Jessica & Cameron!

Even though we are currently in the midst of Holiday Portrait Madness, from time to time we still manage to have the good-gosh-great-almighty pleasure of working with the very people that helped build the Otis & James Empire (OJE) into what it is today…and that’s our supersweet wedding clients!

You see, my people of the blog, it’s time for a little bit of o&j history. A long time ago (and, is there any other way to start a brief history than with the phrase ‘a long time ago’?) we were just a couple of drips that had a couple of cameras. But then some real trusting people asked us if we would take their wedding photographs. And then another couple did, and then a couple of more did, and then…well…the OJE was on its way to being what it is today.

But that’s where it all started. With our wedding peeps. They have been the ones that have kept it real for us this whole time. They have been our bedrock, our foundation. Without them, we are nothing. So, it is always a great pleasure for us to work with one of these future wedding clients for the first time, during their

And, that’s just what we did with the superawesome Jessica & Cameron! They stolled on into the FunCenter, and made what we like to call, sweet photographic magic happen! We had an absolultey wonderful time working with this fantastic couple, and we can not wait until the main event (their wedding, for those of you not on the up and up with me lingo.)

ManyThanks & MuchLove to them for stopping by the FunCenter on such a fine evening, and to all of you out there in the land of blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Maureen & Danny!

More so than pre-marriage counseling and all that jazz that goes with it, the real test as to whether or not a couple is meant for eachother can be found here, at the FunCenter for Fun.

We don’t have a fancy machine that tells us this. We don’t have a fortune teller predicting the future. We don’t have some sort of a new-age guru sitting around ready to dispense advice at a moments notice (as it turns out, I actually applied for and got that job). Nope. We don’t got none of that.

What we do have is a studio, a camera, and some lights. You see, we turn these things on, and take some picto-graphs of the lovely couple, and we can tell you the answer right there on the spot. Because, you see, the couple that photographs well together is the couple that stays together. Think about it. If you find a couple that is in love (wow…did I just say that…did the blog just become some sort of a weirdly emo place?), I defy you to find a photograph of them in which they look like they are experiencing discomfort at the situation. No no. Every one – even though they technically may not be as sweetlysweets as ours are (did you see me pat myself on the back right there??!!), they are still wonderful, because there is nothing but love love love, sweet love going on!

And that’s what we had during our visit by the everlovely Maureen & Danny! We had a wonderful time working with this lovely couple, and now is the time for us to give some love to them for stopping down to the FunCenter, and now it is the time for you to look at the sample snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Vince & Laura!

I can’t wait for their wedding.


I can’t.

I wish it could be next summer now.


Look at these two.





I will have to wait.

But I will have these sweetsamplesnaps to temper my impatience.

Vince…and Laura…you guys rock. Straight up. Holla at ya. MuchLove.


All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Tom & Pam!

Our Monday Monday past came to a lovely conclusion with a visit from new friends of Otis & James, none other than Tom & Pam!

I know that all of you, my faithful bloggerites, are smart…smaht people. I know this because you are a bloggerite, and by default that makes you smahhht. So, I will not test your patience in taking you through all sorts of twists and turns, playing with your digital emotions and what not, just to wind up at a place in which we find out that the reason that this wonderful couple came down to the FunCenter was for some SuperSweetEngagementPics, and we had a fantastical time working with this lovely (I need to find another adjective…I know…but lovely is just so perfectly lovely) couple!

Instead, I will just tell you that we had a great time during our SweetSession, and we can’t wait until the main event (and for those of you that don’t pay attention, that means their wedding), which will be here before we know it!

Well, the hour is late, and you really must be getting to the part when I say goodbye and let you look at the pics (or else face a rebellion from the Bloggerites, and I would rather be the benevolent King than the one that is rebelled against), and call it a day. So, it’s Tom & Pam – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Cale & Brianne & Caden Too!

This past Sunday evening, our rare day of sun at the office continued with a visit from the lovely couple Cale & Brianne, and special guest star Caden!

What, oh what was the reason for all of this photographic aweseomosity to be occuring, you ask? It was for the sweet sweet of our new friends to the FunCenter, and perhaps even a family pic or two! And, this being the part when I calm all of your nerves out there and reassure that we did indeed do just what we set out to do, I will not be breaking from tradition, and I will again be letting you know that did do just what it was that we set out to do!

Yes, yes! I know that this last sentence doesn’t make sense, but if I were to begin speaking sensically now, I fear that you would think that your cool Uncle Otis had been replaced by the Otis 7000 SuperRobot. This is not the case. It is me. The Robot has been ordered, but it will mostly be answering the phones, and making lame jokes, and burning inscense, and reclining in his chair, with his Diet Coke, with his feet up on the desk, whilst engaged in phone conversations. Whereas, the real Otis will have much more time to devote to you, the faithful of the blog. It’s what I like to call a Win/Win situation.

So, you need to clear your minds of all this useless information and instead focus (did you get it, a photo-graphic joke!) on the matter at hand, which is this lovely family, and their superlovely picto-snaps! MuchLove to one and all for making it down to the FunCenter, and to all of you out there in the land of blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Fred & Kristin!

And then again, on this Wendesday Wednesday past, we were visited by the superlovelycouple that shall from this moment forward (well, this may be a little much, I mean, I didn’t name this couple, they came to us pre-named, and I’m taking a little bit too much creative license, and again, I apologize to the National Council of Creative Licensing for not abiding by the guidelines they have set out for me. I can not pretend that I actually created a couple, helped a couple get together, or performed a wedding ceremony for a couple. Again, to my fans – the people that pay my salary – I apologize. And to my family (I was raised by wolves) bark, arf arf, bark) shall be known as Fred & Kristin!

They came down to the FunCenter and said to us, “Check it out, Otis & James – if those even are your real names – we’ve come to town for a big ol’ batch of superawesome…and I trust that you will be able to provide us this service.”

And then we was all like, “Yeah…we can hook you up, but theres one catch…a caveat, if you will. You gotta be able to bring the skills to the shoot. You can’t just waltz in here and expect us to make the magic, the magic has to come from within.”

After a few moments in which all of us tried to comprehend what it was that was going down, we knew that it was time to enter the studio, turn on the lights, put a freshie card in the camera, and let the magic happen. Rest peacefully, dear readers of blog, because not only did this couple bring the skillz, they also brought the freakin magic. Both. Right here. Dang.

So, we’d like to take this moment to thank this wonderful couple for stopping by the FunCenter, and we’d also like to thank all of you out there in the cyberspace that stands between us for being the glue. Again, I have no idea what this means, but I’m really feeling this, too. Well – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Ryan & Jenice!

On this Wednesday Wednesday past (I’m not going to start up the WayBack Machine, as it is currently in the shop being pimped out…dayum!), our day come to a wonderful conclusion as we were visited by a wonderful couple that goes by the wonderful (whoa…I think that I may have just committed a flagrant abuse of the word wonderful there…I need to apologize, first, to my fans, because they need to have role models that will not let them down like this, and secondly, I need to apologize to the National Adjective Council, because even though they have warned me of the dangers, or pitfalls, of being part of such acts, I blatantly disregarded their instructions and went right ahead and thought that I could use ‘wonderful’ three times in the same sentence. We need to move forward from here, but I doubt that we’ll ever be the same…) name of Ryan & Jenice!

Ahh, man, I’ll tell you something…this loverly couple were simply splendid to work with, and the truth of this, shines through the sample photo-graphs that are waiting just a few more sentences away. But we gotta wait just a little bit before we get to the goods, as we have to take a little bit of time to thank Ryan & Jenice for stopping by the FunCenter for our sessionofsnaps, and I’d even like to thank all of you shining stars out there in the land of blog for going the distance with me. I don’t know what that means, but I really feel it. So, with this in mind – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Josh & Nichole!

All you all ready for a little trip back into the O&J WayBack Machine??!! I know it’s been a long time, but I think that it’s time for us to fire it up again. It’s back from the shop, and I just had it detailed, so I don’t think the ride will be that bad…except for the fact that it still has the Captain & Tenille 8 track stuck on play…but, I really think that they’re about ready to become hip again. Sometimes I think of myself as the Captain, and Jamie as Tenille.

Alright, let’s travel all the way back to a land, space, and time that we shall from hereafter refer to as being not this past Wednesday, but this Wednesday Wednesday past. “Why Uncle Otis, Why are we putting our lives on the line like this in this crazy WayBack Machine with this awful 70’s music??!!” the children of the blog were asking.

“It’s so we can be a part of the superfantastical of the one and only, the couple that shall be known as Josh & Nichole!!”, replied Uncle Otis, as he turned up the volume on the 8 Track just a little bit louder. Nothing relaxes UO like the sweet sounds of C&T.

Man, I’ll tell you something, brah…this couple owned their session. The totally owned it. They were incredible. They were fantastical. They were magical. It was as if we had gone to their FunCenter, and we were lucky that they let us into their world for one brief moment. And then, before we knew it, our time together had come…and gone. But we’ll always have some supersweetsample snaps, so – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Nick & Ali!

Sometimes, you love working with a couple so much, that you ask them to come back for a second time. This was the case with the überlovely Nick & Ali, as we loved our first time with them so much that we pleaded (or is it pled…is that even a word? Ahh man, where’s me proof readers when I need them most…) and begged (there’s a word that I know how to use, as a good Otis always knows when it’s time to beg…good Otis…sit…stay…) them to come back for one more round at the FunCenter For the study of Fun and Centers, currently specializing in the study of the center of creme filled cookies (FCFTSOFACCSITSOTCOCFC, for short) to get just a few more super-sweet taken.

Having worked with this totallyawesomesuperübercouple before, we knew that they were going to enter the session as total and complete pro’s (that meas pro-freakin-fessional, y’all), and they did not dissappoint us. In fact, they took the awesomeness that was their first time with us, which was 100% awesome, and doubled that. Did you hear that, THEY MADE IT 200%…WHICH IS DOUBLE!! DOOOOOOOUUUUUUUBBBBBBBLLLLLLLLLLE!

That would mean, like, let’s say you have all of the money in the world, like, all the money that anyone has ever had, it would be like taking all of that and making two of each. Now, I don’t need to hear any logic arguments from anyone saying things like, ‘Actually, dear exalted Otis, even though it is doubled, you would still only have 100% of all the money, because the percentile remains constant to the amount as a whole…’, so, to all you math dorks out there, just zip it. I don’t need to hear it. Like, I’m proud of you for being good at math, but that ain’t my bag, baby.

So…yeah…Nick & Ali! They tore it up…they rocked the house, they may have even raised the roof. That’s how insanely good they were. But enough of all this pablum that I’m throwing in your faces, let’s get to the real reason that all of you are proud enough to call yourselves ‘students of the blog’, the pics. Without any further delay, it’s Nick & Ali – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement

Jason & Amy!

…and then on Thursday, we had the good gosh great golly almighty pleasure of working with soon to be o&j Bride & Groom, none other than Jason & Amy! It was not just to wish us a good ending to an already good day…oh no…it was for some superfantatical (shout out to Amy from Billings for giving us the new vernacular…and for those of you still wondering, I’m talkin’ E-ngagement Pics!)

From our previous exchanges (that sounds pretty robotic, which I assure you they are not), we knew that this couple would be wonderful to work with. What we did not know is that they were not only going to be bringing their bright and cheerful selves to the FunCenter, they were also brought the goods. What I mean by this is that they were total and complete rockstars of the highest degree, and we can not wait until the big day so we can really see the goods.

But really, if there was a need for so many words, there would be some sort of a bag of words wating for us every morning as we leave our houses, and seeing how this is not the case, I’m going to stop with the words, and get to the snaps. Much love to Jason & Amy for being so wonderful to work with, and to all of you out there in land of blog – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement