The Family Undlin!

This past Monday (Holy Cow, where does the time go???) the FunCenter for the Advancement of All Things Fun (FCFTAOATF) opened up the doors and let in the SuperFantabulousticuly Wonderful Family Undlin, for some good ol’ fashioned Undlin Family Pictures (portraits always makes me think of something really stuffy, and involving a wicker chair with one of those high and rounded backs…if you know what I’m tallin’ ’bout)!

They came down ready to show this town just how it is that family snaps are taken. I can say, without doubt, that they accomplished their goals, and did it up right. We now devote this sentence to sending out a big ol’ thank you to the fam for coming down and spedning a little quality time with us, and we now would like to take a look at some sample snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Monarch, Princess of the Studio!

The title ‘Princess of the Studio’ had previously been held by our old friend, McKinzy, and before that by me, but it was time for the title to be passed down – and it was with great joy that none other than the absolutely gorgeous Monarch would be the one to carry the torch!

This past Monday morning, she came down to our studio and showed us the true meaning of being a Pricess of the Studio – and she did it with style, grace, and a respectable amount of panache! You mix all of these together, and you get yourself a big ol’ mess of wonderful – and that’s exactly what we have now!

I would like to thank Monarch & her entourage (Mom & Kinzy) for coming down to the FunCenter for these super-snaps, and we would now like to offer up some sample snaps from the morn – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Sweet Rockin’ With The Family Edwards!

With a title like ‘Sweet Rocking With The Family Edwards’, it will probably take little effort to figure out that this past Saturday, we did some Sweet Sweet Rockin With The Family Edwards!

Now, sometimes people may wonder, ‘What is all this craziness that this person called Otis is always spewing??? What exactly does it mean when he says that there was sweet rockin’ happening???’ Some may think that there are subtle undertones occuring, or that I am implying that something fishy may have been going down.

Again, don’t worry your heads like that! I assure you that when I say that there was sweet sweet rockin’ going down, I mean…let me see if I can explain this to you…it’s like when Lynyrd Skynyrd (and I had to look that up – seriously, what is up with that spelling?) is playing Sweet Home Alabama, and they’re really locked into a good groove – the guit-fiddles are blazin’, the pinano is singin’ – the whole thing makes you feel like it’s a warm summer day, and life is good! That’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout!

So…you get it?? Well, if not (and I’m thinking that most of you have stopped reading now and have just moved on to the snaps), let us do just that and stop reading now and go to the snaps. Thanks be to Family Edwards for taking a little time off from all their hard work to visit us, and – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

The Family Hammiel + 1!

This past Saturday the O&J FunCenter opened up the doors to none other than the Family Hammiel (and a special guest all the way ((at least for now)) from the great state of Arkansas!)

They were down here for some supertotallysweetlyawesome Family pics, and maybe even some with their Arakasasisian (is that what they’re called?) friend! Whoa now, just take it easy…I know you’re thinking that I’m going to complete this opening sentence with a statement saying something along the lines of ‘rest assured, my fellow bloggites, having superfantastictotallyawesome pictures they totally did’ or something like that, but I’m going to go all crazy on you and just say, quite simply – Dang. Rock, they did! Awesome they were, and sweet they are!

Mucho (that’s Spanish for much) thanks to the fam+1 for taking time out from a beautiful Saturday for us, and we would now like to serve up a steaming plate of sample snappy-snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Sunday Family Fun on Sunday, and With a Family!

As the post suggests, in fact, it may even do more than just suggest, it may just flat out inform, we spent a little quality time with the Family Kemper (and this may or may not be the correct name to go with, but I’m just going to call it the Family Kemper and hope for the best) here at the Otis & James FunCenter of Fun! And just guess what we did…come on…I know you can do it…go out on a limb here…and say…Took Pictures!!! Pictures are fun, take some today!! Yay!

I used to work at a photo lab, and on some of the packaging that we used, there could be found printed the mantra ‘Pictures Are Fun, Take Some Today!’ If any of you have seen the Manchurian Candidate (and I’m not talking ’bout the mediocre remake…no…I’m talking the original Sinatra version), you may be able to understand how I feel about that line that was drilled into my head. But enough about head drilling.

The family Kemper stopped by for some super sweet Family Snaps, and Snap Famly Sweet Super is just exactly what they did, and they did it with style! But enough of all this sludge flowing from my fingers. I suggest that we instead look beneath these words, and to a land in which photographs are fun, and we take some today – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Rockin’ (Again) With Elisabeth!

Our good ol’ friend Elisabeth joined us for another super fantasticly awesome shoot this past Thursday evening! I was thinking about leaving the post at just that statement, because what else really needs to be said about our old friend that we haven’t said before??!! I mean, she totally tears it up (when you say ‘tore it up, it sound better than this other tense, but I’m sticking with it) every time she comes through the FunCenter doors!

This time, however, we not only worked it up in the studio, but we also gots to go outside and partake in the lovely sunset that was provided us! Even though Elisabeth may have felt like the shoot was never going to end, and she may have wondered just how far out in the country we were going to take her, she and everyone else should rest assured once they see how awesomely fantastico these sample snaps are! So – Enjo!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Family Fun with the Friendly Family Horn!

Last Wednesday (I know, it’s been a week!!) our day came to a totally rockin’ close with a visit from the Family Horn! Now, I’m not sure if this is the last name of every one that is a part of this shot, I am just hoping it is. If it is not, you could easily take a piece of masking tape, block out the name on your monitor, and write the correct name on top of the tape. This is much less destructive than my previous idea of actually taking a Sharpieâ„¢ to your monitor.

Moving on, we had a great time with this absolutely wonderful family, and we would like to thank them for choosing to come together in our studio for some good ol’ fashioned family snaps! Now, we would like to present to you out there in blog world some sample snaps of the festivities – and remember…a Friend of Buck is a friend of ours…Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

The Family Gifford!

This evening we had the great goody goody pleasure of working with none other than the Family Gifford! They were absolutely fantabulous (not really a word) to work with, and our session just flew by as we had all sorts of fun!

Just look at the pictures…seriously…just look at the pictures and you will know what I mean! We love a family that comes prepared for good times, and the Family Gifford did just that – they totally took the shoot and cranked up the ‘good times’ setting to overdrive! We would like to thank this lovely family for making time for ol’ Otis & James this afternoon, and we would now like to show them and every one else some sweetly sweet samples from our time – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Golf Tips…With Peyton!

Tuesday afternoon a young man by the name of Peyton came down to the Otis & James Center for the Golfing Challenged (O&JCFTGC) to school up ol’ Otis & James on just what it is that this whole game of golf is all about…oh…and also to take some sweetly sweet super snaps while we were at it!

Learn us up, he did – he was in complete command of his game and of the photo shoot! He even invited his caddies (Mom & Dad) to join him for a couple of shots. We would like to thank Peyton and his caddies for making time for us this afternoon, and me thinks it’d be appropriate if we dispensed with all this chatter and moved right on with the sample snaps – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits

Rockin’ Out With Gannon!

Our Tuesday got off to a great start as the FunCenter opened up the doors to a visit from new our new friend Gannon (and his personal roadie…Mom!)

Our mission was to get some super great rockin’ snaps of Gannon, and let me tell you what, get some super great rockin’ snaps is what we did! What really made this shoot rockin’ was Gannon and his Guit-Fiddle (that’s country talk for Guitar) playing! He shredded the frets like a young Eric Clapton (Gannon probably doesn’t know who Clapton is, but just click here to find out more…Knowledge…isn’t it great!)

We’d like to thank Gannon & his roadie for coming down to the Super Center, and we would now like to offer up some snaps from the day – Enjoy!

All Content ©2006 Otis & James Photography

Categorized as Portraits