Nathan…January Nathan! (TNSP v.3)

This past Wednesday we were paid a visit from a new friend to Otis & James (we can never have enough friends), Nathan! As their are multiple Nathan’s out there in blog land, let’s think of this Nathan as January Nathan – but only think of him on the blog as this, in real life I’m sure that he would just like to be known as Nathan.

We had a great time (actually, it was more of the James & Nathan show as Otis was scampering to and fro most of the time), but James assures me that they did have a great time! Well, I think we need to put our eyes to rest from looking at all of these letters, and we should move on to looking at pretty pictures – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Heather…One More Time! (TNSP v.2)

This past Tuesday we had the great pleasure of working with our old friend (that makes it sound like she’s old, but I promise she is not) Heather!

She came down to the studio for some good old fashioned photo-graphs, and even brought along a special guest star (also known as brother, or for those of you that practice the ancient art of kool, you could say brough-ham!) In addition to this studio rocking, we also visited another old friend – the white bridge! It made us nostalgic for the summer days of many senior portraits. Soon, my friend…soon we will return.

As is her standard practice, she came here and completely and totally rocked it up, and we found out that this art of rocking is genetic as her brother (brough-ham) is also versed in the ways of rocking. Instead of talking about it, let’s just get to the goods – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


What can we say about this man (it sounds like I come here today to eulogize him – is that how you spell that?  I’m going to trust myself for the time being and hope that my fact/spelling checker ((I’m looking square at you, Britt)) will correct me if wrong) other than it was totally and completely awesome working with him today!

Michael has been a long time viewer/contributor of comments to the blog, and we feel like we have known him all our lives (or at least since the first shoot of Andrea – which actually occured about six years ago…or something like that), which made the shoot totally and completely sweet.  We thank both Michael and his special assistant/neighbor Amanda (and I may be wrong with that name, because I only asked it about 15 times – and this is after we had spent a semester of class together – let’s hear it for brain cells) for making our time together great!  Enough of all this madness, let’s get to the snappy-snaps – Enjoy!

All Images ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


For the first time in a long time, O&J Central was honored to have an actual Senior – this one going by the name of Cassie – come through the glass doors of the Super Studio! It seems like just yesterday that we would spend every day trudging through all sorts of inclement conditions to deliver the goods (that sounds strange, but rest assured it is all good.)

Well, today we did it all over again – and miracle of miracles the weather today was totally and completely rockin’! I swear, it was like 80º and sunny…or it felt like it – but it was indeed Sunny! This, however, was not the only thing shining – our new friend Cassie was shining bright as well!

She had a ton of great ideas, and she truly kicked it up about seventeen notches here in the Fun Zone in order to make her portraits awesome. Well, seeing as how even I don’t know what it is that I am writing anymore, me thinks we need to just move on to some sample snaps from the day – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

DBDBCU v.7 . Jon Edition

It seems like it should be called THE Jon Edition, but I hate to break with style – what to do??!! Putting this quandry aside, this afternoon we were joined by our new friend Jon and his assistant (Mom) for some good ol’ fashioned Senior Portraits! It seems like just yesterday that we would run all around this great region with Seniors in the back of shady automobiles in search of the perfect sunset…how time flies.

I will tell you this – scheduling a shoot in December can be a touch and go sort of thing, but today was absolutely gorgeous! I think that it was something like 68º (or maybe in the mid forties – something like that), which isn’t an everyday occurence the day before the day before Christmas. Jon and his assistant were great to work with, and we thank them for making the trek to see us today. We hope that the movie was good (I hear that Kong destroys all of New York and becomes President of the world, or something like that), and we offer up some pics from the day – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

DBDBCU v.6 . Shawna Edition

This past Wednesday evening we were again joined by an old friend – this time it was Shawna! Take a look at her other posts here and here. As you can see, she is totally and completely a dream to work with! So it was with great excitement that we (actually it just started off as being a solo Otis shoot – I bet some even wondered if still know how to use a camera) came into this evening!

As usual, Shawna was great, and her special guest star (Dad) was great as well. We thank them for this thrilling conclusion, and offer up a snap from the evening – Enjoy!

Image ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

DBDBCU v.4 . Andrea Edition

After 16 months of photo shoots, we at Otis & James were sad to conclude the Senior Portraits of our dear old friend Andrea this past Wednesday afternoon. When we started this odyssey, the internet was some sort of a crazy myth, gas was $.85/Gallon, and the times were easy (or actually hard, but we all loved hard work as it brought out more of our rugged individualism.) Plenty has changed since these days, but one thing has remained true. And that is Andrea.

Through it all, she has bee a rock of good poses, excellent outfit changes and good friends (i.e. Michael)! You can find this in her previous posts here and here, and you can find the same thing in this, her final image of the shoot. Our time was spent playing in the snow, and she was (as usual) totally awesome! Come winter, spring and fall, there will always be Andrea, and for that we thank her – Enjoy!

Image ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors


We had the great pleasure of working with Ashon this past Wednesday. He, along with his lovely assistant (Mom) stopped by our studio – the occasion being some Senior Portraits. They had a ton of great ideas, and they couldn’t have been any better to work with. We thank them for coming down to play, and the results were incredible. I’m just going to stop typing now and show you the proof of that statement – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

Nathan On Ice

Next up was our old friend Nathan (you may remember him from this classic post), the occasion being the completion of his Senior Portraits! We made the trek to Rugby to get these super snaps, but the result was worth it!

We thank Nathan for letting us play on the rink (I mostly laid on the ice, and then it looked like I had an ‘accident’), and we will now move on to the photographic proof – Enjoy!

Image ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors

MM . The Josh Edition

As I typed the title to this post, I almost left off the word ‘Edition.’ In fact, I did. It momentarily was just called ‘ The Josh.’ I really liked it; it seemed powerful, Donald Trump-esque. But after consideration, I thought that perhaps just calling it ‘The Josh’ would make it seem like we had been visited in the Empire of Otis & James by some sort of a Senior Robot – and this was not the case.

Instead, this past Friday we were visited by our new friend Josh, and his faithful assistant/GF Lexi! We had a great time together – we visited the part of the building that smells like bad Chinese food (just tell yourself that’s what the smell is), Jamie had him just cover up the ‘ans’ in ‘Titans’ for some reason only known to her, and I can safely say that fun was had by all (or at least I had fun, and that counts for something, right?)

We thank Josh and his assistant for making the trip to see us, and want to show just a smidgen of the sweetness that was had – Enjoy!

All Images ©2005 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Seniors