Gabe & Nina

This past Saturday, the Otis & James Caravan of Love pulled out of the Minot Station and headed west…all the way to a place called Williston! Why, you may ask, did we do such a thing? Not just for the crazy antics that road trips make, but also to partake in the wedding of Long… Continue reading Gabe & Nina

Categorized as Weddings

Milt & Tara

Two Fridays past, Otis & James had the honor of working with our old friends Milt & Tara – and guess what…it was their wedding day! We have had a great time working with this lovely couple leading up to this day. It never ceases to amaze us how quickly the time moves, as it… Continue reading Milt & Tara

Categorized as Weddings

The Family Gifford!

This evening we had the great goody goody pleasure of working with none other than the Family Gifford! They were absolutely fantabulous (not really a word) to work with, and our session just flew by as we had all sorts of fun! Just look at the pictures…seriously…just look at the pictures and you will know… Continue reading The Family Gifford!

Categorized as Portraits


Check out the new tab up at the top of the winow (in the header, as they call it in web worlds) called Blogcast! If you click it, you will be taken to a new area of the site where we will keep all things blogcast (and I’m not calling them podcasts since you can’t… Continue reading Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes!