
Check it out. I’m gonna tell y’all something, and it’s good. It’s a story. Now, I know your sitting there in your comforable land of blog thinking that the last thing that you need is another story from good ol’ Otis. I know you see me as that one Uncle that you see at all the holidays that tells the same story over and over and over again, all the while you’re sitting there smiling and occasionally nodding your head, and wondering how much longer it’s going to drag on for. I promise you, though, that this one is new.

This story is about a totallyawesomesenior that just happens to call herself Lauren! Now, I’m not sure that saying she happens to call herself Lauren is correct, or if she calls herself that because this is the name on her birth certificate. Either way, that’s not what the story is about. Alright, I will admit I got a little bit sidetracked, but I’m back on now. So, as I was saying, this is the story of how Lauren came all the way from the far far away land of Bismarck, just so she could behold all things FunCenter!

Ahhh shucks, Lauren, we can’t tell you how much this meant to us! We know that going from B-Town to Minot isn’t how it’s usually done, but you did it with style my friend…with style! She busted on through the doors of the FunCenter and showed us the true meaning of superaweseomeseniorsnaps. We had been confused about what this really meant, but she totally cleared up any misconstrued ideas that may have been out there.

Quite simply, my dear friends of the Land of Blog…she totally and completely rocked, and need I say more? I think not. I think it instead be the time that we give MuchLove to Lauren & her lovely assistant (Mom) for making the trek to M-Town, and to all of you out there in your townhomes in the Land of Blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


YO. Check it out, my people of the blog. I bring you good tidings, and some supersweetseniorsnaps taken by the one and only Keith! Now, we came into this session thinking we were going to have a good time, but what we didn’t realize is that not only weren’t we just going to have a good time, we were going to have a…wait for it…a great time!

Now, I wish that I could tell you how a session goes from good to great, it just kind of happens. Like when Santa brings the presents. Or when a bird flies. Sure, there might be some sort of an explanation, but do we really need to know the reason for everything, or can we just take it at face value, and accept it for what it is. Which in this instance is sweetness to the power of 10. That’s a lot of sweet. A lot.

There is one of two things that we can do here. The first would be for us to continue down this road of me typing up all sorts of crazy words in a feeble attempt at writing, or we could put all of these words to bed and just look at the samplesnaps…the colorful and happy samplesnaps! What’s that? You say enough of the words? Well…alright then. Without any further delay, I present Keith – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


What could be more wonderful than working with the stunningly beautiful Leah?

Hmmm…let me think. Nothing. Nothing could be more wonderful!

You see, from time to time we have the good gosh great almightly pleasure of working with talented individuals such as Leah, and we cherish these times when they come. I mean, not everyone can pull off what she did during her shoot.

For example, I could have put on those glasses, and taken a couple of cute shots, but there is no way that I could have put on the glasses and the dress and have had the same results. I know this because I have tried. And the photographs were…how shall we put this…well, they made people feel weird inside. So, there is indisputable proof that only the occasional gifted individual such as Leah can pull off a shoot like she did!

She breezed into our lives, and she breezed on out. She was a total professional, and we would like to thank her for giving some of her sweet and prescious time to the FunCenter! I know how hectic a life can be at that age, so we really appreciate it!

Well, enough of all these words, let’s just take a couple of seconds to say MuchLove to one and all for stopping down here with Leah, and to all of my people of the land of blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

The Family Perrin!

Seriously now.

I want you to take a look at these sample snaps (not until I tell you when) and tell me that The Family Perrin were not totally and completely tearing it up in the FunCenter! What I think I am trying to say in that hastily worded sentence was that the doors to the FunCenter opened on up, and we welcomed The Family Perrin, and they said to us, “We’re here to rock. Are you ready to rock?”

To which, our reply was that we most certainly were. But again, looking at these samplesnaps (I didn’t say when yet…wait for it), and you will know this. Well, I think that I have made you wait long enough, and we should now gaze lovingly at the absolutely wonderfully fantastic Family Perrin! Without any further delay (OK…when) – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

The Siblings Cabral!

Are you ready to rumble? Are you ready to tear it up? Are you ready to throw it down, and get all up in our crazy bizniss? What’s that? I can’t hear you! Louder! LET ME HEAR YOU SAY IT…BRING ON THE SUPER RIGHTEOUS SWEETLYSWEETSNAPS!!!


Alright, now that we’re amped up to where we should be, let us now get to the matter at hand, which is the fact that at some point in our recent history (remember, I no longer follow what you people call a ‘calendar’, instead I tell the day by the bottle that I drink…no…wait…that’s Bon Jovi, and he tells the town by the bottle he drinks. Like, if it’s Evian, he must be in Kalamazoo…but enough about one of the greatest wordsmiths of our age, Mr. Jon Bon Jovi) we were visited by none other than the Siblings Cabral!

Now, normally I would title this post the ‘Children Cabral’, but that seems kind of silly now, doesn’t it. They really don’t strike me as being children anymore. I guess that I could have called it ‘They Humans Sharing The Last Name Cabral’, but that seems a little impersonal. Either way. They came to the FunCenter, and they totally tore it up!

Having worked with the every lovely Casey previously, we knew that it was gonna be good, and good – my friends – was what it was (whoa…that sentence is pushing the boundaries of understandable, and is quite possilby moving into the territory of unintelligible.)

ManyThanks & MuchLove to this lovely group for spending a little bit o’ quality time in the warmth of the FunCenter, and to all of you out there patiently waiting for more samplesnaps in the land of blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits


Well, I suppose that it’s time to let all of our peeps in the Land of Blog in on a little not that well kept secret. You see, come Mid-February the FunCenter is going to be moving…but only just up the street to 17 South Main. Literally, same side of the street and everything, just South of our current location by half of a block. I’m going to give you all out there a moment to let that one sink in.

Alright, you back with me? Good. Now, I’m gonna give you the details. We are incredibly excited for this move! It has been a long time in the planning, and it doesn’t even seem real that we are this close to it actually happening. It has long been our desire to attain a studio space which we would be able to create to our specifications, and be the sole tenant. At the same time, we wanted to remain in the downtown district, as well as have a strong store-front presence. This new studio will allow us to achieve all of these goals.

This is an exciting time for us, and this move will only continue to allow our business to grow. This move, however, would not have been possible without all of our clients, and their belief in us! The past four years have been amazing, and all of our expectations of what our little business could do have been exceeded – and this is all because of you!

The state of the Otis & James is stronger than ever. We share a deep commitment in continuing to grow our business, improving and expanding our services, and most important – we are committed to the Minot community. We can’t wait to see what the future will bring, for all of us!

Well, enough of all these words, and let’s take a look at some photographs of the new FunCenter. They are in order from oldest to the most recent, and they are offered with no particular explanation as to what they are. A little mystery never hurt anybody, now did it. We will continue to offer updates leading up to the move, and we will be working to ensure that our transition to this new space is as seamless as possible. Please check back for updates.


Matthew ‘Otis’ Bieri & Jamie ‘James’ Rennich
Otis & James Photography, LLC

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Let me tell you about Luc, in comparison to me.

He dresses better than I ever will.

He charms the lady-folk more than I ever will.

He has more hair than me.

He knows how to work it, I just know how to work small electronics.

Luc…your future is bright!

MuchLove to you and your personal assistant (Mom) for giving us some of your sweet and prescious time (we know how crazy your calendar is), and let me be the first to tell you…dang man…you rocked it up down at the FunCenter! MuchLove to ya, and to one and all stone cold chillin’ tonite in the land of blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

The Family Barta!

I tell you what, People of Blog (POB’s), part of our job is getting to know many different people. Seriously, did I just type that sentence? Jimminy Christmas, an opening sentence like that is from the worst career day speech ever given to a sixth grade class.

Hello students. My name is Otis, and I’m from Otis & James Photography, and I am…as my name implies, a Photographer, or – as I like to think of myself – a ‘Moment Capturer/Dream Giver’ [ed. Visualize air quotes]. Part of my job is getting to know many different people. Do any of you like knowing people? Hands? Come one now, raise your hands…none of you like knowing people? Alright, well, moving on…

Really. That’s just plain depressing. Let’s start this thing up again.

We’ve had the good gosh greatly sweetly pleasure of working with the children of this lovely family over the past year or so, and now it was time to work with the entire beautiful bunch! They all knew the way to the FunCenter, the only difference was that one and all were getting in front of the camera this time! How exciting!

We had wondered where the children of this incredible group got their sweet skillz from, and once we started working with the whole group it quickly became evident that the skillz had been handed down from the leaders (notice how I didn’t use the world ‘elders’…thank you very much…but then again, ‘leaders’ makes it sound like they have been elected into power…hmmm…may have to rethink everything…not now, but at some point), as the children were good, but the whole group was fantastical!

MuchLove from all in the land of Otis & James to this sweet fam for taking some time to pay us a visit, and to all of you sitting by the warm glow of your computers out there in the land of blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

The Family Stehley!

We’re almost gonna have to fire up the WayBack Machine for this one, as I’m pretty sure that it occured in another year (but I’ll spare you…I know how the smell of exhaust makes you feel ‘weird), but instead I’m going to ask you to visualize a time and a space that we had the sweetlyawesome good fortune of working with the one and only Family Stehley for some super sweet FamilySnaps!

Guess what. No, I’m not pregnant. Nope. Didn’t meet the Pope. Alright, I’m tired of your guesses, so I’ll just tell you: They rocked!

We had a wonderful time working with this…wait for it…wonderful family, and we would like to spend a couple of words now thanking them for stopping by the FunCenter and giving us a little bit of their sweet and prescious time! Without any further delay, I present The Family Stehley – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits