Cameron & Ashley…Rock Stars of the Highest Order!

Most people don’t know that there is an order to rock stars. For example, there are your Bonos & Springsteens, and on the other end there are your Sebastian Bachs & Vanilla Ices. Those in the first category command attention whenever they walk in the room, and those of the second command attention in the same way that a car crash does.

Not that I have anything against Sebastian or ‘nilla (I think he goes by a different name now, but I’ve got not the time for getting all Wikipedia on him) – in fact, I used to really like a couple of songs from the Skid Row days (18 & Life/I’ll Remember You.) It’s just that their road has taken some different turns, and even though they have the celebrity, it only goes so far.

How do I know all of this about rock stars? Simple. I’ve had a subscription to RollingStone for a long time, hence – I am an authority about Rock Stars, and how their rank and order works. Now, you’re probably looking at these words and wondering, ‘How does this relate in any way to Cameron & Ashley?’ Again, simple.

For even though they did not come to the studio with guitars, or drums, or even a keytar, we knew from the second they came in that they were indeed, in the highest order of rock stars. They owned the shoot, they turned the amps to 11, they blew our minds with their photographical insanity. Quite simply, they rocked, and they rolled. Both. Not just one. Sometimes, it’s one or the other. This time, both.

But really, now is not the time for words, now is the time for photographic proof of these statements. So – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

In The Wednesday AM With Valerie & Tyler!

Again, we had another lovely start to our day with an early AM visit (and by this I mean before Noon) by Friends of Otis & James, Valerie & Tyler!

They thought that they would come down here and take some tough rockin’-gut bustin’-shoe-shinin’ (uh…yeah, that last one is a reach) fanatascrackticular (which is a word – look it up beezos) Engagement Photographs!

Listen, my children…if you put your ears right next to your computers, you can hear the sweet hum of perfection…coming from these photographs. But it is not us that causes this humming, nor is it the electronics that are inside of your computers. Oh no, this perfection comes from none other than Valerie & Tyler – as they made the session awesome!

And even though I was doing my best (is it alright to start a sentence with and?) to blind them with my reflectors of pain, they kept the awesomeosity flowing from their heads…does that sound good?? Kind of sounds like they may have been injured. Perhaps flowing isn’t the best word, and perhaps from their head isn’t the best spot to be flowing from. But I digress. What I meant to say was that they kept their awesomeaciousness level at full blast, or something like that. Look, they rocked – there – simple as that!!

I will leave you now with some sample snaps, and with a thank you to Valerie & Tyler for stopping by to see us – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Robbie & Carisa!

Yesterday evening the FunCenter opened up the doors to a lovely couple that just happens to go by the name of Robbie & Carisa! Perhaps you know this wonderful couple, perhaps you don’t. If you do, than I’m sure that you will enjoy the photographs that will follow my words. If not, I’m sure that you will still enjoy the photographs that will follow, and perhaps the photographs that will follow might prompt you to want to become friends with Robbie & Carisa.

Either way, there’s no way that you can deny that this fantactico couple tore it up crazy style! So, if you would, strap yourselves down, and prepare ye to witness this totally and completely sweet couple, as they create photographic majik – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Rockin’ The Monday Blues Away With Jeremy & Chelsie!

There have been songs written, references made to, and all sorts of other things that relate to the lack of love there is for Mondays. Nobody seems to like them. The weekend comes to an end, and instead of a fresh start, it seems that people view these days with a dread.

Now me, I’m not all a hater of the Monday. I’ve never really had..actually…I’ve never had a job that’s Monday-Friday, with two days of rest in which you can do all that weekend sort of stuff (go to the cabin/mow the lawn/catch a ball game/whatever.) I’ve never had that sort of thing, so I can’t really relate to the whole lack of love that there is for this day. Me, personally, I have it in for Tuesday. Dang you, Tuesday. I know what you’re up to, and someday I’ll show the world the truth about you.

But for those of you that don’t have the love for the Mons (again, this is the hip new abbreviation), I present to you a lovely couple that just happens to be called Jeremy & Chelsie! Now, you see, they came to the studio this fine morning (closer to noon, but still considered early A.M. ((and I’m not talking Amplitude Modulation)) by our standards) for some sweetly sweety sweets Engagement Photo-Graphs!

Bear witness, y’all – they were working it like a Friday. Like a Friday Happy Hour, no worries in sight – nothin’ but love for one and all! What does all of this stuff that comes in the form of somewhat but not quite linear form mean?? It means this: they rocked, and we could think of no better way to start the week! Lot’s of thanks to this lovely couple for coming on down to the FunCenter, and we would now like to offer up some proof from the festivities – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Meagan & ______! *UPDATE . IT’S REGAN!

OK, let’s just get to the point here Meagan. I didn’t write down the name of your significant other (whome we’ll call the SI from here on out), so this makes the part where I attach the title to your post a little difficult; hence the ______ has been posted, and if you would like, you could either e.mail us back with a name to fill the blank in with, our you could simply just take a Sharpie and write the name on your monitor in the space provided.

To be straight, in no way do we advise that you or anyone else out there attack their monitor with a Sharpie, I’m just throwing it out there as an idea. And of course, we bear no responsibility for any damage that may or may not occur if this method is attempted.

So, now that we have that difficult part over with, let’s get to the business at hand. This evening, we had the good pleasure of working with Meagan, and here SI for the purpose of some Graduation/Engagement type photographs!

Well, let me tell you this, Mission Accomplished. The two of you two did it with style and ease, and we would like to say thank you, congratulations, and – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

*UPDATE 5.15.06 5:18PM
We have just been informed that the name we are looking for is Regan!!
Crisis Over
Otis Out

Ash & Rachel (& Special Guest)!

Yesterday evening the Otis & James Center for Scheduling Corrections (O&JCFSC) opened up the doors to welcome none other than new friends to Otis & James, Ash & Rachel (along with a special guest) for some super-sweet Engagement/Family style snaps!

This wasn’t the first time that they came down to the studio to get this goin’, but seeing as how we were in the state this time, I think that it was the best time for them to come (we don’t know how Brittany would have been with the shoot, and we’re not sure that they would have wanted to partake in that experiment.)

They were wonderful – absolutely wonderful to work with! We had a great time, and we would like to thank this great couple for adjusting their schedule, and for coming back to the studio. We look forward to the Big Day, and for now, here’s some snaps from the shoot – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

The Levi & Kiley Edition!

Our voyage to the outer reaches of time concludes, and we are now actually back to this week – back just a couple of days to the warm embrace of Monday!

We literally drove straight to Minot, got out of the car, and met new friends of Otis & James Levi & Kiley for some swinginsnappingoodtime Engagement snaps! ‘Twas a wonderful way to get back into the O&J game, as this fantastic couple was indeed, fantastic to work with!

We would like to throw out some thanks to Levi & Kiley for providing us with such great snaps, and for also dealing with the relatively unbridled chaos that can greet us after being out of the studio for a few days (I knew we shoudn’t have left our pet monkey in the studio by himself for a week – live & learn.)

Enough of these things, and let’s get on with the show – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

The Justin & Michelle Edition!

Again, venture with us as our journey to the land of many yesterdays continues, most specifically the yesterday that occured on a Saturday that wasn’t this last Saturday, and this time we will be stopping by the righteous photo shoot for long time friends of Otis & James, Justin & Michelle!

This time, we were not in some back office up on 31st, or in some garden center…oh no…we were in the O&J Funcenter, and we were taking photosnaps of the adults! They must have been paying attention to Connor as he worked the camera during his past shoots, because they got the jams out in a big way for the shoot!

Now, even though people don’t say ‘get the jams out’ I think that all of you can come to a universal conclusion that this wonderful couple was absolutely couply wonderfuliscous in every way – and to prove my point – I’m now going to cease this searching around the keyboard in search of the correct letter in order to form a word, and am instead going to get to the snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

The Thomas & Jessica Edition

Let’s hop into the Otis & James time machine here a little bit and take a voyage back, all the way back to not this past Saturday, but the Saturday before – Crazy!!!

Why must we voyage so far back in time?? To visit new friends of Otis & James, Thomas & Jessica for some super deluxe Engagement Photographs! We had an absolutely wonderful time working with this fatastico (I’m not sure if that is even a word from a foreign land, but I’m diggin’ it for this purpose) couple, and the session was sweetly sweets!

But really, haven’t we waited long enough to see the snaps? So I’m going to break my fingers in order for me to stop typing so that you can just look at this duo. Hearty thanks to Thomas & Jessica for stoppin’ down, and – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Marc & Kayla

Our Wedesday continued with a totally awesome (when exactly did my speech and writing patterns become stuck in the awful 80’s way that they so painfully seem to be?) visit from new friends of Otis & James, Marc & Kayla!

Man, I’ll tell you something. These two tore it up – mad style! We had a great time working with this soon to be Mr. & Mrs. (remember, once you have the engagement pics taken, it’s a done deal), and as I’ve said before and I’ll say again – the couple that photographs well together is the couple that will stay together. Again, I’m actually not an expert on this or for that matter any other subject, but behind the doors of the superstudio I pretend that I am many things and that I know everything.

Back to the story, they rocked. No lie, no joke, they straight up rocked! We would like to throw a big ol’ O&J thanks their way for hangin’ a little long for us as we started out. We hope that our worst case scenarios from our wedding experiences didn’t scare you too much. In hindsight, probably not the best subject to go over with those that are soon to their big day. Just forget we ever said anything, and that we just took the pics. Well, now that I’ve got that off my chest – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Engagement