
Tonight, or late this afternoon, or at some time during both times, or really at any time since you’re just going to have to take my word for it that it really did occur during these times, and in all reality the time that said events did happen to happen at really doesn’t matter all that much, other than that they really did happen, but this is really just bordering on existential type talk, and as the sign clearly states there is none of that rabble rousing allowed here. Plain and simple, none of that.

Putting all of that aside and looking back on the events of these said times, it would seem that we were visited by a new friend of Otis & James, that indeed, the Otis & James Center for Hot Air Ballooning and Cat Grooming was given the gift of working with none other than the one and only, the lovely, the talented, Jenny!!!! This totally hep cat (she really isn’t a cat, for all you squares out there – and I know you’re there – this is just a colloquialism used by all the Kööl Kids, so get with it, man) came to our little section of Downtown and rocked it up, rocked it up, and rocked it up. That’s three. Three!

We had a great time working with Jenny, as we toured stanky basements, listened to the ramblings of Otis (which there seem to be more and more of), and eventually created a new dancing phenomena called the washin’ machine (which includes both the agitator and spin-cycle)!

Where is all of this leading to? It’s leading to us saying that we had an absolutely wonderful time working with Jenny, and we thank her for stopping down and visiting us! As the time has come for my epic story of Jenny to conclude, I leave you with this thought – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Our day of Seniors yesterday came to a lovely conclusion with a visit from the absolutely splendid Ashley! I don’t know what the story is, but all of our seniors that we’ve been working with lately have been totally awesome – and the same was true from Ashley.

We had a great time with her and her assistant (Mom), and we were able to get a ton of great snaps! A big Otis & James thank you to Ashely and her assistant for taking time to come down and visit us on this Presidents Day – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


And concluding our Monday Morning Senior Madness was the lovely Jolene! In case you didn’t know, this senior and the two before her came down to the superstudio together – sort of a three birds one stone sort of thing!

We would like to thank these three for making time for us this morning (and early afternoon), and for not just coming down to the studio but for coming back! We had a great time working with them, as they couldn’t have been any more gracious or easy to work with (especially once the men retired to the couches!) Well, enough of all this ramblin’ on, so let’s move on to the pics – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Next up in our Monday Morning Senior Madness was Jerrad – let’s take a look at a sample of his pics!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Yesterday morning we welcomed three lovely young individuals to the studio for the occasion of some tasty Senior Pics! Up first on the agenda was Ricky – let’s take a look at a sample of his snaps!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

February Michael!

Next up on our dance card yesterday was a visit from new friend to Otis & James, Michael (he has the great fortune of not just being Michael, but February Michael!) The reason for his visit was to get some super-deluxe Senior Portraits, and get some super-deluxe Senior Portraits he did!

Michael brought in some impressive weaponry (not to mention some impressive results from this weaponry), and we got some cool, cool snaps. We want to thank Michael for taking time to come down here today, and want to thank his group of assistants for helping us out as well – especially for the emergency dress shirt/tie delivery! Well, enough of my rambling, let’s move on to some pics – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Our Weekend got off to a great start (well…in all acutality it was a two o’clock in the afternoon, but I – and James too – have never been much of a morning person(s)) with a visit from the ever lovely Megan, and her faithful assistants (Mom & Friend – I’ll just call her friend, I’m sure she has a real name, but at this moment, it has escaped me – so friend it is)!

The cause for this good fortune to fall upon us??  Well, none other than Senior Portraits!  Megan was a treat to work with, and our time together was a treat for us as she couldn’t have been any easier and friendly to work with!

We want to thank Megan and her entourage for coming such a great distance to be with us this afternoon – we truly loved working with you!  So, enough of all this talk, and let’s move on to some snaps from the day – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


On this past Tuesday a man by the name of Jeff and his faithful assistants (Ma & Bro) stopped by the Otis & James Super Center for a little photographic fun! Indeed, that description makes it sound like we are a studio still living in the seventies, and that somewhere in our logo there should be some really bad clip-art of a camera with something crazy popping out of the top of it – like a bird or something zany like that. Rest assured, fellow bloggers, this is not the route that we will be taking.

Getting back to our ‘photographic fun’, it was indeed for the taking on this pleasant afternoon. Jeff was in fine form, ready to set the dial to eleven, and it truly showed! Jeff was awesome, and his family was a pleasure as well. We would like to thank this group for making the trip to ot-ja land (ot-ja, I like indeed!), and we will now offer up a steaming hot plate of photographic fun for all – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


This past Saturday we welcomed to our studio Lucas and his and his gang of Lovely Ladies (Mom, GF and Aunt)! Good men usually come with good women, and this was true all around – Lucas was great to work with and everyone couldn’t have been any easier to work with!

We had a great time working together, and Lucas tore it up crazy style in the photographic department. We would like to thank one and all for making a little Otis & James time for us, and would now like to gaze at the goods – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Tiffany…The Conclusion! (TNSP v.5)

We had a pleasant conclusion to our exciting day here ot O&J Central, as we were paid a visit by another old friend (remember, they’re not old, just old friends) Tiffany!

We had the mission of completing the studio portion of her Senior Portraits, and do just that we did (that was Yoda-esque.) As usual, she was an absolute dream to work with, as were her special guests (Mom and Friend)! We took the studio, dumped it upside down, and spun it around again and got some totally sweet snappy snaps (that’s professional photographic lingo that means ‘photographs’ ((like my use of the single quotation marks!!))). That was a punctuation nightmar.

We thank Tiffany and her posse, or crew, or gang, or whatever you would like to be called for taking the time to visit us this fine evening, and would now like to offer up some of the photographs (or snappy-snaps – whichever) – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors