Nicole, And Nuthin’ But Nicole!

I don’t know what that title means, but any excuse to use the word ‘nuthin” in something other than a showtune or a blues song is fabulous! Did I just say showtune and fabulous in the same sentence? Mercy, me.

Moving on, I come to you today with good news! Yesterday evening, we had the goodness gracious great ol’ time of being able to finish up the shoot of the one and only (and again, I’m sure there are more with the same name, but not in this post) Nicole!

As with the last time we worked with her, she was totally and completely awesome, and everything that she did was totally and completely awesome! In fact, it was awesome to the power of 15. And if you know anything about awesome and math, that is an unfathomable amount of awesome.

But I don’t want to bust your brains open with all of this talk of math, we can save that for boring ol’ school (no offense school, I’m just basing this off of my own experiences…I think I’m digging a hole here, and it’s time for me to get out), let us now take a minute to say thanks to Nicole for stopping down on an evening so fine, and to all of my peeps keepin’ it real in the land of blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Ryan, Flying Through The Air With Skill & Ease!

It would appear that we have found the person that can fly.

I don’t know who it is that we should notify, but this – at least to me – seems like pretty big news. There are all sorts of people that can walk, or run, or sit, or stand, but I only know of this one that can fly. And there are like, 100,000 people out there in the world, and to be the only one that can do this is some pretty crazy stuff. Like, the odds must be one in a million or something crazy like that. I mean, I’m not mathemetician or anything, but I think that my estimate may even be a little low.

So, I’ll just leave it up to you, the collective you that is out there, and not currently sitting at my kitchen table, to figure out what to do. What I am gonna do now is thank Ryan for stopping down to the FunCenter, and for being a gem, a real gem to work with. And seriously, Ryan, when was the last time you were called a gem? A’ight. Let’s forget all of these words (they are all disposble, you can’t take them with you when you’re done), and get to the snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


We continued with our SuperSummerSeniorSnaps with a visit from from none other than old friend of Otis & James, the lovely and talented Heather! I say ‘old friend’, because we have had the good pleasure of working with her before, and because her older sis was one of the very first peeps to have their SeniorPics taken by good ol’ O&J. So she’s family…la familia! That’s I-talian for ‘Family’, in case you were wonderin’.

So, just because we’ve worked with her before (and she rocked then), and her older sis was the originator of the O&J rock, this by no means means (too many means, but I don’t know how else to do it, so just bear with me) a guarantee that our time together was going to be one that was filled with tons of awesome snaps. Well, should I leave all of you out there in suspense, or should I let you know what the verdict was…suspense…suspense…drama…intrigue…and the verdict is…not good, but we’re talkin’ totally awesome!

Let me be clear with you on that, she was totally freakin’ awesome! We had a great time during our short stay with Heather, and we would like to thank her for being such a treat. Hip Hip – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Carly, Why You Gotta Be So Good?

Huh? Can you tell me? You’ve set the bar too high, and I don’t know what we’re gonna do about that. Everyone else is gonna have to try just a li’l bit harder when they enter the doors of the FunCenter for Fun and Cereal Research. Do you see what you’ve done? You’ve let the Genie out of the bottle…you’ve opened Pandora’s Box…You’ve gone through a red light in the middle of the night when nobody is around…you’ve altered the very fabric of existence that we thought we had known about seniorsnaps. But that’s OK.

And do you want to know why this is OK? Because it had to be done, and we’re just happy it was you that did it. Oh man, our time with you was awesome, and it was sad when the time came for you to walk back out of the doors of the FunCenter. Carly giveth, and Carly taketh away. But that’s how life goes, we’re just happy we got to spend a little bit o’ quality time with you – you rocked!

I could go on and on and on about this, but I think that I would just make people irritated, because I will be delaying them as they venture to the land of samplesnaps to see what it is I’m talking about, so we’ll just say thanks for rocking so tough. And to all of you out there in the blog of land reading this, you rock too. And to one and all – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Ladies & Gentlemen…it’s Adam!

Our Monday past kept on keepin’ on the vibe of all things good with a visit from new friend to Otis & James, the man himself…Adam! We had the good golly great pleasure of working with brother of Adam this last year, so we knew from our past experiences with brothers & sisters that Adam was going to be good to work with. And guess what, all of you out there in blogland, he did not disappoint!

He had a ton of great ideas, and wasn’t afraid to try anything…this is what we call the perfect subject (which kind of makes it sound like we are performing experiments back in the Studio o’ FunCenter, but even though it looks dark & mysterious, I assure you that there are no experiments, other than my attempt at making a fully working robot from empty pop cans and old Star Magazines…so far I only have two legs made out of popcans with pictures from the magazine ripped out and taped all over the ‘robot’, but I think that it is only a matter of time until I achieve AI.)

Back to the matter at hand, and that’s Adam. What can I say about him, other than he was a blast to work with (as was his assistant and long time friend to O&J, Mom!), and we got some supergreatsnaps! But why just look at these words and be content, when just a few short words away there is proof of my statements. So – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Monday Morning, Kristian Rocking.

Do you think that we could ever just leave one of these posts at the title only? Like, we could just have the title of a wedding post be ‘Bob & Samantha Got Married’, and that would just be it. Or for a Senior, we could have ‘Robert Will Graduate, And Here’s Photographs’.

I think that this new ‘Straight Ahead’ system will really revolutionize ‘the blog’ (what’s the dilly-yo with me and quotation marks lately?) You see, you would be able to skip over all of these muddled attempts at getting a point accross, and just go straight to the snaps. I know I’ve said this before, but I know that all of you are here for the snaps, and I’m just amusing myself with all of these characters.

Again, for example, if this new system was in place for this post, we would know that on this past Monday morning, the doors of the FunCenter opened up and who should walk into our lives than the man himself, Kristian. And instead of putting on an album of Kenny G (no offense, KennyBoy), and being kind of bunk, he rocked. And when you rock, everything is good.

When you rock, it’s all good.

So, let me know what you think, and while you’re thinking about this new idea, how about we take a moment to thank Kristian for stopping down, and to all of you all of you all out there in the land of blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Rocking…Brett Style.

If there was a song that would have been specially written for our conclusion shoot for the one and only Brett, the song would be called, simple…Rocking.

Because this is the only thing that Brett knew how to do…Rock. And the act of Rock is called, ironically, Rocking. I’m not even sure if ironic is the best word to use, and i know we’ve been down this road discussing what really is ironic, and how so many people think they know what irony is, but they’re really sadly wrong. But we’ll get ’em. Alright, let’s get back to Brett.

Our Sunday past couldn’t have come to any better of an end, and it’s all because of Brett and all the hard work he did during the shoot – we’re only as good as our subject, and today we were awesome. I’ll let you do the math on that. Much Love to one and all!


All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Listen Up Y’all…It’s Hailey!

Hailey, Hailey…where do I begin? Where should I begin to tell the story of our time together down here at the FunCenter for Fun? There are just so many things that I could go on and on and on about, and even though I’m sure that all of you all out there in the world of blog would love to see me type and type and type until your eyes are about ready to fall out of your heads, but I’m not gonna do that.

No, I think I’m just going to throw some thoughts out there. Here’s one: Hailey, you straight up are a rock star of the highest degree, and it is us that should be paying you for the honor to take your picture (now, I will still take your money, so don’t expect any sort of a refund.)

Here’s another: You worked the shoot like a pro – you knew exactly what to do and when to do it.

Yet, another: I asked you to make me proud with the rest of your shoot, and you delivered…big time. And big time is a lot. More than just normal…it’s ‘big time.’

You know, I could throw these thoughts out there all day about our time, but I know why all you all are here, and it’s not these crummy words. You’re here to see if Hailey is able to back up all my braggin’ up I’ve been doing about her session. Well, there’s practically no reason to even look, because are there really any doubts that Hailey was going to rock it up?? Heck no!

Alright, enough of all this insanity, let’s just think about this: Hailey, you rocked, and we had a great time working with you (it seems like we’ve been working together all summer!) Thanks be to you for being so awesome, and to all of you vagabonds out there in blogland – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Sunday morning. What does this term mean to you? Does it represent the quiet start to another week, filled with coffee, a big breakfast and the Sunday paper? To most, this may be the answer, but to a certain person that goes by the name of Jason, Sunday morning means it’s time to tear it up on some good ol’ fashioned SeniorSnaps!

He wasn’t gonna take any time for your lazy Sunday activities…oh no. He was gonna get down to buisness and show us just what we really mean when we throw out terms like ‘awesometacular.’ Let me be the first to tell you this, my fellow bloggers, he tore it up, and threw it down, and then tore it up again. Do you got that? He TORE IT UP AGAIN! Now that’s just straight cra-zay.

Mucho Thankos (that’s Greek) to Jason for being so goodly great to work with, and to all of you warming yourselves by the gentle glow of your computers – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Our week of working with nothing but the finest that this town, or any town, for that matter, has to offer continued with a visit from the one and only Christina! And to what did we owe this great pleasure too, you ask??!! Well, she came down to get some awesomelysuperseniorsnaps, and I’m here to reassure you that do just this she did!

What does this mean to you, the average blogger? It means that you are about to look at some truly wonderful snaps of Christina! I mean, there could have been some OK senior snaps, but Christina would have none of that. You see, she was not going to settle for anyting less that perfection, and if you take a sneak peak just a little bit below this gabfest that I’m in the middle of typing, you will see what I mean.

So, instead of continuing to bore you with all sorts of mundane things, I will just now take a second to thank Christina for being so wonderful to work with – you rocked! And to all of you sitting patiently in blogland – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors