Even though we are currently in the midst of Holiday Portrait Madness, from time to time we still manage to have the good-gosh-great-almighty pleasure of working with the very people that helped build the Otis & James Empire (OJE) into what it is today…and that’s our supersweet wedding clients!
You see, my people of the blog, it’s time for a little bit of o&j history. A long time ago (and, is there any other way to start a brief history than with the phrase ‘a long time ago’?) we were just a couple of drips that had a couple of cameras. But then some real trusting people asked us if we would take their wedding photographs. And then another couple did, and then a couple of more did, and then…well…the OJE was on its way to being what it is today.
But that’s where it all started. With our wedding peeps. They have been the ones that have kept it real for us this whole time. They have been our bedrock, our foundation. Without them, we are nothing. So, it is always a great pleasure for us to work with one of these future wedding clients for the first time, during their e.pics.
And, that’s just what we did with the superawesome Jessica & Cameron! They stolled on into the FunCenter, and made what we like to call, sweet photographic magic happen! We had an absolultey wonderful time working with this fantastic couple, and we can not wait until the main event (their wedding, for those of you not on the up and up with me lingo.)
ManyThanks & MuchLove to them for stopping by the FunCenter on such a fine evening, and to all of you out there in the land of blog – Enjoy!
All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography