
Our Monday Morning got off to a righteous start with a visit from the totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally totally…uhh…I’m sorry about that…All work and no play makes Otis a dull boy…but where was I…mmm..ahh yes…the totally and completely rocking on all levels Amanda!

She didn’t just stop down here to hang out in the office for a while whilst the busy bees of Otis & James did whatever it is they do when they’re not taking pictures (mostly eating Pop-Tarts and braiding eachothers hair.) Ohhhhhh no, she came down for some totally righteous Senior Snaps (which is what they are going to be called next year, just so we can hear parents call us up and ask us how much an order of the ‘totally righteous Senior Snaps’ costs), and let me assure you, my fellow bloggers, totally righteous Senior Snaps was what it was that we gots, got it??!!

We had a great time as we ventured here and there, on the quest for the best (I am so like a poet that didn’t even know it, but filled to the brim with Velveeta.) Our time together was all to fleeting, but the results were fantastical! Big thanks to Amanda and her/our assistant for the shoot, ‘Super-Cousin’. At least I think that’s what her name is. It might start with an A. Whichever, I like ‘Super-Cousin’.

Alright…Ready then..Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


Thursday evening was a treat. Not just because it’s one day closer to Friday, THE BEST DAY OF THE WHOLE WEEK…YEAHHH FRIDAY YEAHH!!!! Uhh…sorry for the freakout, but back to what I was saying; Thursday was a treat because the one and only Shannon stopped by the FunCenter (and that name is seeming freaky at the moment) for some Super Sweet Senior Pics! Hooray!

I could continue to tell you about how awesome the shoot was, or about what an absolutely beautiful evening it was, but that would just waste too much time as we tried to get to what it is that all of you are here for (how about that sentence), which is the sample snaps!

So, instead of all that, I will just say thank you to Shannon for stopping by the FunCenter (still strange sounding), and – Enjoy!

Categorized as Seniors

DYTYCJLMLT v.11 :: The Holly Edition

This past Tuesday ended with a visit from the superwonderlisciouls Holly, for some spectacular Senior Snaps! Let me give you the straight dope on this, I’m not going to sugar coat, or try to use a bunch of fancy adjectives, I’m just shooting straight on this one: Holly totally rocked it up on the shoot. Straight up.

I mean, I could continue to blather on and on (in a way that many of you out there in the land of blog are familiar with) about this, that, or the other thing, but I think that we would not be doing justice to the awesomosity that is the photo-graphs of Holly. Does that make any sense? What I’m going to say now will.

We thank Holly for being such a total and complete rock-star, and would now like to offer up some sweet sweet sample snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

DYTYCJLMLT v.10 :: The Kyhlie Edition

Believe it or not, our time machine of time traveling back in time is only going back a few days, all the way back to a time that we call this past Tuesday, and the reason why we are going back in time…you ask? To visit a new friend of Otis & James that goes by the name of Kyhlie!

Words can not begin to describe the total amount of awesomeness (again, not sure if that is a word, but I don’t play by the rules, because I’m a renegade, got it?) that occured during our all too short time together! We would like to thank Kyhlie, and her assistant (I will just call her ‘Friend’) for coming down to the FunCenter on this fine fine day. Without any further delay, let’s get to the snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

DYTYCJLMLT v.6 :: The Jon Edition

And the hits just keep on comin’, one right after another on hot rockin’, Otis & James. Up now, the smooth sounds of Jon…

Our Tuesday Tuesday past continued with a visit from a family member from one of the O&J original clients, the younger brough-ham of Kasey – Jon – for some sweetly rocking Senior Snaps!

As was to be expected from a member of this family, he was totally and completely awesome to work with; fun, easy like Sunday morning – this was our man Jon. We gots the goods, and it’s all because of his ease in front of the cam-er-a. We would like to extend to Jon & his entourage (sis & Ma) much thanks for coming back to the FunCenter and spending a little bit of quality time with us. But really, did you come here to read a short story, or to look at some pics – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

DYTYCJLMLT v.5 :: The Kelsey Edition

Now, you didn’t think that we had forgotten about y’all again, did ya?? Ooooooooooh Noooo – we just had to take a little bit of a break and hunker down in the Otis & James Nest of Rest in order to recharge the creative batteries (Duracell, in case you were wondering.) But we’re back again…now let’s see..where did we leave off…ahh yes…KELSEY!

This Tuesday Tuesday past (that’s two Tuesday’s ago for those of you playing the home edition) we started up the day with a visit from the wonderfultacular Kelsey – as she (and her lovely assistant) stopped by the studio to make some sweet sweet Senior Snaps (which with a title like that seems like it might be some sort of a food item similar to a ginger snap, but it’s not)!

It was a beautiful morning, and guess what – we got some totally righteous photo-graphs of Kelsey, as we visited all sorts of super sweet locations around town! We had a great time working with her, and instead of wasting any more time with all of these meaningless words, we would like to give you some meaningful photo-snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

DYTYCJLMLT v.4 :: The Mikayla Edition

Could there be any better way for us to conclude a day that with the return of the gracious and lovely Mikayla, for the conclusion of her Senior Snappy Snaps! We gots a little on the rain/wind/bleak tip the last time that we attempted to go outside, but we were greedy and didn’t share with the general viewing audience the goods from the studio segment of the shoot.

No, we decided to hoard them until we had a chance to complete the deal, and this Monday Monday ago we did just that. All of the players were there, and we just picked up where we left off. Except this time, it was all sunshine and birds singing! Well played, Mikayla…well played.

We would like to thank Mikayla and her assistant (Significant Other) for taking a couple of days and opening up a little bit of what we like to call ‘O&J Time’ (which is strikingly similar to ‘Hammertime’) for us so we could get some sweetsweetsweetseniorsnaps. But really, is anybody even reading this, or are your eyes just moving blankly across the screen until you get to the snaps? Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

DYTYCJLMLT v.3 :: The Paige Edition

We keep on rocking. We keep on rocking because we are able to join up with super-rockers such as Paige, for some sweet sweet Senior Snaps. Paige came in here, made sure we had nothing but tube amps, righteous distortion, and vintage gear. Once she was able to attain this, the jam began.

We played all the hits, from Desperado to Free Bird, Layla to Sweet Home Chicago. Let me tell you this, she took what could have been an ordinary every day performance of ‘Otis & James…Live at the FunCenter’, and made it into one of those once in a lifetime gigs. Hendrix at Woodstock style (everyone says they were there, even though there were only a few thousand people left by the time he took the stage…same old story…same old story.)

What does all of this mean??? Even I don’t know, but what I do know is that a couple of Mondays ago, we were joined up by Paige, and we had a great time working with her (we hope she had a great time with us, but we’ve opted against having post-session interviews.) Seriously, enough of the pablum, and on with the pics – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

If It’s Friday, It Must Be Erin!

I don’t know if we told Erin this while she was hangin’ out with us this past Friday (and again, I’m talkin’ ’bout the one a week ago, not this one – and I’m not quite sure what the title of this post means, but it looks good up there), but the three of us have something in common. Can you guess what it is? No, it’s not that we have all been to Electic Ladyland, and it’s not that we all like chopped liver on a cracker. Nope. In fact, I’m pretty sure that neither Erin or James have done those previous two things. Do you got it yet??

Well, here goes: we all have the name Erin (or in my case, Aaron) in our names!! She’s got it on the front end, we’ve got it in the center. CRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAZZZZZZZZZZYYYYYY!! Seriously, what are the odds of something like that? Astronomical. Because of this, it seems more like fate than coincidence that Erin came down to the FunCenter for some sweet sweet Senior Snaps last week!

We had a blast working with Erin, going to all sorts of cool places, and getting some awesometacular shots in the process. Much thanks to Erin & her lovely assistant (Mom) for coming down and spending a little time with us, and we would now like to cut out all of this word mess and get to the goods – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

It’s Stefanie…Y’all…and Don’t You Forget It!

Going back again inside the Otis & James Time Machine (the exterior of which is painted pink, the interior covered in wall to wall green shag carpeting, and the walls are painted in various shades of turquoise and what could best be described as a lime-like color…I think…we really need to have the interior person come back and explain to us just what kind of a feel it is that we are going for here, as I was thinking that we would have more of that stainless steel futuristic thang, but I guess I’m not on the same plane of consciousness as they are), we find ourselves having an awesome conclusion with a visit from our deluxe new friend, the always lovely and talented Stefanie!

She, along with a merry band of assistants came to the studio, literally, ready to rock (as evidenced by various rocking and/or rolling instruments), and it brings me great pleasure to announce that indeed, both rocking and rolling occured – and it was done in style!

Our time together was all to fleeting, but we will always have these photo-graphs to remind us of what once was…ahhh…the power of the photo-graphs. Never misunderestimate them. A huge thank you to Stefanie for the visit, and now, instead of continued words strung together in a ramshackle way (is that a word??) in order to conjure up some sort of a sentence, I suggest that we go instead to the colorful part of the post – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors