SweetlySweets Good Times With The Family Spear!

Do you ever feel like your experiencing what is commonly known as déja vu? For example, right now, do you feel like you’ve traversed these words and images of blog before, perhaps you knew who it was you were looking for, perhaps you didn’t even know why it was that you were coming here. Perhaps you stumbled upon the blog and liked shiny pics, or maybe you were sitting there at your computer hitting the refresh button over and over again in hopes that this next time would bring the post that you had been waiting for.

Come to think of it, maybe this is all one big case of déja vu, and we have only momentarily slipped away from our normal existences and have been running in a paralell existence whilst our normal life keeps up with us, albeit we do not know – or for that matter can not even comprehend – what it is that is occuring, in the same way that I’m pretty sure nobody out there (or for that matter, nobody inside of my head ((that’s me)) can comprehend this sentence…well…perhaps some of our more ‘far out’ ((and I do love to use the quotes when describing people – if you were sitting right here next to me as I was speaking this, you know I would be doing some serious air quotes…AHH YEEEEEEAAAAAH…AIR QUOTES! LEMMEEE HEAR YOU HOLLA FOR AIR QU…um…I’m sorry about that…I don’t know what just went on there…lemee see now, where was I…oh yes, we need to get out of these double parentheses…and here we go)) citizens of blog will be sitting there in their ((and just how much do I love using ‘their and there in the same sentence!))) sweet bean bags putting some serious ponderance upon what it is that I have just written, but that’s just the minority, and once Aqua Teen Hunger Force comes on, all ponderance pretty much stops) can really understand what it is that this sentence, or paragraph – if you will – means. So we will stop and move on.

Yes, The Family Spear stopped by our studio, and it felt like a good ol’ case of déja vu, as – once again – they were totally and completely awesome to work with! But, dear citizens of blog, you already know this, because absolutely every single one of our clients are totally and completely wonderful to work with (yes, it is normal if you start drowing in the cheese that we are currently swimming in), and The Family Spear is no exception to this! Now, we shall put all of these silly words behind us, say MuchLove & ManyThanks to one and all for stopping by the FunCenter, and to you – my dear friends of blog, I say this – Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Radio Flyin’ with the McIver Kidz!

Attention! Attention! May I have all your eyes and ears to the front of the room if only… if only for one second…

Kind of stole that from a song, but you get the drift. Now that I look up at that, there isn’t really a room in BlogLand. I suppose it’s because we’re kind of virtual… and cybernetic. [Warning! Bad Milo corny pun ensues!] Then again, we could have rooms… made of firewalls! Oh wow. Did anybody get that? Maybe four of you (see you at the next Mathematics & Logistics Meeting guys!). That was so bad I could taste it and it was delicious.

Moving on.

I’ve always had a thing for Radio Flyers. Yes, I’m speaking of the wagons, not AM/FM flying devices that you made up in your head as soon as you read that. For some reason I think they are extraordinarily neat and wish I had one right now. Techincally I do, from when I was little, but my mom uses it to hold potted plants… enough said. I also like the movie Radio Flyer, at least I remember liking it. All I remember is that Elijah Wood was in it and I think it was sad (this is not to be confused with a silent flim called The Radio Flyer made in the mid 1920s. Not even sure what that one is about (AM/FM flying devices?)). The point I’m getting at is that when the McIver Kidz made their way to the studio a little while back, they brought one! They rocked it, worked the camera with it, and even relaxed in it. It saddens me to think chances are I won’t fit in a Radio Flyer. Maybe that’s my new goal —

Find out if there are, or develop, adult sized Radio Flyers. Okay, no more about me and my goals. Ladies and gentleblogs, the McIver Kidz! Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

MHS Prom SuperSweet Extravaganztastic MegaCore GoodTime FunPost!

Hark ye, Citizens of Blog! I come to you with joyous news! No, Benjamin D. did not get a robot arm, and Jamie Di’n’t sign nuthin…NO NO! The news I have is much more better (or, as we used to say back in the day, ‘bettah’)! And yes, I do know that calling something more better is not really how one should go about with proper grammar, but this news is so exciting that I can think of no other way to describe it! Ladies & Gents…here goes!

This past Saturday, the Otis & James FunCenter for Fun and Robot Foot Studies (O&JCFFARFS) opened up its doors for the second annual MHS Prom Extravaganza! As usual, it was all things goodly great, with a side of ranch, and wrapped in love! We had a wonderously fantastic time, and wish that Prom could be every day of the week, but then what would be special about it? All deep philosophical questions aside, we would like to thank everyone for turning out in the rain, and we would like to give ManyThanks & MuchLove to all of our PrommyPrommers, and to our faithful of blog!

AND…just a reminder…the full gallery of pics will be going up this Saturday, so don’t be calling up Kinzey Poo Poo & Benny Boo Boo with your questions until then!

OK, now here comes the tricky part, in just a second, you are going to see a link that says something like ‘Continue reading (TITLE OF POST HERE)…’, and I would suggest that you would click on it, because when you do, your computers are going to explode with the hotness that is, MHS Prom 2007!

Yeah Yeah Yeah.



All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Musings

Goodie! It’s Jeanette… with a bicycle!

Jeanette, a friend to O&J and the owner of a new bicycle! This isn’t any bicycle either. This is one of those situations you see in the movies. The situation where a store owner says “I’ve got what you’re looking for in back,” he disappears for a while and then returns with exactly what you were looking for. In the movies though, it’s usually drugs, firearms, potions, dwarves, or knock-off purses.

Luckily, this is reality, and not the movies. In reality, when a store owner goes in back, she returns with an astonishingly beautiful bicycle! Jeanette was excited, to say the least. She sped to the FunCenter immediately to show it off (cycling happens to be in her family; her mother is a famous bicycling spokeswoman for a major sports store chain). Queen James just happened to be out and about with her camera, so it was meant to be that she capture the essence that is “Jeanette & Bicycle.” She loves it so, just as much as I love my ’79 Skylark — that’s a story for another time though.

Here’s a little tip, if you’re ever going to a superhero presentation and pick up your friend that loves bicycles, MAKE SURE the garage door is closed. Because if it’s not, and it starts to rain, the rain could blow into the garage and get the bicycle damp. Then you’d have to call your mother and make her drop whatever she’s doing and make her promise to close the door.

Just a tip.

Enough said. Here she is, the lady of the hour with the bicycle of the year :: Jeanette!


Categorized as Musings

Prom 2007 :: Installment 1

We have to apologize to all prom-goers that came to the stu-stu-studio a while back. We said their blog post would go up in a week — it’s been a bit longer. As you know, Old Man Otis and myself run the Center For All Things Blog [CFATB]. About two weeks ago, we were both sitting at our terminals, doing things of the bloggish sort, when our alarm started going off.

[Note: This is not to be confused with the SIREN that goes off when a blog of EPIC PROPORTIONS needs to be started. For more on that visit The Gypsy Andrea High-Five Edition!]

This alarm meant the CFATB had been breached! We armed ourselves with a leaf-blower and rake to discover that Team James was trying to take over. A scuffle ensued. Kinzo took on the Old Man Otis, and I took on Queen James. I was too distracted with James to see what was really going on with the other two, but I know that Kinzo has a mean scissor kick and things weren’t easy for Otis. As for the Queen and I, I distracted her with shiny objects and tied her up with extention cords.

In the end, Team Otis succeeded, of course. We sent the ladies back to the World of Pictographs [WoP], and out of the World of Blog [WoB]. The point that I’m getting at, is that in the confusion of the scuffle, things went every which way but loose, and the first installment of Prom 2007 got put at the bottom of a pile for no good reason at all. To make up for it, I’m going to say sorry, and tell the tale of how the prom-goers showed us an amazing time. They came all “gussied-up” as some say, ready for their pictures to be taken. We had everything from couples, to groups, to cheerleaders… times were a rockin’!

In all honesty, I was jealous. So what did I do? Myself, Emily Monstah, and Kinzo gussied ourselves, and even had our supersweetsnaps taken! Thank you prom-goers, for fitting us into your crazy cool night… and sorry about the time it took, but we all know how Team James can be! Good day to all of you out there in the WoB and Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Here They Are… Jadee & Gage!

I don’t mean to complain or anything, but Kinzo has a waaaaaaaayyyy nicer office chair than I do. I mean… it is fancy pleather of something. It has a tall back, chrome frame, I’m committing one of the deadly sins by even saying this, and that sin is known as envy. Why am I bringing this up? Well, the Old Man is in my chair and Kinzo is in the Queen’s chair, leaving me in Kinzo’s chair. I thought to myself, while I’m here, I’d get that off my chest.

I’m done now.

I’ll take the rest of my time here to introduce you to two fine kids by the name of Jadee & Gage! They are siblings, in case you thought they were cousins, second cousins, a young engagement couple, married, arch enemies, friends, superheroes, college roomates, high school sweehearts, strangers, partners in crime or anything else if that nature. I have a feeling they most likely are partners in crime and siblings, but I’ll leave it at that. Gage came ready to go with a tool belt; his sister didn’t for some reason, which escapes me. If your brother had a tool belt, and was bringing it to the FunCenter, wouldn’t you run out and buy your own?

I guess not, but my opinion isn’t that great… my idea of a good time is endless hours of Batman the Animated Series and the consumption of dried cranberries. Fortunately, Jadee rocked in her own right, without the need of a tool belt. It was a rocking, wrenching, all around good time with you guys — please do come back!


All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Grant & Jack!

I bet with just reading the title of this post, you know these pictures are going to be downright great. And it’s true. Jack and his brother Grant woke up one morning, looked each other in the eye and said, “Want to put the Fun in FunCenter?” Called us, scheduled and appointment, rented a hovercraft and zoomed over. Hard to believe? Well it shouldn’t be! Below are the pictures to prove it!

If anyone ever needs tips on how to put “Fun” in “FunCenter” — look these two up. It takes just the right amount of laughter, smiles, rocking, schwazaam, magic, all star, and in this case… brotherly love! I’d have to say the highlight of the shoot was when Grant did a handspring over his brother, but looking back I’m pretty sure I made that up. I wouldn’t put it past them though, because like I said, they are pretty much amazing. It’s probably best I wrap this up so you can get to the goods. Before I go, I have to give a big shout out to these two and say “Thanks!” for popping down to the FunCenter in that dead sweet hovercraft (and thanks to the two lovely ladies that also attended, it was great!)

All right I’m done! Enjoy!

All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

(Drum Roll Please) Nicole & Tony!

A Good Morning to all of you that frequent the blog! And by frequent I mean that you daily get on the Monorail of Blog [MoB], drink blogalicious beverages (whether that be coffee, soda pop, juice, water or whatevs… it’s up to you), associate with other bloggerites, get off the MoB, and then enter BlogLand to truly take it all in. So, for all of you frequenters, you’re in for a treat. As for those of you out there that are new to the blog (I heard there were 3 of you) I couldn’t see a better way to start than with

Nicole & Tony!

You see, it’s time for a Life Lesson from Milo [LLfM]. When a man loves a woman, and a woman loves a man, they get together, and say “hey you! Wanna, like… spend the rest of your life with me?” Usually it’s a resounding yes from both parties and there is a big extravaganza called a wedding. Everything gets all official and your friends and family show up and it’s just one of the best celebrations ever.

With that said, it should be no surprise then that Nicole & Tony decided to do just that! Except at their wedding they had fire-breathing dragons, the world’s strongest man, an Arnold Schwarzenegger impersonator, a team of flying lemurs, ABBA, a roller coaster, 27 trick bike professionals, and FIREWORKS. Pretty crazy right? Thankfully, the two were able to sneak down to the FunCenter with their wedding party in the midst of it all for some good old-fashioned photographs! They were either really happy because

A) They had just gotten married


B) They REALLY thought that the Arnold Schwarzenegger impersonator was hilarious

I’m going to go with B (I heard he got into a scuffle with the team of flying lemurs) but you can decide for yourselves! Here they are, the two I’ve been telling you about… Nicole & Tony!


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All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings

A Little Bit Later, With Kimee & Nathan!

Now, my old chum Milo seems to be up and at ’em on a night so late, but there’s one thing that he needs to understand, and it is this: even though he is young and agile with the words, his good ol’ Uncle Otis has been doing this for almost as long as he’s been alive. Midnite? Ain’t but a thing. One? Just getting warmed up. Two? Now, that’s when the goods start goin’ on. But instead of talking about these skillz with the words during the late nitey-nite time, me thinks it an opportune time to talk a little bit about a wonderful coupld of o&j peeps that we like to call Kimee & Nathan!

Hear ye Hear ye, fellow People of Blog! I come to you with goodlygreat news! The reason that I’m hittin’ (I’m not quite sure what the story is with me not wanting to include any of the g’s, but I think it has something to do with the time of night that this is being written. Apparently, if it is after midnite I no longer think it truly all that vital to include this letter in much of anythin’…I mean, anything. There was one time that I refused to make left turns, but that story is not for right now, that story is for around campfires, and since neither myself or Milo has completed our safe burning course, we’re gonna have to hold off on that one…now, where was I…ummmm…I REMEMBER! Kimee & Nathan!) all you all over the head with these words is that the Otis & James Caravan of Love got to be a part of the wedding of Kimmy & Nathan! Did you hear that??!! They got married!

Alright, alright…keep it down out there, we still got a couple of words to go on this ride, so here goes. We had the truly great pleasure of working with this absolutely wonderful couple, and their equally lovely families during this past week, and we couldn’t have been any happier to have done so! Every last person that we worked with was not just sugar and spice, they were everything nice as well! Yes! I have no idea what that means, but I’m really hoping that it means something like, ‘they were all awesome, and they made our time together a treatytreat!

Well, seeing as how I’m at that point of the words where I just start making them up, I now think that it is time for us to put all of these words away, and get to the goods. Before I totally leave you, I want to give MuchLove & ManyThanks to one and all involved with this joyous day! And, to my faithful peeps of the blog that wonder what a Milo is, and why he can’t be the Mayor of Blogville, and if there is a way to conduct a recall election, I say this – Enjoy!

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All Content ©2007 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Weddings