Amy, they were just that. Does that make sense? What? You say it doesn’t? Well, it makes sense to me, and that’s all that matters.

Now, I am telling you this. ManyThanks & MuchLove to Amy for being so awesome, and to all of you keeping your feet warm in the Land of Blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Check it out. We’re now going to take a trip back in time, to a land and a space that I like to affectionately call ‘Last Week’. The details are fuzzy…I can barely remember anything other than the doors of the FunCenter opening up, and a man by the name of Brandon making his presence known at the Center for Fun (FunCenter, for all you squares…wait, I think I have that backwards…whichever.)

Actually, we have a buzzer that goes off whenever anyone walks into the studio, so he really didn’t pull some sort of mystic thang with us, it was more of a technology thang (which, coincidentally is the title of my new trance-house-industrial CD that I’m releasing next month…buy it today!) Regardless of how we knew it, we did.

After we had that out of the way, we sauntered to the ‘magic-zone’ (which, is the title of my new country-tonk album I’m releasing next month) for pictography, and made the magic happen (ed. Seriously, what the flip are you talking about??), and it was awesome!

ManyThanks & MuchLove to Brandon for making a little o&j time, and to all of my good peeps out there in the inner and outer areas of Blogville – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits


Well well well, what can I possibly say about the superlovely Addison that everyone doesn’t already know. Like, I could sit here and waste your time (some might argue that I’m already doing this, but it’s my party and I’ll type if I want to) regaling you (and yes, I looked it up, and regaling is a word…but it kind of reminds me of ‘regal’, and I always think of a Buick Regal, and that’s kind of silly now) with all sorts of stories of just how totally awesome she is. And about how she came to the FunCenter for Fun (FCFF) and just tore the roof off of the joint (ed. Wha???), and how we wished our time with her could have lasted forever, but alas, it had to end. We (and by ‘we’ I mean ‘me’) could have done this, but instead I think it would just be better if we let the pictosnaps do the talking.

Now is the time on FunCenter when we give MuchLove and ManyThanks to Addison for stopping by with her entourage, and to all of you – the faithful of blog that keep blogville safe and sound – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

The Children Holwegner!

Now the good times just kept right-on-a-rollin’ at the Otis & James Center For The Study of Fun and Fun Related Injuries (O&JCFFAFRI) as we welcomed none other than the Children Holwegner to our warm & comfy confines. Comfy confine? Sounds like a show about crafting on TLC. It’s not. I don’t know the first thing about being crafty. Well, I guess I am kind of crafty, but not with those coolio scissors that have the shapes already in them. Yep. I’m definitely not crafty with stuff like that. Or glue sticks. Or anything involving beads. Definitely.

Enough about me, let’s get back to the matter at hand, and that is none other than The Children Holwegner! Now, I suppose you’re sitting there in front of your cozy and warm fires thinking that I’m going to tell you about how they came to the FunCenter so Fun and filled it to the brim with absolute goodness and sweetness and not only that, but the completely rocked it up! Yeah. I bet you’re thinking that. And you know what? You’re right. Because they did. MmmmmHmmmm. Straight up.

We want to thank this superfantastic duo for taking time out of their schedules and bringing some love to us, and to all of you out there reading this in front if your interweb machines – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

The Children Pugh!

Picture it…Sicily..1934. Wait just a minute here, this isn’t an episode of the Golden Girls…we’re not living in 1989 again…wait just one stinkin’ minute…I remember! We’re living all the way up in 2008! Yes! That’s it! And I’m comin’ to you on this fine evening so so cold, to bring you sample snaps from the ever-so-lovely Children Pugh!

Saweeeeeeeet! 1989 was totally overrated (with the exception of the Golden Girls, that is) anyway, and the Children Pugh were totally awesome (judging by that expression, my vocab hasn’t really moved on much since then either)! We had a wonderful time working with this lovely duo, and the pictosnaps were wonderful!

So now, I think it be time for us to get our minds ready for some totally sweet snaps, bundle up, and…whoa now…we gotta give MuchLove & Many Thanks to this group for coming down to the studio…alright, back to it – and – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Bridal Show Love!

This past Sunday we had the good pleasure of participating in our third Fianceé Bridal Show! As usual, we had a fantasticalmagical time, and none of this would be possible without the stewardship of the always lovely head-honcho with the most, none other than Deb Harris! She is tireless in her support of us, and we truly thank her for being so good to us!

After the show, we had the good fortune of having some of the gorgeous models stop down to the FunCenter for some sweetlysweetsupersnaps, and the results were…well…dead sweet dude!

MuchLove to the beautiful models, and to all of you with the glowing eyes reading this in your comfortable homes high upon the mountaintops of Blogville – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

The Family Scott…In The Great Outdoors!

Oh, hello there my dear bloggerites! I come to you today with a wonderful story about an even more wonderful family! A week or so ago we found ourselves in the land of B-Town (and, for all of you squares out there, that means Bismarck.) And, since we found ourselves in this land so B, we thought that it would be a great time to visit friends of o&j, The Family Scott!

We drove here and there, to and fro in search of the parfect pictures, and we finally found a spot worthy of this lovely family! Now, I could continue typing here and say things like, ‘…the weather may have been cold, but the love from this family kept us all warm!’, but – even though it’s true – I fear the Velveeta police would arrest me for a flagrant (not fragrant) violation.

Instead, I will just now give a big ol’ o&j thank you to this wonderful family for making time for us, and to all of my faithful of the blog sitting in front of your digital campfires – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

The Family Dahl (well, at least we hope they’re all Dahl!)

But seriously folks, I really do hope that the majority of these bright and shining people do have the last name Dahl, and if not, we still love you all the same, and for this one moment in time you can pretend to have that last name. Really, though, it’s not about the last name, it’s about how totally and completely sweet the client is.

Now, when I say ‘sweet’ (what the flip is up with me and my liberal use of air-quotes lately?), I don’t mean all ‘…ahhh…you’re so sugary sweet!’, I mean more like, ‘dude…sweet.’ Andybody that knows me (and really now, here’s to hoping that you are one of the (lucky?) peeps that can say this, knows that my use of ‘dude’ (and now, apparently, air-quotes) sits on the border of being totally obnoxious. Enough about me. What I’m saying here is that this lovely family, regardless of what their last names are, were sweet. Dude, sweet.

Jibber Jabber much? Yes, I do say so! Without any further delay, the Family Dahl…wait, gotta give MuchLove & ManyThanks to them for stopping down, and to all my good Peeps of Blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits


When I was growing up (and really, who doesn’t love something that starts out with ‘when I was growing up’, because it usually evolves into something where I had to walk up hill both ways to school, didn’t have iPod’s, no internet, no cell-phones, and then you – as the listener of the story – find yourself getting sleepy and suddenly can only think about kittens running through a meadow of daisies…mmm…daisies), my brother had a teddy bear named Bartholomew. I really did like that bear, but I had a little bit of difficulty pronouncing his name, so until this situation could be remedied, he became ‘Bart’ to me. What does this have to do with anything, I’m sure my dear Friends of Blog are asking yourselves right now? Well, let me tell you.

You see, the doors of the FunCenter opened up on a day not so long ago, and a lovely young lady by the name of Harper strolled into our lives! Wahoo for that! Annnnnnnd…Harper brought with her the most lovely teddy bear I do swear I have ever seen. It was bigger than her! It made ol’ Bart seem like a sad ol’ joke (don’t tell him that.)

What can I say about Harper other than she was totally wonderfully gorgeous, and our time with her was all too short. Well, I think we’ve had enough of these silly words, and we need to get to some straight up staring at the cuteness that is Harper! To all my peeps, MuchLove, and – Enjoy!

All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Kelly & Michelle

Whoa now…just whoa now for a minute. Alright…that’s better. I think it’s time for all of us to sit down…I’ll wait. OK, that’s good. Now that you’re all tuned in here, I want you to sit back, relax, and listen to a little story about two incredibly lovely awesome peeps that, for the sake of the story, I shall call ‘Kelly & Michelle!’

Actually, there names are Kelly & Michelle, so you can call them that outside of this story too. Speaking of the story, let’s dive on in. I need you to close your eyes, and imagine a time and space that was called ‘2007’, and more specifically, a time that was called ‘December’. I know, I know, I’m probably blowing your collective minds, but research has shown that if you are here, on our blog, you are smarter, wiser, faster, and a generally more capable person at living that if you weren’t here. I can be contacted for citation of this research, and I would normally list it, but we gotta get back to this pictoparty of Kelly & Michelle!

The reason that I want you to conjure up memories of this time so long ago is that – way back when – we had the awesomely sweet pleasure of being at the wedding of this lovely couple! Not only were we lucky enough to be there, as long as we were there we thought it would be a good idea to get some awesome (I know, overuse of ‘awesome’…I’ll stop with that word now) snaps!

Now, it would be one thing if it was the middle of August, and we could all just prance around in the outside world without a care in sight, but it was the end of December, and it was cold. Very cold. And windy. The average person would have cried and crawled back into their warm space beds, but Kelly & Michelle, and their fantastic wedding party said ‘forget that’, and pranced around in the freezing cold like it was nothing. Nothing! Is that all you got, Mother Nature? Shhuuucks, man, this ain’t nothing.

The results of this bravery? Beauty! Magic! Wowza! You need proof of all this big talk? Well, I suggest you open up your eyes wide, and feast on the goodness that lies just a few short words away! But first, MuchLove & ManyThanks to all that worked to make this day beautiful, and to all you out there in this hour so late, I say – Enjoy!

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All Content ©2008 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings