I don’t know what that title means, but any excuse to use the word ‘nuthin” in something other than a showtune or a blues song is fabulous! Did I just say showtune and fabulous in the same sentence? Mercy, me.
Moving on, I come to you today with good news! Yesterday evening, we had the goodness gracious great ol’ time of being able to finish up the shoot of the one and only (and again, I’m sure there are more with the same name, but not in this post) Nicole!
As with the last time we worked with her, she was totally and completely awesome, and everything that she did was totally and completely awesome! In fact, it was awesome to the power of 15. And if you know anything about awesome and math, that is an unfathomable amount of awesome.
But I don’t want to bust your brains open with all of this talk of math, we can save that for boring ol’ school (no offense school, I’m just basing this off of my own experiences…I think I’m digging a hole here, and it’s time for me to get out), let us now take a minute to say thanks to Nicole for stopping down on an evening so fine, and to all of my peeps keepin’ it real in the land of blog – Enjoy!
All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography