The Marquis Edition!

Sometimes you just gotta accept the fact that it’s not us that make the photosnaps rock, it is those in front of the camera that allow the rocking to occur. We learned this lesson again this past Monday, as we were visited by a young man by the name of Marquis!

He, along with his entourage (Mom & Dad) came to the studio, and he completely owned the shoot. He had a full arsenal of poses at his disposal, and he used them all! We basically just had the camera take the photos every five seconds, and let Marquis do all the rest. That’s how good he was. Dang.

A big thanks to all for coming down to the studio for the shoot, and we would now like to go to the photographic proof of these past statements – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

The Levi & Kiley Edition!

Our voyage to the outer reaches of time concludes, and we are now actually back to this week – back just a couple of days to the warm embrace of Monday!

We literally drove straight to Minot, got out of the car, and met new friends of Otis & James Levi & Kiley for some swinginsnappingoodtime Engagement snaps! ‘Twas a wonderful way to get back into the O&J game, as this fantastic couple was indeed, fantastic to work with!

We would like to throw out some thanks to Levi & Kiley for providing us with such great snaps, and for also dealing with the relatively unbridled chaos that can greet us after being out of the studio for a few days (I knew we shoudn’t have left our pet monkey in the studio by himself for a week – live & learn.)

Enough of these things, and let’s get on with the show – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

The Justin & Michelle Edition!

Again, venture with us as our journey to the land of many yesterdays continues, most specifically the yesterday that occured on a Saturday that wasn’t this last Saturday, and this time we will be stopping by the righteous photo shoot for long time friends of Otis & James, Justin & Michelle!

This time, we were not in some back office up on 31st, or in some garden center…oh no…we were in the O&J Funcenter, and we were taking photosnaps of the adults! They must have been paying attention to Connor as he worked the camera during his past shoots, because they got the jams out in a big way for the shoot!

Now, even though people don’t say ‘get the jams out’ I think that all of you can come to a universal conclusion that this wonderful couple was absolutely couply wonderfuliscous in every way – and to prove my point – I’m now going to cease this searching around the keyboard in search of the correct letter in order to form a word, and am instead going to get to the snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

The Tracy Family Edition

Our voyage back in time continues, and this time we were visited by the Family Tracy – and guess what – they were here for some supersweetfamilysnaps (which is a mouthful of letters, but we’re trying to save on our space-bar usage.)

They came here ready to rock it up on the photog front, and I’m here to report that rocking did ensue, and there might have even been rocking and rolling from time to time. I’m not sure what that means, but what I’m trying to say is that they tore it up, mad/crazy style!

We had a great time working with this wonderful family, and we would like to give the big O&J thanks to the fam for taking time out for us on this lovely Saturday! Without any further delay, The Family Tracy – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

The Thomas & Jessica Edition

Let’s hop into the Otis & James time machine here a little bit and take a voyage back, all the way back to not this past Saturday, but the Saturday before – Crazy!!!

Why must we voyage so far back in time?? To visit new friends of Otis & James, Thomas & Jessica for some super deluxe Engagement Photographs! We had an absolutely wonderful time working with this fatastico (I’m not sure if that is even a word from a foreign land, but I’m diggin’ it for this purpose) couple, and the session was sweetly sweets!

But really, haven’t we waited long enough to see the snaps? So I’m going to break my fingers in order for me to stop typing so that you can just look at this duo. Hearty thanks to Thomas & Jessica for stoppin’ down, and – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

If Confronted By a Snowplow…

The best defense is to run for your life. Run and jump over the nearest snow bank. Desperately attempt to convince your friends to join you, and then crawl back out once you realize that this was not a snowplow, and was instead a mid 80’s Chevy passenger car; all the while trying to explain that it is better to be wary the plow and be wrong, than to tempt the plow and face your demise.

I learned this lesson back in the winter of ’91 (that sounds real old-timey) with some good friends, which I had the great opportunity of seeing this past week. Mad shout out to oldoldoldoldoldold friends of Otis (and fellow students of the blog) Aisling (I’ve Discovered Your World) R. & Deb (What About Italy) K!

Now, I know to the faithful bloggerites that are out there, you’re wondering, “What does this have to do with the price of tea in China.” (which is an entirely different conversation – and I’m not even sure if that is a culturally aware expression to use anymore), but this can also serve as a bulletin to announce that after a week in which James had the great pleasure of also visiting long time blogger/Sister of James, Reba, and Otis went back to the roots of his existence for some much-needed R&R, lest we go craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazy – we are back.

Well, I’ve got a ton of posts to put up, so enough of these trips down the much loved mem-lane. We’re refreshed, not crazy, and ready to rock your socks off, beezos.

otis out

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Musings

Cole, Super-Athlete/Model Extraordinaire!

Our past Saturday afternoon kept on getting better, as we moved on to a visit from a young man by the name of Cole, and his entourage! We all gathered for some super-awesome Cole pics – and let me tell you one thing and this one thing only – Cole was an absolute rock star in the studio!

He worked the camera like a pro – easily going from formal pics, to super-action sports pics; and all without even batting an eye! We were lucky to work with this young man (and his entourage as well), and we would like to now take a look at some of these sweet, sweet snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits