Yesterday, which is called the Day of the Sun (translation: Sunday), we got to spend a little bit of quality time with the one and only Amanda, and the reason was not just to say hello, it was to get some rockinsweet Senior Snaps!
After fighting the weather for the first couple of attempts, Amanda held out for an absolutely gorgeous day, not too hot, not too cold, not to sunny, not too cloudy – it was perf (translation: perfect), and we were so happy to spend it with someone as lovely as the lovely (and I know that’s bad grammar, but sometimes you gotta put two lovelies in there) Amanda, and her equally as lovely assistant (tranlation: Mom)!
We had a great time working together, and I will go as far as to say that the snaps we gots were totally and completely awesome, and this is because Amanda is totally and completely awesome, and when you’re working with someone that is this awesome, what are ya gonna expect!
Much thanks to Amanda and assistant for taking a little bit o’ time for us today, and to all you all out there in the land of blog – Enjoy!
All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography